Medda's Diner (Javey/Javid)
@ReadyRougeOneleft a request with a rather long list, so I chose one!
Waiter AU, and even though I've never posted anything on here, I have an incredibly strong idea of what I like my Jack Kelly to look like in fic, and lemme tell yOU-
His name was David.
He was a regular patron who came often to the restaurant, never really talking much but always sitting in Jack's section. Race, Jack's brother-in-law, had once tried to sit him elsewhere, but David had looked so frightened Race just couldn't do it.
So David sat in Jack's section every night on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and every night Jack would try to get him to talk. He was having rather little success, but every time David smiled at him it felt worth it.
("You're whipped," was all Crutchie had said. "You are just...God, Jack-")
One Thursday night, after David was seated and sipping some water and Jack had flirted talked nicely to him and taken his order, he was introduced to a rather grosser pair of customers.
"Hi, welcome to Medda's, can I take your order?"
"Name's Delancey. Morris Delancey," One of them put his feet up on the table and Jack could almost hear Skittery screaming in the back. "And we'll have a beer."
Jack just prayed to whatever god was listening as he groaned internally. "We don't sell beer in this establishment, sir." He spat out the 'sir' like it was the hair you find on the drain. "Please pick something else, and get your feet off the table."
"Ooh, bossy. I like that," the other stage-whispered, and Morris gave out a weird half-bark noise that Jack guessed might be a laugh.
"Ha, funny. Now order up or get out." Jack's patience was wearing thin.
"You know what, Oscar? I don't think we will," Morris smirked at him. "In fact, I'm rather liking the view."
Jack felt sick to his stomach. "If you'd both please leave-"
Oscar snickered. "Nahh."
"I'm serious, please-" Jack was cut off by a voice coming from behind him.
"Leave him alone." Jack spun to find cute David from his section standing behind him. Jack didn't think he'd ever seen David stand, and Jack was at least an inch or two shorter. Though with Jack's usual slouch and David standing tall, it looked like five.
David looked legitimately angry, his glare boring into the other two customers. His hands were curled into fists at his sides, and holy shit if that wasn't the hottest thing Jack had ever seen.
Luckily, before this could escalate into a fight (or something more personally embarrassing for Jack,) Race came running with Medda at his heels, who promptly banned the two Delanceys from visiting again.
Jack lost David in the crowd and the hubbub, and once it all cleared up, all that was left by David was his payment and a mighty generous tip.
Which meant that Jack would have to wait until Tuesday to talk to David again.
Well, great.
Of course, when you're in the Larkin-Morris-Kelly-Conlon family, news travels quick, and by Tuesday the entire wait staff, all the hosts/cashiers, and a handful of cooks knew about how Jack Kelly was going to thank David and maybe ask him out to a date.
David came about ten minutes later than usual, and was sat down by Race at his usual table. Jack debated counting to thirty in his head so as not to look desperate and weird, but in the end he got to three, and wow, he was there! A miracle, truly.
"Hiya, Davey," Jack greeted him with a smile on his face as he slid into the seat across from him. "I never was able to thank you for the help on Thursday."
"Oh, it was no trouble." David was blushing and looking at his hands. Over his shoulder, Race shot Jack an overly zealous thumbs-up while throwing an arm around his husband Spot, who just gave Jack a thin smile, which Jack took to mean 'I love my husband but I am also insanely close to murdering him with a lead pipe but at the same time I would very much love to kiss him' (Jack only knew because a drunk Spot was an honest Spot, however much it sucked.)
"Well, honestly Davey," Jack looked him in the eyes and touched his hand with his. "It was a lifesaver. Thank you."
Davey coughed, and looked away. Jack internally panicked. Had he read this wrong? Was he making him uncomfortable? Oh no-
"Want the usual?"
"Uh, yeah. Plus maybe an extra plate of your favorite special."
"Comin' right up!" Jack said brightly, sliding out of the booth and writing it down as he went.
Since it was a slow night, he sat by the cook's window and turned to Sarah, one of the cooks that worked there and had been Jack's friend for a while. "Boy trouble?"
"You betcha," Jack sighed. "It's just...he's so cute and nervous, and...gah, I don't know, Sar, but he doesn't even seem to like me."
Sarah groaned. "You and my brother both," she leaned across the open counter thing. "He says he likes this one cute waiter at a restaurant and keeps coming back to try and work up the courage to talk to him, but time after time, when I ask him 'did you do it?' He goes," Sarah put on a mannerism that seemed to Jack like a well-spoken Evan Hansen. "'Well, he could just be nice, Sarah. He couldn't possibly be flirting with me,' and it's like?! If a person who is serving you is complimenting you then it's likely they like you, otherwise they would be regretting their lives while talking to you."
Jack laughed as Sarah loaded up his platter. "Well, yikes. Wish him luck for me, and wish me luck," Jack lowered his voice. "I gotta go talk to Davey."
"Good luck!" Sarah called after him.
Jack approached the table and handed off Davey's food. "Here you are, Dave. Need anything else?"
David took a minute to say something, and he still seemed hesitant to say it. "Uh, oh. When are you going on break? I wanted to, uh...well, I don't really know you, and I wanted to...know you?" A blush was high on David's cheeks.
Jack just beamed at him, and turned his head. "Momma, I'm going on break!"
"Well don't be long, honey!" Medda yelled back. Jack slid back into the booth and grinned at David.
"Well I'm free now, if that's alright with you."
David smiled nervously, and Jack thought for a moment as to how to further break the ice. Luckily, David did. "Medda's your mom?"
"Yep," Jack could almost feel the dramatic music building as he said so. "I'm adopted, 'course, but yes, I am the great Jack Kelly, son of Medda."
David's tension seemed to ease immediately, and they sat there, talking until the end of Jack's break.
"Jack Kelly you motherfucker," Sarah yells as soon as she gets in the door. Jack's head snaps up as she stumbles in. "Remember my brother?"
"Yeah, sure I do," Jack grinned. "He was too shy to talk to that one guy he liked."
"Yes, well, it turns out that my brother finally made a move on him last night. And my brother, David Jacobs, only thought to tell me now what his crush's name was because his crush never wears his name tag or actually properly introduces himself!"
It took a minute for it to sink in, but the entire diner blew up with laughter, howling, and more than a few whoops.
"Wait, wait, wait...I'm that guy? And David was my guy?" Sarah just groaned and handed him a piece of paper with a phone number on it.
I really loved talking to you! Reach out soon
-David Jacobs
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