Anne Boleyn (SIX) +~Fluff~+
Requested?: heck yeah it is, by @PeggyIsAFluffball
Title: The Loveliest Eyes
-so you're at this new band called SIX's concert in London one night
-in this world people have soulmates, as shown by their eyes. their left eye's color belongs to their soulmate, and their right eye is their own
-and when you make eye contact with your soulmate, your left eye changes to match your right
-so imagine your shock when the band goes into the hall after the concert to meet fans, and when you look at Anne Boleyn her left eye immediately changes in color
-and she pales, looking like she's seen a ghost so you know she's seeing it too
-her eyes are a beautiful hazel, the kind that's mixed green and gray, at least in this lighting
-you read online about hazel eyes since you knew your soulmate had them
-she grins, and it makes you grin
-and you feel seriously underdressed for the occasion, in a white t-shirt, black leather jacket with red roses on the sides, black skinny jeans, and black doc martens
-you figured you were just going to a rock concert with your friends, not meeting the love of your life
-but the way she looked you up and down made you feel better about it
-suddenly she ran at you, pulling you into a fierce hug
-you almost fell on the ground, managing to only stumble backward a little
-"You have the loveliest eyes," she whispered, ignoring how people were certainly watching her
-"Yours are much prettier, trust me," you whispered back, absorbed in how warm she felt
-suddenly Anne pulled away, looking at Katherine Howard who had a hand on her shoulder and a confused look on her face
-"Do you know this person, Annie?" she asked quietly, looking you over
-"I'm her soulmate" you interrupted with an awkward smile before Anne could say anything
-suddenly Howard's face lightened into an ecstatic smile
-"Finally! She thought she'd never find you!" she squealed, pulling you into a hug
-you hugged back, very confused at the whole encounter
-your friends had left, and texted you that they were leaving since you drove yourself here anyway and they were getting impatient
-you shrugged them off, pulling Anne into another hug
-it was really nice to hold her, and just feel her presence
-she made you feel complete
-"What's your name, love? I just realized I never got your name!" She asked as she pulled away, eyes going wide at the minor detail
-"I'm (y/n). And you're the famous Anne Boleyn." I gave a smug smirk, and she grinned as she rolled her eyes.
-"I'm not famous, babe. we hardly even booked any sort of venue for a one night concert, I wouldn't call that famous. Buuuut, could I have your number?"
-you obviously said yes and exchanged numbers, saving hers as "Annie💚💕"
-you texted all night long and scheduled a date for the next day
-needless to say, you were both very smitten
(492 words)
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