Veronica Sawyer- Truth (c)
The evening didn't go how you expected it to. You expected that you would end up doing homework and end up falling asleep at your desk out of shear boredom. Instead you heard something pound against your windowpane. When you looked outside, your friend Veronica was throwing stones to get your attention. You snuck out to meet her in the backyard and that was when you noticed the mascara running down her cheeks and the pained expression on her face.
"What happened?" You asked, pulling her into a reassuring hug.
In your long friendship, you had never seen Veronica cry. She tended to keep a relatively stoic demeanour, and rarely showed the pain she felt, so if she was crying so heavily at something, it couldn't be something good.
It took her a few moments for you to console her enough that she was able to form coherent words and tell you what had happened. She told you how she had been angry at Heather Chandler but had gone there to beg forgiveness from her due to the night before at the party. She had taken JD with her after having lost her virginity to him the night before and were enlisted in making her a hangover cure as the first task to gain forgiveness from the almighty God of high school that was Heather. Veronica couldn't remember everything clearly but after her and JD joked about poisoning her, she had given Heather a mug of drain cleaner, killing the girl. Having fallen in so deep, she had let JD convince her to forge a suicide note and quickly fled the scene.
You didn't know how to take in so much information in such a short time. You couldn't believe it. You must have repeated 'you can't be serious' several times, hoping it was a twisted joke. You never thought that Veronica would be a murderer but from everything that she had said, and how broken she was now, it was JD who was to blame. She may have handed the drain cleaner to Heather, but she did it without knowing that was what she was giving her.
"It's okay," you reassured her. "It's not your fault."
"I killed her," she sobbed. "I killed her."
Holding her close, you tried to reassure her, but it wouldn't be easy.
"It's JD's fault, not yours," you assured her. "Please Veronica, you need to let me take you to the police station. You aren't going to get off completely but if you admit what had happened and tell them about JD, they will show you some pity. Please, it's the only way to make up for this."
She nodded her head. Of course, she didn't want to go but it was her only option without letting JD manipulate her into doing far worse.
Written by Charlotte.
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