"He's here?!" (Jenna/Dr. Pomatter)
@CaitlynRose requested "I could 100% go for some Jenna/ Pomatter (Waitress) fluff, if that floats your boat.."
So here y'all go!!!!
Jenna stood at the counter of Lulu's, a huge smile on her face. It'd been almost two years since Lulu had been born, and Jenna was happy.
She didn't even notice the person standing in front of her until a second too late. "Hey, uh. Almost didn't recognize you there."
Her head shot up to none other than Dr. Pomatter. He smiled nervously at her, and Jenna almost laughed. Two years and he was still so...awkward.
"Anyways, I um, wanted to talk to you. Or not! If you don't want to-"
Jenna cut him off. "I do, I do. My break's in twenty, so if you want to order a pie and wait for me, I'll come sit with you in a while."
Dr. Pomatter nodded. "Okay! Yeah! Um...Could I get the Lulu Special?"
"Comin' right up!" Jenna beamed at him and went to the back.
"He's here?!" Becky whisper-shouted. "He's here?!"
"Yeah, he is," Jenna said, full of nerves. "I don't know what to do, oh god..."
Dawn put a comforting hand on Jenna's arm. "Listen, maybe you should just...see what he wants? I mean, you're still into him, right?" Jenna nodded. "Okay, but obviously, you can't just..." she snapped her free hand. "You know? If you got with him this time, you'd have to take time and everythin'."
Becky and Jenna stared at Dawn. "When did you get so good at this?" Becky groaned.
Dawn blushed with pride. "I had some excellent teachers. Plus, I've been reading up to help you both." Jenna and Becky laughed, and at Cal's yell, went off on their jobs.
Jenna slid into the booth across from Dr. Pomatter. He'd already had a slice of pie, and looked like he was contemplating a second. "Hi, sorry if I can't stay long. I've got Ogie watching Lulu." Ogie was always happy to help, it was really sweet.
"Oh, okay. Um, I'll keep this simple." Dr. Pomatter cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh. I'd really like to be back with you. I understand if you don't want to!" He added, looking alarmed. "But. Um. I'd like to go out with you again sometime?"
Jenna smiled at him. "I have to ask first, though what about your wife?"
Dr. Pomatter gave a nervous chuckle. "She left me, and I can't really blame her. I mean it was my fault and-"
"Just wonderin'," Jenna cut in. She carefully placed her hand over his. "And yes, I'd love to. We'll have to keep it slow, but. I'd love to go out some night with you."
Dr. Pomatter's smile could light up the sun, Jenna decided two seconds later. "Slow would be perfect."
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