Enjolras- Promise (c)
Les Miserables One Shot
You never quite understood how someone could say that you loved someone but also be infuriated by them. You had been engaged to Enjolras for a few years whilst your wedding was pushed further and further into the future to allow him to fight for the future he wanted to see. Of course, you weren't going to argue, you'd like to officially call him your husband, but you were willing to wait for the revolution to succeed before you would become man and wife. Even if you were to be understanding with him about his roles in the revolution, you couldn't overlook how dangerous it would be.
The revolution wouldn't be simple. It wouldn't be a revolution if the bourgeoisie didn't resist it. Even the smallest thing that they tried to do to fight against the twisted system would be fought back by violence and it would be unlikely that anyone who wanted to see change would live to see such a thing. You didn't want Enjolras to be just another number, another person who tried to stand up to corruption just to fall down. When it was small rallies, discussions with his peers and putting up posters, the dangers seemed far away but his ideas were getting bigger as were the dangers that came with it.
"Where are you going?" You questioned as Enjolras pulled on his jacket.
"General Lamarque's funeral," he stated. "Hopefully I shall return before sunrise."
You frowned at him. You knew that was where he planned to truly kick off the revolution and it made your stomach sink. Trying to keep a blissful ignorance, you hadn't paid attention to when the General's funeral procession would be but now you wished you would have known when you would last see the man you loved.
"Why?" You begged. "Why must you go?"
He offered you a gentle smile as he took your hands within his. You knew that this meant the world to him, but you couldn't help that the worry that came to you.
"I need to fight for a better country for the future, for your future. I cannot bear to think that the world would be so unpleasant for you and everyone else. It is a big step in us having a chance to make a difference."
"It could be dangerous," you warned him.
Enjolras raised your hand to his lips. "I will be careful, my love. I promise you."
"Please come back to me."
"I shall do my best."
Written by Charlotte.
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