Chapter 14 - No Reason
- Chapter 14 - No Reason -
Ships: Waves x Skittery
Warnings: Mentions of suicide? Maybe?
Third Person POV
Waves sits Skittery down.
"Shh!" Waves shhs him. "Listen to me, Skitts."
"Waves, this is useless" Skittery groans. Waves facepalms.
"No. Stop." Waves cuts him off. "No- no- no being negative, and listen to me."
Skittery groans, but shuts up.
What he did not expect to happen was for Waves to start singing.
Waves: The universe
Is more than just space with no end
Skittery throws Waves a look.
Waves shoots him a forced smile and a look saying, "Shut up and listen to my wonderful singing."
Just think of the universe as a female best friend
And you can be like
"Hey, Universe, what's happening, girl?"
And she'll be like
"Oh, nothing - just running the world."
"That's not a thing" Skittery mumbles, annoyed.
Waves groans. "Skittery, shut up and listen."
Spot had given Waves the job of trying to become Skittery's friend, since Spot and Waves saved him from jumping off of the Brooklyn bridge.
Why did Spot give him this job?
Waves is the most positive Brooklyn Newsie ever, plus, he ships them.
And you'll be like "What?"
And the universe will be like "I know!"
"That's not what girls friendships are like" Skittery informs Waves, who makes a motion for Skittery to 'zip it'.
You're on the right track, girl
I got your back, girl
I'm helping you grow
"Yet I'm taller than you" Skittery states.
Waves groans. "I get it! I'm short! Now listen!"
Skittery laughs, and Waves smiles a bit.
Think positive
Skittery shakes his head. "No thanks-
Waves cuts him off, glaring at him. "Act positive."
You are a child of the Earth!
"Life-coaching! Nailing it!" Waves grins. Skittery laughs, Waves thought he couldn't see that, but he did.
The kid is cute. Wait-
Waves: Time to take command
You dictate the hand
The universe deals
Science makes no sense
Who needs evidence?
Go with your feels
"Yeah, and my feels are pointing in the direction I'm going in" Skittery responds, trying to get up.
Waves sits him back down, internally groaning.
I'm like a radio
Tuned to the stars
I found my frequency
Crystals speak to me
Waves holds a Crystal to his ear, as Skittery tries not to laugh. "What are they saying?"
Waves whispers. "Buy more crystals!"
Skittery laughs, again.
Waves: Everything, everything happens for a reason
Be a beacon of light in the world
Put a little alright in the world
Waves nudges Skittery with his elbow.
"I think I'm good-"
"Shut it!"
There is spiritual guides above
Look up and see 'em!
Waves waves (lol) to the spirits.
Skittery rolls his eyes, laughing a tiny bit.
Perception is reality
Just listen to the melody the universe sings
'Cause everything- everything happens for a reason
Skittery: Gee, I hate to break it to you
"Then don't" Waves mumbles.
Skittery rolls his eyes.
The universe is just the contents of time, matter and space
"Yeah?" Waves responds, not seeing where Skittery is going with this.
Ninety-one billion light-years across and the Earth's a small place
Where good people die-
Waves stands up quickly. "No-"
Skittery pushes him back in his seat. "Yeah."
Skittery: In famine and wars
The Pacific Islands are sinking
But negative thinking is hardly the cause
"It definitely is, but believe what you want" Waves mumbles, arms crossed.
Skittery rolls his eyes, not sure whether to laugh or not.
You think life is all unicorns and rainbows 'cause you're bored
"I am bored" Waves whispers.
Skittery laughs.
And positivity is a luxury that few can afford
We're gonna die
Yes, you and I
In meaninglessness and alone~
Waves stands up suddenly, causing Skittery to quickly sit down.
Waves: No no no!
Skittery stares at Waves, wide-eyed, as Waves calms himself down.
Waves: One day you may wake up alone
Skittery rolls his eyes. "Oh God."
Waves rolls his eyes.
Waves: 'Cause your husband and his boyfriend bought a boat
And then they sailed away to Rome
"That's specific" Skittery mumbles.
Waves groans as they hear stifled laughs from behind them.
Waves glares at the Brooklyn Newsies watching them, before continuing.
So you cry yourself to sleep in deep despair
Talking to the walls 'cause there's no one there
And you have to buy a cat
"Cats are great though" Skittery responds.
Waves groans. "Not when you're allergic."
'Cause that's your last chance to have a family
Take it from me!
That your aging ass will have to believe that-!
Waves hears scattered whispers like 'did Waves just swear?' and 'I'm shocked'.
"Shut up!" Waves exclaims, shutting the Brooklyn Newsies up.
Everything- everything happens for a reason
Put some more fun in the world
A little "I AM STILL YOUNG" in the world
Skittery looks at Waves, concerned. Is he okay?
Waves: Be prepared to take your eggs and freeze 'em-
Skittery interjects. "Is this still about me?"
Waves glares at him.
'Cause everything- everything happens
Skittery stands up again: Sounds like terrible things can happen
Because the universe is random
Waves rolls his eyes. "Yes, but-"
Waves: Random for a reason!
Skittery: No reason!
Waves glares at Skittery again. "Did you learn anything from that?"
"Other than that you are cute?" Skittery questions. "No."
Waves blushes, groaning again. "I give up."
The other Brooklyn Newsies, even Skittery, laugh as Waves walks into the Lodge, Smokes and Red following him.
Spot shoots Skittery a look. "Skittery."
Skittery shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets. "He's cute."
"That he is, but-" Spot stops, realizing what he just said. "You like Waves!"
Skittery shrugs. "He's cute, but he's a little too peppy."
Spot rolls his eyes. "You could use some pep in your life."
Skittery rolls his eyes again.
984 Words
I am definitely Waves lol. Who are you?
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