Flowers Are a nice way to say it (Whizzvin)
@Trashcan_Sam requested "Uhhh could you do maybe like. A Whizzvin flower shop AU or something? Maybe Marvin is like getting flowers for Trina to apologize for something and ends up meeting Whizzer?"
Really, Marvin should've checked if the store was open before heading in.
It was open, but that's what the pretty guy behind the counter had said teasingly as Marvin hurried in the door and really with a face like that, who would Marvin be to doubt that information?
Either way, as Marvin reminded himself, he needed to get flowers for Trina. He was not here to be himself, he'd sworn that off at the alter.
Though this guy was rather cute, he was also pretty rude. "Where's the fire, wash n' wear?"
"I...uh. I forgot it was my anniversary yesterday." Marvin managed out. "Can I get an 'I'm sorry' bouquet?"
"Pretty guy, at least?" the flower boy mused as he wrote out the flowers needed.
"What? Huh? Oh, uh. No. It's my wife." flower boy stopped, and looked up at him with his eyes from under his lashes.
"You're straight?"
And for whatever cosmic force, Marvin snorted. "That's what she thinks."
Flower boy laughed. "So you aren't straight?"
"Never have been, always will pretend to be," Marvin jokes weakly. "So, about those flowers-"
"Yeah, well, screw flower language, she's going to get a bunch of carnations and you-" flower boy writes something on a slip of paper and hands it to Marvin. "Can call me Whizzer. Here's my number, in case you ever need to talk about the gay thing or, quite simply, you need a date." Whizzer shoved a piece of paper in Marvin's fist. "Now come help me wrap some flowers up for your poor wife." Whizzer grabbed Marvin's hand and pulled him toward the center. "Also you are going to have to tell me how you even managed to screw up your life like this anyways..."
And yet, after everything, years later...Marvin was still horrible with remembering either of those anniversaries. All Whizzer ever cared to say on the subject was "Well, I guess I can't teach him everything, now can I?"
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