Katherine Howard x Reader (SIX) +~Fluff~+
Requested?: yes indeed, by @NOCTURNA2299
Title: Give and Take
K Howard's POV
As I started to remove my makeup from after the show, I startled myself by coughing. It was an intense one, worse than the smaller ones I'd been having all day. That was weird, I had probably breathed in some hairspray in the air or something. Because of the hairstyles we wore for the show, the stuff was constantly hanging in the air.
I bent over with the force of the cough, elbow pressed against my face. I could feel my face turning red and there was no sign of the coughing stopping. I was so wrapped up in the forceful coughing that I didn't even notice (y/n) (l/n), a stagehand for the show and my beautiful girlfriend, come in the room.
She walked over, rubbing my back gently in soothing circles. I flinched, as that was when her presence was brought to my attention. The coughing stopped moments later, but I was out of breath and feeling a bit weak. That was probably just from the show, though.
"Are you okay, Kitty? Let's get you out of that outfit so you can head home." She asked, and I could see the worry in her face.
"I'm fine, love, think I just breathed in a bit too much hairspray." I explained. She shook her head, giving me a stern look.
"You've been coughing all night, you're probably sick and gotten worse because of the show." She said gently. Now that I thought about it, I had been feeling pretty scratchy and under the weather. And I'd had a runny nose since right before the show, but I'd been determined to ignore it.
"I have a day off tomorrow, it's fine. You should head home, darling. I can go home by myself tonight." I told her.
"No, I'll give you two options: either you come stay the night with me, or I walk you home and stay the night at your place. Which will it be?" She asked decisively. She always was very protective, which I was glad about, but her stubbornness was showing even more than usual.
"I guess I'll crash at yours then, love. You can wait in the hallway though." I told her, playfully rolling my eyes. The statement was punctuated with a sneeze. (y/n) always told me that I sneezed like a kitten, and that's one of the reasons she called me Kitty.
"Alright. Oh and here, wouldn't want you to get cold." (y/n) said, removing her warm black trench coat, which had a pale blue zip up hoodie underneath. I smiled, rolling my eyes at her. "There's tissues in the left pocket, because you'd girlfriend is hella prepared."
With that, she left the dressing room and closed the door gently behind her. I was exhausted, but mustered the energy to get up and take off my uncomfortable outfit for the concert, and exchange it for one of (y/n)'s old oversized white tees that I'd stolen and baggy gray sweatpants. I grabbed my dirty pink sneakers and slipped them on over some white socks.
I had another coughing fit and immediately grabbed my water bottle, desperately trying to function as a normal, healthy person.
Lastly, I removed the last of my makeup and took down my hair, brushing it out and combing my fingers through it. It felt crunchy from hairspray, but still it was lovely to have it down, as a break for my poor scalp.
I grabbed my things sand slipped on (h/n)'s warm, soft coat, opening the door. She leaned against the wall, looking at her phone until her eyes shot up to meet mine.
"Let's head out." She said casually. I nodded, sniffling. I had to admit that this cold was pretty annoying.
"I'm so glad you live really close to the theater, I'm so tired." I told her, sleepy smile playing on my features. I punctuated the sentiment with a 10 second coughing fit that stopped me in my tracks. (y/n) stopped with me, and I could feel her worried gaze.
"What about I carry you?" She proposed. I looked at her, shaking my head silently.
Then, she gave me the puppy dog eyes that I could never reside.
"But (y/n) what if-" I started to fret, only to be interrupted by her finger gently pressing against my lips.
"I don't care, get on my back. I'm strong and I still have energy, and you look have asleep. It'll be fine." She assured. I blinked at her, before sneezing. We looked at each other for a moment, and I could see the goosebumps on her neck.
"But you've already done too much for me." I protested weakly.
"Doesn't matter, I wanna do more. Please?" She begged. Jeez, this girl was too stubborn for her own good.
"Fine." I grumbled. I really did want her to carry me, but I still felt bad. She always gave more than she would receive. If I tried to reciprocate, she'd refuse.
"Yay! Hop on!" She cheered, squatting down so I could climb on her back, which I hesitantly did. She grabbed my purse and water bottle from my hands to carry them, and off we went. It was late, and I refused to fall asleep. I was on high alert, but luckily we got to her small studio apartment without any trouble. She handed back my purse and water bottle so she could fish her keys from her pocket and open the door, before plopping my down on her couch.
"Now rest, baby. I'll make you some tea and some soup for a late-dinner, and tomorrow I'll take care of you all day, alright?" She promised. I stopped her, grabbing her wrist as she turned to go.
"Why do you do all of this for me?" I asked. I was sure I looked and sounded pathetic, with bleary eyes, a nasally and scratchy voice, and hair that probably looked as crunchy as it felt.
"What?" She asked quietly.
"Why do you do so much for me? You give me your jacket even though you're obviously cold, you carry me home when you're probably just as tired as I am, you take care of me when I'm sick, and that's all just things you did within the last hour. Why?" I asked. I was more awake now, simply so curious for her answer.
"Well," she started hesitantly. "Because I love you, and I wanna see you happy."
"Then why don't you ever want me to do the same?" I asked.
"I don't feel right taking, I just like to give. It's how I show I love you, and I'm perfectly happy receiving love from you in other ways. As long as we love each other, nothing else matters. And I know you love me." She whispered fondly.
"Okay." I murmured. I would have said more, but I was already half asleep.
"Sweet dreams, kitty." She whispered, getting down on her knees so she could kiss my forehead. I smiled, turning over and hugging her coat closer to my body.
"Love you." I told her, voice muffled from sleepiness and the fact that I was laying face down.
"I know, Kitty. Love you too."
(1210 words)
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