HoO reacts to PJO musical
Mavisyper requested HoO reacting to PJO musical a million years ago, (two weeks or so ago,) so here it is!!! I am So Sorry this took so long.
Mx. M, a nonbinary reporter with wavy red hair in a bob, stood in front of their live studio audience with a beam.
"Hello, everyone! I'm your host, Mx. M, and I'm here to do what I normally do-force fictional characters to watch musicals and rate them!" Cheers resounded throughout the room and Mx. M took a small bow. "Yes, yes. Thank you. You're all too kind. Now, today, we have..."
The curtain behind them swung open, and a roar from the audience came.
"That's right! The stars of Heroes of Olympus are here to look at their own musical. Isn't it great?!" Mx. M sat in the open chair. "So tell me, Percy, how are you feeling about this?"
"Well, as long as it isn't like the movie, we'll be good," Percy laughed. Cheers erupted from the audience.
"When you're right, you're right," Mx. M giggled. "Now, if you guys will kindly step into the theatre..."
Mx. M came bouncing back some time later, their pink sweater unrumpled. "Well it seems that they're all coming out! Let's go ask what they thought."
Jason and Piper were first, and Mx. M flounced up to them. "Hey guys! So what'd you think?"
"Well, it was interesting," Piper started. "I never knew all the details of Percy's first quest, and seeing it on stage...well, it blew my mind." She grinned. "Five out of five stars."
"I'd never even heard of, like, any of the things Percy did. At all." Jason continued. "It was cool to learn more about my friend, even if it did feel a bit intruding at times. Still, five out of five."
"Thanks, guys!" Mx. M scanned the group to find their next speaker, but Leo found them instead, dragging Calypso behind him.
"Mx. M?!" Leo stood in front of them, beaming. "Hi, can we go next?"
"Of course! What'd you guys think?"
"It was a lot of fun, a lot of bops," Leo said, grinning. "Plus the set was pret-ty cool! The Oracle bit was amazing...I'm going to have to rebuild it all once I get home." Leo mulled it over to himself. "Anyways, 5 outta five."
Calypso shrugged. "I'm not a genius or anything. I liked the musical. Four out of five."
"Okay, thanks you guys!" Mx. M hurried off as the two started arguing.
"Hey! Frank! Hazel! Nico! Reyna! Will! Coach Hedge!" by the time Mx. M called out the last name they were already there. "What did you guys think?"
"Well, it was kind of weird," Frank said, mulling it over. "Percy was like a discount Jason. Or maybe Jason's a dollar store Percy, I dunno." Frank shrugged. "It was still really cool! I had a lot of fun."
"Yeah, that's exactly what I thought," Hazel added on. "I also loved Nico's cameo, and I really loved Grover in it. Five out of five from both of us."
"Thanks you guys," Mx. M was grinning as they walked off. "The rest of y'all?"
"Five out of five," Reyna said. "No comment. It was good."
"It was cute to see Nico's cameo, like Hazel said," Will commented. "And the songs were a lot of fun...also, as far as I can remember, it was factually correct. I mean, I was seven when this happened to Percy, so...but yeah. Five out of five."
Nico spoke next. "Bianca's thing was cool...but what I also really liked was the Campfire Song. Almost half the people singing it are dead. Four out of five."
"It's less than half," Will argued. "Only two people from that song are dead."
"Grover may as well be," Nico grouched. "Have you read Heroes of Olympus?"
Mx. M left them and turned to Coach Hedge. "And you?"
"Could have used more killing," he shrugged. "No rating."
"Alrighty?" Mx. M walked around, trying to catch the interview they really wanted.
"Hey! Percy! Annabeth! Grover!" the three turned, and Mx. M almost wheezed from running so fast. "What'd y'all think?"
"I-are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" Grover asked them.
"Nah, I'll be fine," Mx. M persisted with their mic. "Now, please."
"Well...I really loved how it showed out friendship," Grover offered. "It was really sad, sure, but also really cool to go back to the beginning and remember. Also, to see, like, actual me on stage, not the movie me." Grover shuddered at the mere thought, but quickly grinned. "Six out of five, plus the songs were amazing!"
"I have to agree," Annabeth said. "It was mostly right, and the set was amazing. The minotaur costume was pretty great. Five out of five."
"Well," Percy wrapped it up. "Everyone's said what I was going to say. Five out of five, it was cool."
"Thanks you guys!" Mx. M grinned and turned to the camera. "Now, if you'll all look at the weather today..."
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