Chapter 15 - What Baking Can Do
- Chapter 15 - What Baking Can Do -
Ship - Race (main) x Albert x Spot
Modern AU
Song: What Baking Can Do - Waitress(the Broadway Musical)
Albert and Spot walked into their house.
They were going to announce to Race that they were home, until they heard him singing.
Race: Make it work
Make it easy
Make it clever, craft it into pieces
Albert and Spot smile to the at each other.
They walk to the kitchen, finding Race baking, like he usually was because he loved baking, with a rainbow apron on and flour on his hands.
Race: Make it sweet
Crimp the edges
Or make it sour and serve with lemon wedges
Race brushes his curls out of his face with his elbow, only making Spot and Albert fall harder for him, even though they were dating now.
Race: When it's done
I can smile
Race smiles at the cake.
Race: I'll place it on display
And then I'll slice and serve my worries away
I can fix this
I can twist it into sugar, butter covered pieces
Race frowns a bit staring at the cake. It reminded him of his mother.
She was part of the reason he liked baking so much.
Race: Never mind what's underneath it
I have done it before
I'll bake me a door to help me get through
Race felt his eyes well up with tears.
I learned that from you
Mama, it's amazing what baking can do
Albert and Spot shared a frown, about to step in to comfort him, but he shook it off, refusing to let himself cry.
He got back to decorating.
Race: Make it up
And surprise them
Tell them all my secrets but disguise them
Albert and Spot saw a small smirk form on Race's lips.
He wasn't wrong, and they really liked his baking, and cooking as well.
Race: So they dance on the tongues
Of the very people that they're secrets from
He took another look at the cake, pursing his lips.
It still wasn't good to him.
He let out a sigh of defeat.
Race: Make it soon
Make it better
Race thought back to his boss and what he always told him.
Race's boss was horrible to him.
Race: Though, better never lasts forever
I'll make it small so it fits
Race felt himself giving up again, but he refused to let himself do that.
Race: Even this...
Even now...
Albert and Spot share another look, getting a tiny bit worried.
Race: Even as the walls come tumbling down
Even as I can't stop remembering how
Every door we ever made, we never once walked out
Race stops, tears filling his eyes a second time. Not today, I'm not crying.
Just keep working, Racer...
Race: Something I never got the chance to ask her about
Race brushes his his hands off on his apron, though there was still a lot of flour on his hands.
Race: So with flour on my hands
I'll show them all how
Goddamn happy I am
Albert and Spot smile. This was the boy they fell in love with.
Race: Sugar, butter, flour
Don't let me down!
Let's see the next amazing thing baking does now
"You know what?" Race starts, staring again at the cake. "It's good."
"Yeah, and so was your singing" Albert comments, finally making his and Spot's presence noticed.
Race turns bright red. "How much of that were your here for?"
Albert and Spot shrug.
Spot wipes the bit of flour that was on Race's cheek, off. "The whole song."
"So you heard that whole thing?" Race whispers.
Albert pulls him into a hug. "We love you, baby." Albert presses a kiss to his forehead. "Don't you ever forget that."
"And if your mom was still alive, she'd be so proud of you, Race." Spot tells him, causing Race to smile.
"Well," Race laughs to himself, picking up the cake. "I baked you a cake."
Albert chuckles, crossing his arms. "Yeah? How much of that idea was for us and how much was because you were stressed?"
"You know me way to well." Race comments, causing the three of them to laugh.
"What flavor?" Spot questions.
Race smiles. "Red Velvet-chocolate mix."
Red Velvet was Race's favorite flavor and he liked to tease Albert, saying that his hair looked like the cake. (It didn't really, but he still teased his boyfriend.)
Red Velvet-chocolate was his mother's favorite kind and the first kind she ever taught Race how to make. (The second thing she taught him how to make was Tiramisu.)
Albert and Spot chuckle.
"Well," Albert starts, pulling up a chair at the tabel and sitting down. "We can't just let perfectly good cake go to waste."
SPot and Race laugh, sitting down with him.
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