Cady Heron (Mean Girls) +~Fluff~+
Requested?: yeetus mcscreetus yeah, by @eccyuk
Title: Hate is a Strong Word
(y/n)'s POV
I was just walking the hall at North Shore High, minding my own business and trying to get to class when suddenly something very pink was in front of me.
That something was Gretchen Weiners, the second-in-command of the Plastics. She was pretty, sure, but I didn't see the point in hobbling around in a tight skirt and taking an hour to do your hair every day. It must feel crusty, right? I was good with my hoodies and flannels, along with my soft (h/l) hair.
"Oh, (y/n)! I've been looking everywhere for you! Regina George wants you," She spoke in a major rush before grabbing my wrist and dragging somewhere that I knew I didn't really care to go. I squirmed in her grip, obviously annoyed.
"What the hell? Where are you taking me?" I groaned, trying to show my dismay at the current situation going on here. She turned and shushed me by pressing a finger against my lips gently before returning to scuttling along in her massive heels. Those things had to be 7 inches at the very least. They were bright pink death traps with glitter, just strapped to her feet. I couldn't understand the appeal.
I was brought out of my thoughts when I was dragged into the cafeteria and plopped in a seat directly in front of Regina George, with two of her little lost puppies on either side. Gretchen then scurried over to sit next to me, watching nervously and silently begging Regina for validation.
"(y/n), took you long enough," the queen bee said after a minute of staring me down. I wanted to roll my eyes but I was also a little bit terrified and like everyone else, wanted Regina to like me despite hating her.
"I was unaware of being needed, Regina," I said coldly. I wasn't going to kiss up to this girl. I knew she was a lying, manipulative bitch and I wasn't amused. I didn't plan to kiss up to this girl.
"Feisty, aren't you? Damn, you really do dress like a boy. What are you, a lesbo?" She grinned down at me with cold malice written all over her face. I, a raging lesbian, was incredibly angry but also knew that this wasn't a good time to come out.
"Oh course not, maybe I just don't care about how people see me, unlike some blondie in front of me," I shot back, with a bit of heat burning on my face. I didn't know if it was fury or embarrassment at being basically outed, but I didn't care.
"Shame, because I was going to give you a makeover worthy of making any girl you want fall for you," she said lightly, inspecting her nails.
My heart leaped at the thought, glancing over to see the girl I wanted. Cady Heron, the beautiful new girl who was super sweet and very smart. She made my gay heart happy.
"Why would you want that?" My resistance was a bit weaker now, causing a slow grin to spread across her face.
"I just love helping those in need, out of the goodness of my heart. So what do you say, would you care to look fabulous?" She asked. I rolled my eyes before spitting out a quick "Fine!"
*Time Skip brought to you by Bonnie Parker's poetry*
"Voila, you're beautiful!" Gretchen gushed, pulling away from my face. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see somebody I didn't even recognize. My hair was styled and ridiculously shiny, my face had a lot of makeup, and my clothes were tight and pink.
"Well done on your first makeover, Gretchie," Regina congratulated, giving her this look that indicated she was no straighter than me.
"Your hair is almost as shiny as mine!" Karen gasped, hobbling over to feel it. I flinched away from her hand, really not into this right now. I glanced over to Cady, who'd been silent up until now.
She looked surprised, and confused, looking like a wide eyed puppy, which was a cute look on her. I suppressed the very gay thoughts from surfacing and turned to the Plastics with a small fake smile.
"And now you're one of us. We don't give makeovers to just anybody," Regina said smugly, making my heart drop. I thought they'd be content with a single afternoon, I wouldn't have agreed if I thought there was actual commitment here.
"Gretchen, Karen, what about we leave the newbies together for a minute? There's salad in the fridge," Regina led them out, giving Cady a wink that confused me a lot.
"You look nice," Cady said after a moment of us both staring at the door awkwardly. Being alone with Cady in Regina's room was not exactly at the top of my bucket list.
"Well I certainly look different," I huffed. My feet thought this was a convenient time to wobble from the black stiletto heels I was shoved into, and I quickly moved to lean against a wall. Cady cringed, moving to stand close to me.
"So you don't like it?" She seemed upset about this for whatever reason.
"I think I hate it, actually. Why do they wear such tight clothes?"
She looked at me for a moment, with some expression I didn't understand but made my insides feel a bit like goo.
"Hate is a strong word, it isn't that bad. You get used to it," She spoke carefully.
"Why did you stay long enough to get used to it?" I asked.
"Well, I was blinded by their glamor, with the pretty colors and expensive shoes. And eventually my only friends got mad at me for wanting to please the queen bee, so now it's all I really have left," she confessed, leaving me speechless. I moved to wrap her in a gentle hug.
"You're too cool for that, I'm sorry," I apologized. She gave me a funny, disbelieving look.
"You shouldn't be sorry, it's not your fault. I... I actually should be apologizing to you," she dropped her voice to a whisper. I quirked an eyebrow, silently prompting her to continue.
"I was the one who asked Regina to get you to join. The thing is, I really like you and wanted to spend time with you but we're not supposed to talk to people that aren't Plastic so I thought that maybe if I could just get you to join, you'd like me. I know it's stupid, and I'm really sorry for causing you to deal with this whole stupid thing," she said quietly, drawing a small gasp from me.
"Well, it's a good thing that the only reason I agreed was because I like you too, huh? When Regina said I could impress any girl I wanted, all I wanted was you. We were both kinda stupid, huh?" I whispered, eyes traveling down to her lips. When I looked back up, I saw her glance down to my lips, and I decided to do something really stupid.
I moved my hand to her cheek, and the other to the back of her hair, and pressed our lips together. It was a moment before she kissed back, hands flying to my waist to pull me closer.
All I could truly comprehend in that moment was that her lips were soft and she tasted of strawberries.
When we pulled apart, I looked at her messy hair and grinned.
"You're right. Hate is a super strong word. I can't hate anything when you're around," I whispered before pulling her in and smiling as she immediately reciprocated.
(1285 words)
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