Emmett Forrest x Reader (Legally Blonde) +~Fluff~+
Requested: nope!
Title: Love Potion
(y/n)'s POV
It all started when I was absentmindedly flipping pages in my brand new spellbook and came across a potion I wanted to test out.
See, I lived in a small community of witches, just a couple people, small enough that we all went to the same "normal" schools. I recognized the faces with the same secret as me in the hallway at my high school, and we were all at least kinda friends. I definitely had my own friend group, mostly girls in my community with a couple non-magic users, but we all knew one another.
Now I didn't have a crush on anyone, but I really wanted to test this thing out. It was a love potion, and didn't look complex at all. And I was trying to learn my potions, so I figured I'd buy the ingredients and figure it out. Why not? I'd pick a random boy who I thought was nice and was kinda friends with and give him the potion, letting undying love take over his system.
Oh god, undying? The page said "undying" as in he would never move on without magical intervention.
I had to choose this dude carefully.
I thought about the guys who I was friends with at my high school, who I could give a drink (maybe a canned soda that I could reseal via a spell I learned last year?) and they wouldn't be suspicious. One who was sweet and wouldn't harass me or force me into anything I was uncomfortable with. One who maybe I could date someday, after making him wait for a while and learning to love him, so I wouldn't have to un-spell him.
And my head landed on one boy who was perfect for my little experiment.
Emmett Forrest.
He was an extremely bright and cool guy, and we frequently brought each other Redbulls during lunch or late night study sessions. Perfect. I was gonna make this thing and bring him a Redbull tomorrow at lunch, just mixing in a little of the actual energy drink so whatever it tastes like would be disguised.
So I went out to the grocery store, carrying a little post-it note with my list of ingredients. I grabbed a Grapefruit flavored Redbull, knowing that he wouldn't recognize how off the energy drink was if it was an abnormal flavor.
I grinned to myself, truly excited to see how this all played out. I also picked up the items needed for the can-sealing spell, one I used frequently. I learned it so I could prank my sister by giving her empty sodas, leaving them on her desk. She hated me by now, but it was fun.
That night, after all my homework was done and my family went to bed, I set to work on my new concoction. With all kinds of assorted fruit, spice powders, and random inedible substances, and the Redbull, I finally made it. It sparkled and glowed in the darkness, and smelled distinctly of cherry and grapefruit.
I sealed the can quietly and set it in my backpack, creeping up to my bed so I could go to sleep. I needed to get some shuteye, since it was still a normal school day tomorrow. Just one that included a fun little experience outside of science class. Which I also had with Emmett. I had a lot of classes with him, thinking about it.
Was it selfish that I'd begun envisioning how he'd start to act when he fell in love? Would he text me everyday and ask to hang out for no reason? Would he get touchier? Would he hug and cuddle me just because he was addicted to the way I felt against him and smelled? Would he get protective? Would he bicker with me playfully? Would he practically skip down the halls, absolutely glowing if I reciprocated any interest?
I was just, you know, curious.
It was hard to sleep that night, but I managed.
The next morning was nice. It was a beautiful spring day, where the sun shone bright and the weather was warm enough to not need a jacket outside school, but not hot. The classes were long and boring, but that was per usual. Finally, lunch rolled around.
I walked into the cafeteria late, as if I just now had been grabbing the potion-beverage. I got myself one of the same flavor though, so as not to be suspicious. I sat at our shared table, smiling when I made eye contact with Emmett and plopped next to him, handing him the pink-canned drink.
"Hey, figured I'd get something new to try today." I said with a shrug, handing the unopened one to him. I opened mine right after I got it, sipping on the way to the table so I wouldn't mistake one for the other.
"Thanks (y/n), I owe you one." He said with a wide grin, opening the can and taking in the scent before taking a big gulp. I looked away, desperately trying not to be obvious, but I could feel him watching me. I chatted with our mutual friend Elle, a delightful girl in pink who was the only non-magic user who knew I was a witch. I trusted her with my life, and knew when she gave her word it meant something. She rambled on and on about how her and this girl in her drama class had a nice conversation today, and how she thinks this girl, Renee was her name, might be gay.
Elle was also a raging lesbian, by the way.
I smiled at her, responding before glancing at Emmett. He gazed at me with this dazed, confused but happy nonetheless expression.
"What's up?" I asked in a light tone. He left his trance, looking down quickly.
"Oh nothing, just, you know, thinking. Got lost in thought for a second there, sorry." I laughed nervously. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Elle perked up, obviously interested in this sudden change in her best friend.
"Are you feeling okay Emmett?" She asked carefully, scooting towards him to take his temperature, seemingly half joking.
"All good! I'm just thinking about that project due tomorrow. I don't have it done yet so I gotta work on it. Uh, Elle wanna come over for a study session tonight?" He said, turning to her. She nodded, glancing to me.
"Of course. (y/n), you got homework to do? We could all hang out and study together." Else offered. Emmett turned to me with an unreadable expression.
"No thanks, my little sister has a school orchestra concert tonight, so I gotta go watch that. Ya know, siblings." I said lightly.
"We'll miss you." Emmett said softly, before clearing his throat and turning back to Elle. "But so, I'll text you when to come over and stuff,"
With that, lunch conversation continued, though Emmett was awfully quiet and sat a bit closer than normal. I had no reason to scoot away and I was cold, so I huddled closer, ignoring how it must look and focusing on how he was essentially a human heater.
"(y/n) are you shivering?" Emmett asked suddenly. I shook my head.
"No, just a bit cold is all. The school desperately needs decent heating." I answered casually, but Emmett saw past my lie and removed his light gray Greenesville High School hoodie and gave it to me. I glared at him stubbornly for a second.
"Dude I'm fine, I'm not wearing your hoodie." I told him. He gave me that look he loves to use like "I'm going to win and you're gonna let me help you dumbass".
"(y/n), you're freezing. Just put it on." He said, pushing it towards me again. I rolled my eyes in defeat and slipped it on, giving in to the temptation of warmth. He'd let me borrow it a couple times before and it was extremely cozy and soft. Emmett was also way taller than me so it was super oversized on me. I snuggled into it, smiling up at him.
"Thanks, Em. I'll get it back to you tomorrow, k?" I told him greatfully. He shook his head, eyes dancing across my face with a strangely fond grin on his face.
"No, you can hold onto it for a while. I have plenty. Plus, it looks nice on you."
I grinned up at the brunette boy, before pulling him into a gentle but sturdy hug.
"Thanks, bud. You're the best." I said, before playfully ruffling his hair.
"Then don't treat me like a kid!" He shot back with the same playful tone. I shook my head, scrunching up my nose.
"Nah, I'm good, sport." I teased.
"You're the worst. And I JUST gave you my hoodie!" He whined, his eyes dancing with mirth. An explosive laugh left me, bubbling up in my chest with joy.
"No take backs." I said, getting close, too close. I was teasing hard now, only 3 inches away from his face. I saw how flustered he became, blushing extremely red, but he didn't move away, instead waiting for my next move.
I was leading him on, wasn't I?
I came to my senses and scooted away, much to his dismay, I noticed when he slumped a bit as we went back to normal distance. I also noticed Elle watching with that one look on her face, where you could tell she was analyzing whatever was happening deeply and thoughtfully.
I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Sorry, bro. But thanks for the hoodie." I said, playfully nudging him with my elbow.
"Anytime, (y/n)." He said, before turning to Elle and starting to chat about who knows what.
Emmett's POV
I couldn't get this lunch period out of my mind as I laid on the floor, despite my bed being a foot away. Elle sat next to me, chem textbook open but discarded as she rambled about this cute girl named Vivienne, who sadly was dating her ex Warner (there was a time, shockingly, that she thought she was straight).
"Hey, can I talk to you Elle?" I asked after a lull in her rant.
"Of course, what about?" She asked. I could feel her watching me, but I just gazed up at the ceiling, my hands folded on my stomach.
"It's (y/n)." I said simply, pausing to think about how I wanted to phrase what I was gonna say next.
"Go on." Elle prompted impatiently.
"I think I might be a little bit in love with her. I've had a crush on her for years but today at lunch it just came to me, ya know? That I wanna spend the rest of my life with her." I said, soft and hesitant. She gasped, and I was tackled in a hug, with the energetic girl just laying on top of me affectionately.
"That's amazing! I've known for a while, but I'm glad you're finally with the program." She teased.
"You did not always know. And get up, I wanna breathe, Elle." I scoffed. She jumped off me, going straight next to me as I sat up.
"Sorry! But I did. It's pretty clear from the way you look at her." She said smugly. I glared at her, shaking my head.
"You did not know I loved her before I knew, little miss Woods comma Elle." I said firmly.
"You're wrong! I've known ever since that one party that I dragged the two of you to, last month. When that guy was hitting on her and you practically dragged her to the backyard for some fresh air. It was pretty obvious after that, that you, Mister Forrest, are smitten with her." She declared.
"That's not fair. You suck." I complained, grinning to myself. "But, do you think she likes me back?"
"Oh of course. But seeing as she hasn't told me she does, I don't think she realizes it quite yet. Knowing her, she'll come to her senses if we just push her in the right direction. I have an idea. I'm gonna ask if she'll come over here after her sister's orchestra concert, and I'll get it outta her." Elle said. I chuckled at her scheme.
"Do you think it'll work?" I asked hopefully. God, I really wanted her to like me. I'd never been this into anyone before, I wanted to spend the rest of my days by her side. Wherever she went, I wanted to follow.
"It has to! Cmon, you guys are perfect for each other. It's like you've found your soulmate in high school, Emmett, and you gotta pursue that." She assured me.
"Then by all means, shoot her a text." I said, after a moment of thinking.
She silently sprang into action.
"I'm gonna tell her that you're super busy doing actual work and I need her to entertain me, so get busy doing actual work!" Elle demanded, a mischievous gleam in her eye.
"Alright, just tell me when she's close." I conceded, rolling my eyes, and grabbing my AP chem work and getting to work on it. It was dreadfully boring, since I am definitely a language person, not a math/science person. (y/n) was the same, while Elle excelled in all things concrete.
(y/n)'s POV
Just as Rylee, my little sister, and I were pulling into the driveway of my house, I heard a notification go off from my phone. I chuckled at the timing, putting the car in park before turning to Rylee.
"You did great, now get outta my car." I laughed. She glared jokingly, grabbing her violin and getting out. She was a quiet girl, so she went inside without a word. I unbuckled my seatbelt, checking my phone to see what the notification was.
"Hey, (y/n)! Can you come over to Emmett's after your sister's orchestra concert is done? He's doing actual work and I need entertainment :("
I rolled my eyes at her impeccable timing before typing back a response. "I literally just got home when you sent that so sure, omw"
I re-buckled my seatbelt, driving over to see what Elle wanted. I knew it had to be some sort of scheme considering the whole Emmetts-in-love-with-me-now thing.
The drive was short, only 5 minutes, since Emmett and I lived pretty close. We basically spend all our time together, so that made it convenient.
I got to thinking on that drive, as to why I was so excited to spell Emmett into loving me, and why the romantic gestures seemed so right. It took a while to come to a conclusion, but it was one that I did not want to come to.
I liked Emmett.
Holy fuck, holy shit, oh god oh no WHY.
It all made so much sense now! I was into that dorky boy! I nearly crashed my car at this realization but luckily I was super smooth and got to the Forrest residence without damaging myself, my vehicle, or anyone else.
I headed to the front door, just opening it and taking a deep breath. We always just walked into each other's houses so this was nothing new.
"Hey, I'm here!" I called out.
"In my room!" Emmett called back. I grinned at the sound, heading through the familiar home to his room.
"So, Elle, what's poppin?" I chuckled. She grinned, patting the spot next to her on the rug to sit. I rolled my eyes fondly, sitting next to her.
"Nothing much, I'm just very bored because SOMEONE has AP chem to work on." She informed me, shooting him a passive aggressive look.
"I'm sorry I have work to do on a study-session." He sassed.
"Em does have a point. What about we go chat in the hall so we don't distract him too much?" I laughed, grabbing Elle's wrist and pulling her up. I saw the two exchange a look that showed I was doing what they already wanted to begin with.
"Yeah, sure! I have something to ask you anyway." She said mischievously.
I pulled her out into the hallway, leaning against the wall and looking at her.
"So, what's up?" I asked.
"Do you like Emmett?" She asked.
"Do I what?" I sputtered. I was gonna have to fess up to this spell, wasn't I?
"Do. You. Like. Him." She asked seriously, no ounce of humor on her face.
"Well yeah but-" I started.
"YES! I knew it!" She cheered, turning back to Emmett's room.
"But before you celebrate, there's something you should know. You know how I'm a witch?" I said hesitantly, quietly, knowing Emmett was listening.
"Yeah, what does this-"
"Well last night I found a spell I really wanted to try out and it was a love spell and... well I made it and it doesn't work on yourself, it works on someone else to fall in love with whoever made the potion. So I decided to make it and I gave it to Emmett. So he likes me but it's all fake, it was in the Redbull I gave him earlier." I confessed, looking down at the floor in shame.
"You what?" I heard from the doorway of Emmett's room. He spoke softly, and looked shocked.
"I know, I'm a terrible friend and I never even told you I'm a witch and if you never want to-"
"(y/n) I've been in love with you for years. I just was always in denial, until today when I realized that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care that you're a witch or that you spelled me, (y/n), because no matter what I'm in love with you." He spoke carefully, with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.
"Really?" I whispered, taking a step closer. He was close enough that I could wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in to kiss me, and at this moment that's all I wanted to do.
"Really." He whispered, stepping impossibly closer and placing his hands tentatively on my waist.
I closed the gap between us, on hand in his soft hair and the other moving to his chest, playing with the string of his hoodie. He smelled like Redbull and he was warm, and I was so happy.
"Yay! I knew it!" Elle cheered. We pulled away, glaring at her.
(3088 words)
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