Dawn Williams- Date Night (a)
Waitress One Shot
"I can't believe you're making me go through with this stupid date." The keys to the diner found themselves tossed onto the counter, Dawn's ketchup and mustard covered apron soon followed.
"Stop bitching about it, suck it up and go. What's gonna be so bad about a date? You know that you can get hold of me if you need me." Dawn rolled her eyes and stropped into the kitchen so that she could get into her clothes for the date, you stayed sat in one of the restaurant booths in order to give her some privacy. A few minutes and a few moans and groans later she emerged from the kitchen.
"Don't go laughing now... they changed plans at the last minute to somewhere a bit fancier... this was all I had..."
Her standard everyday uniform had been slung aside and, in its place, a flowing and sparkly saffron dress sat on her, clinging perfectly to her form on the top-half of her body and elegantly draping to just above the freshly mopped floor, in her hands she daintily held a small bag.
"So... thoughts?" She spun around, quickly enough to cause the bottom of the dress to float in the air. It was hard for you to get any words out, you had more than like Dawn since before you even started working at the diner. In a small town it was hard to not know everybody, it was just a shame that she didn't feel the same way.
"You look... stunning." Her gaze fell to the floor and her cheeks became a ruby hue, she gently placed her small clutch bag next to the dirtied uniform and came to sit next to you.
"Tell me y/n, why do you want me to go on this date so much?" Her thumbs danced around each other, stopping occasionally to lightly tap on the table.
"I want you to be happy Dawn." The rosy hue returned. "I know that there is somebody out there for you, you just have to try and find them."
"What if I have already found them?" Her soft and gentle eyes turned from the table to yours. "I'm not scared of this date because they might kill me or not like me. I'm scared of this date because I'll be making a mistake." Your mouth began to dry as if it was being filled with balls of cotton wool. "I cancelled my date." It was even harder to speak now; each word was a milestone worth achieving at this point.
"Huh... h-how come?" She reached over the table and placed her hand on top of yours, her breathing became erratic and she closed her eyes as tightly as she could.
"I think we should go on a date." She blurted out extremely quickly. Her eyes slowly peered open and her scrunched face became normal. 'What is going on?' you thought to yourself, some sort of prank... another late-night cheese dream? "I think we should go out to eat somewhere... somewhere nice." Her hands became as clammy as yours.
"I don't have any clothes on me except my uniform... most places have some sort of policy against condiment coated aprons." Dawn smiled and reached for a plastic bag she had been keeping all day behind the counter, telling everybody how it was for her date and nobody was allowed to go into it.
"That isn't... exactly true. Remember when you gave Jenna the key to your place when you went away so that someone could feed your fish and you never got the key back?" Her hand reached into the bag and pulled out a simple yet elegant ensemble that you had never seen before. "Well, she went into your wardrobe, hated everything so we all got you this."
Written by Aaron.
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