i'll make these chapters whenever i change my opinions on something.
1. be more chill:
i'm changing my rating of bmc from 7.5 to 8 or 8.5
i got sick of it because i overplayed it, and still it's not my favorite musical, but i love how it looks on stage
i still don't like two player game that much though
but the set!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's super cool and i really like the choreography
and i still stan christine
btw while watching a bootleg, why the FUCK are people singing along uhhh it's not a concert, it's a musical, and there are people trying to enjOy it
2. heathers
i'm changing my rating from heathers from 8.5 to 7.5
still enjoy seventeen, and still listen to the music (very rarely nowawdays, but if it's a cool animatic or something)
but i think they could've gone ALL OUT with the teenage angst bullshit and given jd even more disturbing and dark dialogue
i mean it needs comedy because it's a dark comedy but they could've gone deeper in the dark part
like sweeney todd (well sweeney isn't funny but you get what i mean)
i still stand by what i said about heather chandler from the movie to the musical
still don't like big fun, and the choreography for that song is kinda meh too
i like the other music though and i LOVE barrett wilbert weed
something super SUPER nitpicky that doesn't really matter but what would be kinda cool is if
after jd blows himself up and veronica's face and hair are all messy
her clothes could've been worse too?
like, her jacket wrinkled and her skirt and top with dirt on it but i dunno
3. falsettos
everything i said about falsettos still stands, i just need to talk
the connect between father to son + march of the falsettos
like it shows how marvin is maturing
and also the fact that STEPHANIE made the "you have paintings of dicks! don't tALk to me about taste" thing
d a m n
4. mean girls
8.5 to 7.5 or 8
i reALLY don't like the song fearless
i physically c a n t listen to it
i mean it's not like it's bad? but idk it's just not my thing
i love the development and meaning and the outfits and i like cady's "well some people need to grow up" but
tbh it's my fault because i played it so much to the point where i won't fucking TOUCH the album except to play world burn
movie was iconic + i will love it forever, and musical is good but i ruined for myself oops
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