JD (Heathers) +~Fluff~+
Requested?: yes indeed, by @Animeislife5611
Title: Mr. No-Name Kid
(y/n)'s POV
I was calmly roaming the hall on the first day of senior year, just trying to get to lunch when some rando kid I didn't know bumped into me hard enough to knock me over on my ass.
"Rude much?" I spat, getting up.
"Watch it, freak!" He taunted before bustling away to wherever he was going to spend his lunch period.
I rolled my eyes and walked away, looking for where my best friend in the entire universe, Martha Dunnstock, was waiting for me for lunch. Instead I found something much more hilarious and strangely enticing as I walked into the caf.
Kurt and Ram, two notorious bullies that I hated with s burning passion, were getting totally smoked by some new kid I recognized. He was... strangely beautiful, the tall dark and handsome bad boy all those cheesy novels try to sell to you. He was pretty pale, which contrasted by his dark brown hair and long nearly black trench coat over a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans.
He was way hotter than any vampire bad boy you could write about in some weird romance novel. He was super handsome, making butterflies explode in my stomach and sending tingles of warmth spreading through the rest of my body. Was this love at first sight? Because man, I'd never seen this Mr. No-Name-Kid before but I wanted him to pull me into a rough kiss and never let go because fuck oxygen.
Then, he looked over at me and winked before punching Ram Sweeney right in the face. Martha, my best friend since diapers, came over and I felt her shoulder brush against mine; but I couldn't tear my eyes away from this sexy man punching my tormentors.
"That's a little bit violent, isn't it?" She asked quietly and I could hear the grimace in her voice. I shrugged lazily.
"But would ya look at Kurt and Ram? I know you like Ram, Martha, but it's okay to admit he's a bully and deserves to get smacked around a little bit,"
"But-" she tried to start but I cut her off.
"I mean, before you can be together he's gotta get off his high horse. Mr. No-Name Kid over there is helping," I told her, gently patting her on the shoulder.
"I guess," she mumbled, and when I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye I saw her looking down, playing with her hands in front of her. I pulled her into a soft hug and she immediately laid her head down on my shoulder.
"Movie night tonight, right? I got the Jiffy Pop if you have a good something-something to watch," I asked, and I saw her glance up at me.
"Yeah, I rented the Princess Bride again! I sure am a sucker for a happy ending," she commented softly, accompanied with a little nod. I grinned.
"Again? I mean, I know you love a happy ending but it's not the only movie with that,"
"I'm watching my ex boyfriend get beat up, could I please not get questioned on my movie choices?" She laughed. I nodded.
"I guess. Hey, let's get our lunch, the fights almost over now," I decided, leading Martha away to some random lunch line.
*Time Skip to after lunch in the girls bathroom brought to you by I LOVE PLAY REHEARSAAAAL*
After lunch, I walked into the girls bathroom to wash my hands, since my school never sprung for hand sanitizer in the cafeteria. I also had my notebook and my favorite pen on me, because I always did. We were a package deal.
"Grow up Heather! Bulimia is sooo '87," I heard an annoyed voice call, and I looked up to see Heather fucking Chandler doing her makeup next to her friend/pawn, Heather McNamara.
"Maybe you should see a doctor, Heather?" McNamara suggested into the bathroom stall.
"Yeah Heather, maybe I should!" I heard a voice from the stall, and figured it was Heather Duke, the third Heather and the third most popular, pretty, and rich girl in school.
"Ah, Heather and Heather," Ms. Fleming said as she walked into the bathroom to find them doing their lipstick. I took out my beloved notebook and started writing something down, just in case. Then, we all heard Duke vomit.
"And Heather. Perhaps you didn't hear the bell over all the vomiting. You're late for class," She said dryly, clearly showing the annoyance in her voice.
"Heather wasn't feeling well. We're helping her," Heather Chandler feigned innocent all wide doe eyes with malice behind them.
"Not without a hall pass you're not. Week's detention," Ms. Fleming started, waving her finger in the air before I hurried up to her, nearly shoving a slip of paper in her face.
"Actually, Ms. Fleming, all four of us have a hall pass, we're out for yearbook committee," I stammered awkwardly, closing my eyes while I felt the fake hall pass slip from my fingers and into the teachers'.
"...I see you're all listed. Hurry up and get where you're going," She commanded, leaving us alone in the bathroom, giving Heather Chandler the slip of paper. I could feel two sets of eyes looking at me, up and down and all around. I gulped, not daring to make eye contact.
"This is an excellent forgery. Who are you?" She demanded, taking a step closer to me and bringing her hand to my chin, forcing me to look at her in the eye.
"I, uhh, (y/n) (l/n) at your service!" I stuttered with wide eyes. I saw a half smile quirk up on her face, but it did little to comfort me.
"Well then, if you're at our service, you're gonna need to start sitting with us, don't you think?" She asked coolly, pouting her lips. I nearly gasped, trying to keep a mildly-uncomfortable-at worst-expression.
"Heather don't you-" Duke started.
"Shut up Heather! Sure she'll need new clothes, but she has a nice jawline, good haircut." Chandler commented lightly, inspecting me and making me feel smaller than a speck of dust.
"And her eyes are fantastic! The boys'll get a kick outta her, don't you think Dukie?" McNamara added in brightly, taking my arm to look at me closer. Duke stepped closer on the other side. I didn't even remember when she came out of the stall.
"Could lose a couple pounds," Duke commented lightly. I wanted to shrink away to nothing, and I hated this with a burning passion. Let me leave, let me leave, let me leave.
"Lets make you beautiful, okay?" Heather Chandler asked, disregarding Duke completely.
"Okay!" I through my hands up in surrender, so she grabbed one and started dragging me out of the school.
On the way out, it was passing period so everyone was looking. They probably thought she was dragging me somewhere to scream in my face and publicly humiliate me, and I just focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
That was, until I caught the beautiful Mr. No-Name kid in the crowd, stuffing his hands in his pockets and giving me a look that made me weak in the knees.
*Time Skip brought to you by wELL FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW*
It was the next day, when the Heathers were showing me off to the school with my new and improved look.
I was wearing blue, and I didn't really think I was pulling it off, but McNamara assured me I looked lovely. My blazer was an eye burning bright color over a tight white button up, and I wore a gray striped skirt, simple blue knee high socks, and heels that looked exactly like theirs besides the addition of blue plastic bows on the toe. It made me want to vomit.
Immediately after we walked into school, I could feel people look at me. I thought I'd shrink awkwardly in embarrassment, but I kind of felt confident. I saw girls looking at me in envy, and some guys checking me out. Ah yes, I did indeed have legs.
But of course, the only person I really wanted to check me out was that cute Mr. No-Name Kid. But he wasn't even in sight. The Heathers dragged me to the caf, despite how I really just wanted to go to class and be normal besides looking smokin' hot.
"Why are we-?" I started to ask.
"Shut up, (y/n). We don't go to class unless we actually like them, and I decide if you like them," I wanted to argue, but I bit my tongue. I had math first period anyway, and I hated math class so I guess it was fine.
We made our way, staying in our formation that they were all used to. It was weird, having to walk in a diamond shape (with Chandler in front, Duke and McNamara on the two sides, and me in the back directly behind Chandler), but I supposed I'd get used to it.
We entered the caf and I finally saw him, my handsome Mr. No-Name Kid that I definitely had a little teeny tiny crush on. Sure, I didn't even know his name, but I knew he was cool, hot, and disliked the same people as me. And who needed to know their name when you had a cool, albeit long-winded nickname for them?
My whole world was turned on its head when he looked over, making eye contact before doing that once-over that guys do. Then he looked back up to me with a smirk, even so much as sending a wink my way. I decided to be bold and blow him a kiss, which he mimed catching and putting against his heart. I nearly melted into a puddle of goo on the spot.
Damn, I was already head over heels for this kid.
(1658 words)
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