Chapter 8 - Waving Through a Window
- Chapter 8 - Waving Through a Window -
Ships - Blink x Mush, Buttons x JoJo
Modern AU
Song: Waving Through a Window - Dear Evan Hanson (the Broadway Musical)
Blink stood, panicking and very anxious, at the end of the hallway he had to walk down to get to his friends. He looked at all of the school kids, wondering if he could do this.
Buttons sat on the bus he usually took as it drove to school. He too was panicking.
Taking a deep breath, he started singing. It usually helped him when he was anxious.
Buttons: I've learned to slam on the brake
Before I even turn the key
He watches as a car that nearly slams into another car, slams on the break, stopping the car quickly, before impact.
Buttons: Before I make the mistake
Before I lead with the worst of me
Blink: Give them no reason to stare
No slippin' up if you slip away
He sings as he walks down the hallway.
He's standing in front of the classroom, with people looking at him, and some not even caring to spare him a glance.
Blink: So I got nothing to share
No, I got nothing to say
Blink, Buttons: Step out, step out of the sun
If you keep getting burned
Step out, step out of the sun
Because you've learned, because you've learned
Blink: On the outside, always looking in
He looks into a classroom that was next to the courtyard, where he was spending his break, like most students.
Blink: Will I ever be more than I've always been?
'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass
I'm waving through a window
He waves to Mush, who was in the class he was looking at. Mush had waved at him, grinning, so he put on a face smile and waved back.
Buttons: I try to speak, but nobody can hear
So I wait around for an answer to appear
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass
He watches people get off of his bus, no one caring to stop to let him out until the last person is gone.
Buttons: I'm waving through a window, oh
Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?
Blink looks at a picture of him from first grade. I looked so happy, he thinks to himself.
Blink: We start with stars in our eyes
Buttons stares at a picture of him with the Newsies from sixth grade.
Buttons: We start believing that we belong
Blink looks at himself in the mirror. He hated how he looked. He always thought people were judging him.
Blink: But every sun doesn't rise
Buttons stares at his Math homework, having no clue what they were learning, or how to do it.
Buttons: And no one tells you where you went wrong
Blink, Buttons: Step out, step out of the sun
If you keep getting burned
Step out, step out of the sun
Because you've learned, because you've learned
Buttons plays with his dog, throwing the ball as his dog, Poppy, runs to go grab it. He sees JoJo and Race across the street. They wave at him, grinning, and he waves back, faking a smile.
Buttons: On the outside, always looking in
Will I ever be more than I've always been?
'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass
Waving through a window
Blink gets shoved by Oscar and Morris, before they leave, snickering evily together. He wanted to tell someone about their bullying, but he just couldn't.
Blink: I try to speak, but nobody can hear
So I wait around for an answer to appear
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass
Waving through a window, oh
Can anybody see, is anybody waving?
Buttons explores a park near his house, it had a lot of trees, and no one around, so he went deeper in the trees.
Buttons: When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
Blink was in the same forest, just on a different end of it. He called it 'the forest of depression' cause it always looked so sad and he went there when he was sad and needed to be alone.
Blink: When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
Buttons starts to get more sad and panicked as he travels deeper into the forest.
Buttons: When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
Blink: When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
Buttons: Did I even make a sound?
Blink: Did I even make a sound?
Buttons: Blink: It's like I never made a sound
Will I ever make a sound?
Now, they're back in school, in the same situations as when they started.
Blink: On the outside, always looking in
Will I ever be more than I've always been?
'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass
Waving through a window, oh
Buttons: I try to speak, but nobody can hear
So I wait around for an answer to appear
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass
Waving through a window, oh
Blink, Buttons: Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me? (Ooh)
Is anybody waving?
They see each other from across the courtyard. They both put on fake smiles and wave to each other, Blink waving first, and Buttons waving second.
After a minute of waving and faking a smile, when they both could tell they were thinking the same thing and going through the same pain, they both turn away from each other, now back to back.
Blink, Buttons: Waving, waving, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh
The two boys sigh.
Buttons grips the straps of his backpack, taking a deep breath, before walking to his class.
Blink wipes a tear from his eye, grabbing his books, and walking to his class.
One thing was on both of their minds; Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?
1036 Words
I hate how relatable this is, at least to me. Ouch :(
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