^ revolting children ^
rating: 10/10
when i went to london over april break for the drama student trip i saw matilda at west end and it was
im still giddy thinking about it
during revolting children, when the confetti canon went off, i caught four pieces of confetti :,) and i saw the woman who plays the mother and i have a crush on her to this day
those kids are more talented than i will EVER be and it just blows my mind
(unrelated but share your address by ben platt just came on and it's a full bop)
anyway the dancing was just
i don't know the names of all the songs because i was only really familiar with two songs from the show before i saw it
favorite character:
least favorite character:
matilda's dad
dream role:
ms honey
favorite song(s):
revolting children
when i grow up
uhh the one that goes "it's not much but it is enough for me"
the principal's song idk what it's called
least favorite song(s):
favorite actor:
i don't remember their names aaaa but the one who played matilda's mom
favorite line:
"children are maggots"
favorite ship:
lol no
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