L's Pov
I'm chilling in my room listening to the Hamilton soundtrack when I had an idea...
I'm going to kidnap- I mean borrow! The Six Ex-wives and A. Ham and Co. and Make them react to Hamilton and Six!
First, I go to the year 1533, May 23, find Catherine Of Aragon, put a cloth sack over her head and telaport her to the room of requirement.
Next, I go to the year 1536, May 19 to kidnap- I mean borrow! Anne Boleyn before her execution, I try not to die fangirling when I get there.
I telaport myself to the year 1537, October 24th the collect Jane Seymour before she dies and then I use my amazing medkit I got from getting the medic role in Flicker to heal her. (I'm so helpful!)
Time to get Anne of Cleves from the year 1540 the day and month are unimportant! I get her before Henry VIII (That shit) divorces her.
Now, It's time for K. Howard! I drag her to a portal that leads to the room of requirement.
And last, but not least Catherine Parr! January 28, 1547. I get her from where ever she's at and silently hum the tune to I don't need your love as I shove her into the portal.
Time for the HamyFam!
You don't need to know how I got Eacker and Reynolds, they aren't important, All you need to know is that they're trapped in a cage along with Henry VIII and they have their hands tied up and ducktape over their mouths.
Anyway, since I'm to lazy to say how I got them here it is:
Alex, Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Herc, Lafayette, John, Aaron, Theodosia (Senior), King George III, Lee, WashingMachineDad and Seabury are from right before the war.
Thomas, Madison, Philip, Theo (Theodosia Junior) and Maria are from right before Blow Us All Away.
I'm sipping on my orange soda and everyone starts waking up.
"Where the fuck are we?" asks Alex.
"Alexander! There are children here!" Says Eliza, looking at Philip and Theo
"Children..?" He asks
"Philip Hamilton and Theodosia Burr Jr." I say
"We're Nineteen!" They both say in union. Alex looks confused. Eh, I'll explain later.
Once everyone is fully awake, I explain (And try not to die fangirling)
"So, you have all been kidn- I mean brought here! To react to Hamilton, the musical!" I say
"They made a musical of me!?" asks Alex
"Oh yeah, they did" I say
"Oh and Alex, Eliza, Theodosia and Burr, Philp and Theo are your children" I say pointing to them.
"What!?" The four say in union.
"Anyway, for those who don't know" I look at The Ex-wives and Hamilsquad. "It's 2021 now, People have rights, there's no slavery." I see John's face light up. "You can also be with whichever gender you want and there's different pronouns, for example: They/Them, meaning genderless" I say.
"And you still haven't introduced yourself" Anne Boleyn points out.
"Oh yeah! I'm L" "Now everyone, find your seats and lets get started!"
So, How was it? Like I said before, I'm taking a break from writing Flicker stuff.
Oh, and I will be exepting guests, so, If you wanna be in this then tell me in the comments and I can add you
I'm lonley
Okay, Bye!
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