Price: But I am a good Mormon heterosexual man who definitely doesn't have a huge crush on McKinley
Virginia: (fourth wall who?) Just kiss the man
Price: Okay. Elder McKinley?
McKinley: Yes Elder Price?
McKinley: TURN IT OFF *no homo tap dances out of there*
Price: I have been rejected
Like, four seconds later
Poptarts: Wtf
McKinley: I no homoed my way out of that situation
Poptarts: The only person you've talked about for months is Kevin fucking Price and then he kissed you and you no homo your way out of it?
McKinley: Duh
Poptarts: Bitch...
McKinley: Stop swearing!
Poptarts: Stop pretending you aren't gay!
McKinley: Fine *full HOMO tap dances back to Price*
They kiss again and there is no more no homoing out of gay situations
That was kinda short but whatever. Ok, so I'm leaving for summer camp on Wednesday and I won't be returning for ten days, so if you have any questions for dares you want me to do before I leave, please let me know! Don't forget you can ask me questions now if you want to! Have a nice day/night!!
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