Clyde Barrow x Reader (Bonnie and Clyde) +~Fluff~+
Requested?: mmhm, by @xXI_want_to_dieXx
Title: Friends
(y/n)'s POV
I hated Clyde Barrow. I hated him with every fiber of my being. That boy was bad news, and a total player.
He was a smug, cocky, annoying dick and it didn't matter that he was super hot, he also sucked. He'd played and cheated on a friend of mine years ago, when we were in middle school. But I never forgot. He also used to hit on me, which was really gross since who would be interested in someone who cheated on their friend?
Fuck him.
All of my friends knew my disdain for the brunette boy. They mostly rolled their eyes and laughed when I ranted about how annoying he was.
Which made it really shocking when one day Bonnie, my sister who was a year older than me, and in his grade, brought Clyde Barrow to our lunch table. She said he was her new friend or whatever.
I didn't speak a word that whole lunch period. I knew my friends were concerned, I knew April, the girl he'd cheated on in middle school, was mildly annoyed. But I was fuming.
"Why the hell did you bring Barrow to our lunch table?" I asked as Bonnie and I walked home together. She just gave an apologetic smile and shrugged.
"We started talking in our history class today, and I think you've misjudged him. Maybe he's changed since middle school, (y/n). Give him a chance." She said gently.
"Yeah but I know he's still like that! You know the rumors!" I fumed.
"Since when do you listen to rumors, (y/n)?" She chided softly. She was a very soft-spoken person, despite her love of teasing me to high hell.
"I don't normally, but when they're backed up by historical events they seem very plausible." I defended. It was very clear to me that Barrow was bad news.
"Well fine, I won't force you to like him. But (y/n), just know that he's a sweet guy nowadays. Nobody's all that great in middle school. Now, how was the rest of your day?"
We chatted like that for the rest of the way home. I was so excited to be home. It was a Friday night, and I was tired. I just wanted to hole up in my room, ignore any and all responsibilities, and binge-watch Heathers bootlegs.
I'd been doing just that until around 6pm. My parents were gone for the night and I'd ordered a pizza, so I got up to gather it.
Instead of a random dude in uniform holding a pizza, I was instead met with Clyde Barrow on my doorstep.
"Howdy, Parker. Your sister here? She invited me over." He greeted smugly, a dumb smile on his face. I desperately wanted to wipe that smile away with a punch to his too-pretty face.
I rolled my eyes, not acknowledging him besides with a glare and yelled behind me. "Bonnie, your stupid friend is here!"
She immediately came running to invite this dickweed into my house. Ugh, I hated this punk!
"Sorry about her, come on in!" Bonnie said cheerfully before turning to me. "We're having a sleepover. If you need anything, we'll be in my room. Later!" She said brightly, turning to guide him down the hall.
Now, it would be very suspicious that Bonnie was having a sleepover with a guy, but she was a lesbian and our parents were well aware, so she could have guys over whenever she wanted and nobody really cared.
I rolled my eyes, and I was about to go back to my room but my cat appeared from around a corner.
Both Bonnie and I had our own cats, and they were sisters. Mine was all black with one white paw and a splotch of white on her nose, with big green eyes, and hers was an orange tabby with eyes that matched my cat's.
My cat, Gertrude, was definitely cuter than Bonnie's, whose name was Milkshake. She gave me a look that just DEMANDED I pet her.
So being a good owner I plopped on the ground and beckoned her over, reaching my arms all the way out to her.
Clyde's POV
I realized I left my shoes on and went to take them off by the door, but on my way I was greeted with an adorable sight. I paused in the shadows to observe silently.
(y/n) sat on the floor, hands outstretched to a cat just out of reach. She had a hopeful, determined smile on her face, and she was more relaxed than I'd ever seen her.
I couldn't help but admire the beauty of this girl, whose eyes sparkles as the cat trotted up and plopped down in her lap. She was like an angel, so pure and gorgeous.
I remembered just then how much I liked her. I'd had a crush on her since I was in 8th grade and she was in 7th, was I dated a girl named April who happened to be (y/n)'s friend. I didn't handle it well, intentionally ruining things so she'd dump me and I could pursue the (h/c) haired girl.
It backfired, obviously, and (y/n) hadn't talked to me since.
But every day I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if we were in a relationship. I wondered how soft her lips would feel if I kissed them, how cute she'd look wearing my clothes and jackets that were far too big for her, how she'd look falling asleep on FaceTime as I didn't have the heart to hang up.
I'd tried to move on many times but I couldn't feel this way for anyone else. My relationships all lasted a couple months at most, because my heart couldn't bear to be in it.
And now, watching (y/n) cooing at the animal resting on her, looking so happy and comfortable in baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, I realized something.
I was in love with her.
I shook my head and turned back to go to Bonnie's room silently, but she scared me by being right behind me when I turned. She wore an amused smile, and immediately grabbed my wrist and dragged me back into her room.
She shut the door quietly behind me, obviously excited.
"Why were you watching my sister?" She asked, but instead of scolding me she instead grinned.
"I just didn't have the heart to interrupt." I told her lamely.
"I don't buy it. Let me ask again, and I better hear an honest response no matter HOW embarrassing it is. Why were you watching my sister?" She insisted. I groaned, looking at her tentatively.
"Are you sure? It's... I trust you, but it's a lot." I asked, hesitant to open up to such a new friend (and the sister of the girl I was in love with).
"Of course I'm sure. Go on, spill it! What's up?" She said gently. I took a deep breath, sighing before beginning to speak. Too late to turn back now, I guess.
"Well, I just... I've had a crush on her since I eighth grade, and I've tried to move on and it's been years. But I just realized the reason I never could move on is because I'm in love with her." I explained hesitantly, watching Bonnie to gage her reaction. To my surprise, she lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Aww, that's so cute! I'm happy for you, realizing that you're in love and all that." She pulled me into a tight hug, which I gladly reciprocated.
"Yeah, but she hates me! She still holds a grudge after all these years because I was a dumbass in middle school, and now she'll never like me." I rambled sadly. I normally would never let my guard down like that, favoring my cool ladykiller persona that I put forth, but I trusted Bonnie.
And if everything worked out as I hoped, she may be my future sister-in-law. I definitely wanted to change (y/n)'s name from (y/n) Parker to (y/n) Barrow.
It had a nice ring to it.
Bonnie grinned evilly at me. "I think you have a chance, just trust me."
(y/n)'s POV
After I'd stopped playing with my cat, I'd retreated to my room for a while. But I was getting thirsty and decided to grab some water. I opened the door to head to the kitchen, but on the way my wrist was snatched from behind me and I was being dragged somewhere.
"What the-?!" I started, before I was thrown in a dark hall closet. Just before I saw the door close and all the light leave, Bonnie's face smirked at me.
She closed and locked the door, as I pounded on it for her to let me out.
In my haze, I didn't even see Clyde Barrow standing a foot away from me until he cleared his throat.
"Oh. It's you." I said blankly. I could vaguely see his silhouette outlined in the dark room, but I couldn't see his facial expression or anything. "Bonnie, why the hell am I locked in here with Barrow?!"
"I'm not letting you out until you talk things out! This rivalry has gone on too long!" She declared.
"Parker's right. Look, (y/n), I know why you're mad at me. I was kinda a jerk in middle school, and I can explain why." He said softly. I started at him, looking him up and down in the low light. Something primal in me thought he looked hot and wanted to kiss him, but the rest of me was not an idiot and instead said, "Go on then."
"I was an idiot. Like, a huge, probably unforgivable idiot. But I didn't really cheat on April. My friend and I orchestrated this plot to get her to dump me, because right after we started dating I realized I was head over heels for you. And no relationship has worked out since because my feelings haven't exactly changed. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I fully understand if you hate me now, Parker, I really do. But I wanted a chance to tell you my side of the story." He confessed. I could hear in his voice that his words were sincere, and he almost sounded scared.
I stood there, silent, just taking in the information. Clyde Barrow, infamous player and hottest guy in school, liked me?
"...I don't know what to say." I whispered.
"It was a major jerk move, I know, so if you never wanna talk to me again I get it." He said gently. I stepped forward and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
In all honestly, I'd kinda liked him for ages. But I also hated him. It was a confusing mess of emotions, but I did what felt right.
"Look, what you did really wasn't cool, but it's been years. I guess I've been a bit too hard on you, Clyde." I said softly. We were now so close that I could see the shock on his face, and the redness that flooded his tanned skin.
"You used my first name!" He said in shock.
"I did. So, whaddaya say? Friends?" I asked good naturedly.
"...Friends." He reaffirmed.
Suddenly, I was blinded by light as Bonnie slid the door open.
"Yayyy! I'm so glad you've made up! I'll leave you two alone now." She proclaimed, and as fast as she'd opened the door she'd disappeared into her room.
I stepped out of the closet, with him following behind.
"And hey, I know you said you have feelings for me, but I don't really know how I feel just yet. Just wanted to say I'm not ignoring that part, but I think it's good to be friends for now." I said softly. He nodded, his eyes shining. I grinned at him, which he gladly returned.
"Yeah, of course! I totally understand. Care to join Bonnie and I for sleepover activities?" He asked. I shrugged, taking his hand to drag him into Bonnie's room.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
(2036 words)
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