Chapter 4 - Consider Yourself
- Chapter 4 - Consider Yourself -
Ship - None (Part 2 from 'Partner in Crime')
Modern AU
Song: Consider Yourself - Oliver (the Broadway Musical)
Crutchie drags Race all the way to the park, Jack following closely behind, making sure neither boy got hurt.
When they got to the park, Crutchie immediately spotted all of their friends, sitting under a tree.
Well, a few of them were.
Specs (13), Mush (12), Mike and Ike (12), and Romeo were the only ones sitting under the tree. Mike and Ike were leaning against each other, and Romeo's head was in Specs' lap.
Boots (12), Sniper (12), JoJo (12), and Elmer (12) were climbing the tree, and Buttons (13) and Henry (13) were trying to make sure they wouldn't get hurt.
Finch (13) and Smalls (12) were shooting things with their slingshots, while Tommy boy (12) watched them in awe, whilst also fiddling with his fidget cube.
Albert (12) had stolen something from Blink (12), probably his hat, and was running around with it, Blink chasing him.
Jack whistles, grabbing the boys' attention, as they turn to him. Race hides behind Crutchie.
"You didn't tell me there were this many boys" Race whisper shouts, internally panicking.
"We warned you that there were a lot" Crutchie defends himself. Race scoffs.
The boys were now all looking at Jack, Crutchie, and Race. Boots was now hanging off of a branch, and Buttons and Henry were trying to catch him.
Albert still had Blink's hat, but neither of them were moving, as they were focused on Jack. Smalls had accidentally shot Jack.
"Slingshots away." Jack tells them, rubbing his arm where he was shot. Finch and Smalls put their slingshots away. "Albert give Blink back his hat, Boots let go, Henry and Buttons will catch you. Sniper, Elmer, and JoJo, get out of the tree."
The boys all follow Jack's directions. Albert hands Blink his hat. Boots let's go of the branch, and Buttons and Henry catch him, as the other boys climb down. Then, they all go over to Jack, Crutchie, and Race.
"Is this the new boy?" Albert asks, motioning to Race. Race stands beside Jack and Crutchie, in the middle.
"You've got some New York accent there" Race points out. Albert rolls his eyes.
"And you don't- somehow" Albert responds, and Race rolls his eyes.
"This is Racetrack, or Race" Jack introduces. Race shyly waves.
"He's already got a Newsie name?" Henry questions. Jack nods.
"That was fast" Buttons mumbles. The other Newsies nod in agreement.
"Race, this is Albert, Boots, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Henry, Ike, JoJo, Kid Blink/Blink, Mike, Mush, Romeo, Smalls, Sniper, Specs, and Tommy boy" Jack introduces, pointing to each Newsie.
As Jack points to each Newsie and says their name, they greet Race in a way; Romeo winks, Albert says 'sup', cause he's cool, Ike does a flip, and Mike does another flip.
"Hi, my names Race, but it used to be Anthony, and I like Sheepshead Races, betting, and Poker" Race introduces himself. The boys smile.
"Poker? You any good kid?" Blink questions. Race nods.
"We might have a chance at beating Spot and the Brooklyn boys!" Finch exclaims, as the others cheer.
Race looks at Jack and Crutchie again, confused.
"Like we said, we'll explain later."
"Now guys!" Jack shouts, grabbing their attention again. "Let's not be too crazy. Race is new, and he doesn't know us yet, never mind trust us that much."
"Hey kid, you don't gotta worry" Specs assures Race, going over to him, Mush by his side. He bumps Race a little bit.
"Yeah, we're all family here" Mush assures Race, who smiles.
Specs: Consider yourself at home
Mush: Consider youself one of the family
Mush playfully bumps Race a little bit, smiling at him.
Albert: We've taken to you-
-so strong!" Blink interjects. The two boys high-five, laughing. Race grins.
Sniper, Smalls: It's clear we're going to get along
Finch: Consider yourself well in
Mike and Ike: Consider yourself part of the furniture
They make a motion like they're stuck together, linking arms.
Elmer: There isn't a lot to spare
He grins as he turns to the other boys, who continue.
Who cares? What-ever we've got, we share!
Boots: If it should chance to be
We should see
Some harder days
"Empty larder days" Sniper adds, and Boots nods.
JoJo: Why grouse?
The three boys grin at each other.
JoJo, Boots, Sniper: Always-a-chance we'll meet
To foot the bill
All the boys, minus Race: Then the drinks are on the house!
Romeo: Consider yourself our mate
Buttons, Henry: We don't want to have no fuss
Mike: For after some consideration, we can state
Consider yourself
Tommy boy: One of us!
He walks over to Race, and gives him a high-five.
Crutchie: Consider yourself...
He turns to Race to finish the line.
Race: At home?
Crutchie smiles.
Jack: Consider yourself...
Race turns to face Jack now.
Race: One of the family?
Ike: We've taken to you!
Smalls: So strong
Albert: It's clear... we're...
Specs, JoJo: Going to get along!
The two boys do aerials next to each other, except, on opposite sides. (Not sure how to explain this. Like this picture, except the two boys across from each other cause they're ✨ talented ✨)
Sniper *jazz hands*: Consider yourself...
Tommy boy, Romeo: Well in!
The two boys cartwheel, then high-five each other.
Boots: Consider yourself...
Elmer, Finch: Part of the furniture!
They do a set of tap moves that Race didn't know.
Buttons *shrugging*: There isn't a lot to spare
Tommy boy *doing spins*: Who cares?
Blink, Mush: Whatever we got we share!
Albert and JoJo push them so that they kiss each other. The group snickers at them, before continuing, ignoring a certain finger from Blink.
Specs: Nobody tries to be lah-di-dah or uppity--
He and Elmer starts doing poor impressions of rich kids, causing Race to laugh.
JoJo: There a cup-o'-tea for all!
Jack: Only it's wise to be handy with a rolling pin
Crutchie: When the landlord comes to call!
The Newsies all laugh as they goof off.
Ike, Blink, Sniper: Consider yourself,
Mush, Elmer: Our mate!
Specs, Buttons, Henry: We don't want to have no fuss!
They make a motion that Jack usually makes when he disagrees, before all laughing.
Smalls, Finch, Mike: For after some consideration we can state
Tommy boy, Boots, Romeo: Consider yourself
Albert, JoJo: One of us!
They sling their arms around Race's shoulders as they finish, after the boys do a few more tricks.
"Wow, I gotta day, you guys are very musical, and talented. Geesh, I could never do that" Race exclaims. The group laughs.
"I bet you could, you just need practice!" Finch exclaims, brushing it off. Race shrugs.
"Welcome to the family Racer, we're glad to have you here" Albert tells Race, who smiles, leaning into his and JoJo's hug.
The three boys hug turns into a group hug, which ends up with every Newsie, except for Jack, Crutchie, and Specs, on top of Race in a dog pile.
"Guys! You realize he's smaller than everyone other than Smalls and Romeo, right?" Jack questions, a bit worried.
"He's fine!" Blink exclaims. Race groans from the bottom of the pile.
"I think we killed him" Tommy boy mumbles. The boys laugh.
"At least he died a loving death" Mush responds. The boys nod in agreement.
Jack, Crutchie, and Specs laugh.
"Can we get off of Race now?" Race's voice asks, barely being heard. The Newsies laugh, getting off of him.
Race smiles, so this is what home is.
1284 Words
It's 3am, and I wrote this cause I'm nervous for tomorrow. So yeah, enjoy.
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