Chapter 6 - Revenge Party
- Chapter 6 - Revenge Party -
Ship - Race, Albert, JoJo, and Finch fluff
Modern AU
Song: Revenge Party - Mean Girls (the Broadway Musical)
"Okay, you know what? I'm done with you being sad." Race (13) starts, walking into the room where Albert (14) and Finch (14) were trying to calm JoJo (13) down again. The three boys look up at Race. "I mean, they're stupid, idiotic, butts!"
"Still trying not to swear?" Albert questions. Race groans, and the three boys laugh, getting their answer.
"It's so stupidly hard when insulting someone." The three boys laugh again, as Race continues. "What they did was very wrong? I'd say we get them back for it."
"How?" JoJo asks, sitting up and looking at Race.
"You're corrupting the innocent one" Finch mumbles. Race and JoJo roll their eyes.
"Oh please, if anyone's innocent, it's Elmer (13) and Crutchie (14)" Albert responds. Finch nods.
Race: Now you know, Jo, The Delanceys aren't your friend. We're your friends. And we're gonna make them pay.
You know what friends do?
They got your back
And they are fun to be around
Albert gets up, standing next to Race, who smirks.
Albert: Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah
Race: When someone hurts you
Then they attack
Albert: And grind your foe into the ground
Finch: Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah
Finch gets up and goes to stand next to Race and Albert, Race in the middle. JoJo looks at the three boys in awe as they continue.
Race: Imagine a party
With dresses and cake
And singing and dancing
Albert: and cake
"Someone has their priorities straight" Finch mumbles, sarcastically. Race rolls his eyes, as Albert slaps Finch, and Finch slaps him back.
Race: And there's a magic act
That saws those stupid Delanceys in half
And this time it will take
Finch: Now that's a party!
Finch winks at JoJo, who laughs.
Albert: A revenge party
A party that ends
Race, Albert: With somebody's head on a spike
Finch: Whuh-oh, woah
Finch, Albert, Race: It's a revenge party
With your three best friends
It's like a party with revenge is what it's like
"For this to work you're gonna have to pretend like you still like them. Can you do it?" Race asks JoJo, who nods, determined.
"Hey, guys!" JoJo exclaims, walking over to the Delanceys, who both wave, greeting him with the same fake voices they always had.
"Hey... we just wanted to tell you that we really didn't mean what we said, it just kinda slipped" Morris (15) tells JoJo, who nods, pretending to understand.
Race, who was watching from nearby with Albert and Finch, rolls his eyes. Stupid Delanceys.
"I get it, I just hope I can still have lunch with you guys" JoJo responds. The two Delanceys nod.
JoJo, Race, Finch, Albert: It's a revenge party
A party that ends
With entrails all over the lawn
Race, Albert, Finch: It's a revenge party with your three best friends
JoJo: And they end up looking stupid when I'm done!
Race, Albert: Yes JoJo!
"Next, we take away their only achievement, being liked by the football coach" Race tells the group, and they all nod.
Later in the day, JoJo tells the coach (45), with video evidence, about what the two boys had done to him, bullying wise.
The coach promised not to tell them that it was JoJo who told him, and that they would get kicked off the team.
Race, JoJo, Finch, Albert: A revenge party
A party that ends
With somebody crushed and alone
Race: And ugly crying!
Albert, Finch, and JoJo laugh. They knew Race had had enough of the Delanceys bullying everyone, even himself, and JoJo was his last straw. No one messed with his best friend.
Finch, Albert: A revenge party with your three best friends
JoJo, Race, Finch, Albert: It's like a party with revenge is what we're throwing
"We gotta go harder, if we make Oscar (13) think that Morris is mad at him-" Race starts, but is cut off by JoJo.
"We can't do that! Oscar is fragile. He relies on his brother to tell him what to do. All hell with break loose if he thinks Morris is mad at him" JoJo points out. Race nods.
"Exactly, and if we crack him open, he'll spill something we can use!" Race responds. The three boys nod.
"Here they come" JoJo states, pointing to Oscar and Morris, and Morris' (very plastic) girlfriend, Emily (15). (Sorry if your name is Emily, it's just that one of the plastics in my school is named Emily.)
"Stop pulling it down, your hair looks sexy pushed back." Emily tells Morris, who rolls his eyes. She spots JoJo. "JoJo, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?"
"Your hair looks sexy pushed back" JoJo mumbles, a little embarrassed by having to say that.
"Uh, thanks. See you at Lunch" Morris tells JoJo, giving him a disgusted look.
"Stupid plastics" JoJo mumbles when they're out of earshot.
Race: At every party, there might be a low
Where the energy dips
Albert: Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah
Finch: You might be thinking it's late we should go
Albert: And they ran out of chips
JoJo: No, no, no!
I can't even watch when she touches his hair
And I've watched a snake eat a cow
"Ew" Race mumbles. JoJo throws him a look.
JoJo: Morris needs to be toppled
Sorry, Oscar, I swear
We'll get our party now
One candy cane, please!
Finch, JoJo, Albert, Race: A revenge party
A party that ends
With lions in a Roman arena
"Ho, ho, ho. Candy cane-gram for Shane (14) Oman. And one for JoJo De la Guerra. Four for Glenn (14) Coco, you go Glenn Coco!" Albert calls out, wearing a fake mustache.
"Good for you" JoJo whispers to Glenn, who grins at him.
"And none for Oscar Delancey, bye" Albert walks out of the room, leaving it at that.
Race and Finch try very hard to hold back laughs.
"What is goodness name, Al?"
"I was Santa" Albert shrugs. The two boys burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in any longer.
"Who sent that?" Oscar asks JoJo, who pretends to read the candy cane letter.
"Aw. It's from Morris," JoJo starts, and he swears he can see Oscar's world break in his eyes. "Thanks for being a such a great best friend. "
"Caw caw-caw-caw-caw-caw-caw-caw CAW! I mean cute. I mean, gimme it! I mean... okay. Well if you and Morris are best friends now, you can be in charge of keeping all his secrets." Oscar racks his brain for secrets. "For example, he bought Race those stupid shoes just to make fun of him 'cause he knew Race wouldn't be able to walk in them." Race glares at the younger Delancey brother, as Finch and Albert try to calm him down. "And he's not really brown, his natural color is very dark brown. Also he totally cheats on Emily. Every Thursday he says he has SAT Prep but really, he's hooking up with Addison (15) in the North Shore Lion's costume."
"She makes him wear the costume?" JoJo questions. Oscar shakes his head.
"NO, THEY'RE BOTH IN THE COSTUME!" Oscar shouts, trying to control his breathing. "And I never told anyone because I am such a good friend!"
JoJo, Race, Finch, Albert: It's a revenge party
A party that ends with somebody's head on a spike
A revenge party
Finch, Albert: With your three best friends
It's like a party
With revenge is what it's like
JoJo, Finch, Albert, Race: A party with revenge is what it's like
A party with revenge is what it's like
A party with revenge
Race: Is what it's like
They sit back down on JoJo's bed again.
"I do feel a tiny bit bad for Oscar, I mean, he's just following his brother's directions."
"Yeah, but he needs to learn how to think for himself" Finch responds. The boys nod.
"That was fun" JoJo whispers, grinning. Albert, Finch, and Race chuckle.
"We are fun" Albert responds, agreeing. The four boys laugh again.
"Now, we just put our plan into action" Race states. The boys nod.
1392 Words
This one wasn't great, but I tried. It makes less sense than the others.
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