Waitress?? Huh??
Jenna: I'm seriously going to regret this aren't I?
Lulu: Yay! Makeup!!
Jenna: Ok sweetie, here is my makeup and hair stuff
Lulu: We need to start with your color lotion stuff (foundation)
Jenna: That's actually right (?)
Lulu: This goes all over your face *starts putting on foundation*
Jenna: Oh yes, I am going to be beautiful
Lulu: All done with that!
Jenna's foundation is covering most of her face (minus her eyes) and is horribly blended, but it could be worse
Lulu: What is this? *pulls out a tube of concealer* It looks just like what I just did! We don't need it! *puts it back in the bag*
Jenna: Oh no...
Lulu: Ok! Now we need to do your eyeshadow!
Jenna: Alright...
Lulu: *picks the brightest color she could find* (I'm imagining a really bright purple or something)
Jenna: Oh, that's bright
Lulu: We need this brush! *starts applying eyeshadow*
Lulu: All done!
Jenna's eyeshadow is haphazardly been put onto and above her eyelids. It is a very bright purple and kinda looks like it was drawn on with a marker
Lulu: Now the eye pencil thingy! (eyeliner, but not the gel kind)
Jenna: Ok, just don't stab my eye, please
Lulu: It goes like this! *starts to sort of put on eyeliner correctly*
Lulu: That was hard (hard?) But I'm done now!
Her eyeliner is sort of put on right, Lulu had the right idea, but couldn't execute it properly with her chubby toddler hands.
Lulu: Now your lipstick! *pulls out a tube of pink, sparkly lip gloss*
Lulu: This one is pretty! *puts it on*
The lip gloss is actually the part that looks the best, it's a little smudged at the corners of Jenna's mouth, but it looks somewhat decent.
Lulu: Oh wait! I forgot the eyelash stuff (mascara, which I forgot to put before the lips, oops) I'll let you do this so I don't poke your eyes
Jenna: Oh thank God
Lulu: Now your hair! Yay!
Lulu: *brushes Jenna's hair*
Jenna: It actually doesn't look bad
Lulu: *grabs hairties*
Jenna: Nevermind
Lulu: How about pigtails!
Jenna: Sure..
Lulu: All done!
Jenna: Ok then, off to work!
Jenna: Lulu did my makeup, isn't it pretty?
Becky: You look like h-
Dawn: *rushes in* I HEARD SCREAMING- Oh Jenna! I like what you did with your hair!
Wow that was over 400 words. Just so y'all know, I can't write in a baby voice, thus Lulu sounding like she can speak very good English for a toddler. I'm going to do the BOM one either later tonight or tomorrow, so look forward to some McPricely content. Don't forget to comment more questions and dares, and you can ask me stuff too if you want! have a nice day/night!!
Also, how would you guys feel if I added a fourth wall break every so often? Just wondering.
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