"I'm fine." (Sprace)
@Firecracker_Newsie requested "Sprace sickfic, where Spot is pretending he's not ill. Modern era. Could you do that?"
Can I do it?
Race came home on Monday night swaying on the spot. He was exhausted but happy, his sister had given birth last night and he'd stayed with her for the past day or so in the hospital. It'd been a lot of fun, and of course, he cried when he first held his nephew-who in a few months' time, would be his godson.
And though Race loved the Higgens family, and loved hanging out with his family, he needed to get home to his boyfriend ( and almost fiance , Race reminded himself. He'd found the ring in Spot's hoodie pocket last week and had left it there about a week or so ago,) and rest a bit. Spot had texted saying everything was fine, and that Race should take his time with his family.
Race swung open the door. "Honey, I'm home!" he crowed to the living room.
There was a weak noise from the bedroom, and Race walked down the hall to find what looked like a pile of blankets on his shared bed with Spot.
"Babe? You in here?"
The blankets shifted a bit and Race heard a groan come from the pile as Spot's face poked out.
He looked like he hadn't slept in a month, to say the least. To say the most, he looked like he'd recently died and had just been reanimated.
"Whoa, sweetheart, you okay?"
"I've been better, baby. Can we go to bed?"
"Not yet, I'm gonna need to check you for a temperature," Race said as he sat down next to him. "Have you eaten enough? Have you been able to keep anything down?"
Spot coughed as he sat up. "I'm fine, Racer, seriously. I just need to sleep for a bit, and I already know you do too. So let's get to sleeping."
"Well, if you're not sick, then surely you wouldn't oppose me checking your temperature." Race reasoned as he put his hand on Spot's forehead. It came back burning, and Race looked at Spot pointedly. "You're sick."
"I am not, " Spot groaned. "I just have a bit of a headache, but I'll be right as rain tomorrow, Tones."
"Sure, Spotty." Race wasn't sure that was really right. "But in the meantime, I'm giving you some Ibuprofen and I'll be making you eat in an hour, alright?"
Spot grunted and burrowed deeper into the blankets, and Race laid next to him, allowing his eyes to slowly slip shut.
He hadn't meant to sleep for so long, but when he got up a few hours later, Spot was hunched over the toilet in the bathroom.
Race sat down next to him, rubbing his back softly as Spot groaned.
"I think you're sick, sweetie."
"Not really," Spot tried to protest but Race shot him a look. "Fine, I've been sick since you left."
"Why didn't you say so? I could've gone back," Spot was finally drifting off.
"'Cause I knew it was important to you, Tony."
And even if Race had to half-drag, half-carry Spot back to their shared room and cared for him for an entire week before catching the sickness himself...
It was worth it.
sorry it's been taking so long y'all...my mom banned me from my computer so when I come on I've got to be like the matrix and stealthy...but yeah!!
Also I've been writing a ronarry one shot (think, like, the length of my harry/neville one on ao3,) on paper and THAT'S 10 pages long and is going to kill me to type up...
also my uncle's in rehab, so if you're religious, pray for him! If not, then do what you want with this info! Make a hat out of it! I don't know!!
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