To Be Human
Corey was pacing, after what happened on the street the others practically drug him home and into the garage. He didn't want to tell them, he didn't want to explain or deal with their reactions but there was no way out of this. Everyone silently watched Corey pace until Laney finally spoke, "Core."
Corey stopped, he completely froze and Laney couldn't bring herself to talk again, thankfully Kin did, "What was that?"
Kon spoke, "Why were your eyes red?"
Mina spoke, "And how did those guys just disappear like that?"
Corey sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Those were my brothers and sisters."
Trina spoke, "We don't have any other siblings."
"You don't, I do." Corey took a second to breathe, "Romiel, Aerith, Zachariah, and Hester aren't human, they're angels."
Laney spoke, "But they can't have been angels."
"Oh yes they can, they made the lights go out and they disappeared in the blink of an eye you can't deny that a human couldn't do that."
Everyone stared at him in shock aside from Trina who didn't look convinced, "If they're actually your siblings that would mean-."
Corey cut her off, "That I'm an angel too, yes."
Kon spoke, "But how's that possible?"
Kin spoke, "Wait, is that the reason Corey's been acting so different, because he got possessed by an angel?!"
Laney and Kon gasped, Mina gasped too but one harsh look from Trina made her stay quiet and Corey rolled his eyes. "That's not why I changed, I've been Corey every since he, technically I, was born. It's a long story but the point is that I'm an angel, I've been an angel for as long as any of you have known me in this form."
Mina spoke, "So do you have a different name then, like, an angel name?"
Trina glared at her, "Mina, he's not an angel."
Corey ignored his sister, "Yes, actually, but I'm an archangel, I'm not like the other four you saw."
Laney spoke, "Then which one are you?"
"Take a guess."
Laney thought for a second before she shrugged, "Michael?"
"The other one."
Kin spoke, "Gabriel?"
Corey looked mildly irritated now, "The other, other one."
Kon gasped, "Lucifer?"
Corey smirked, "There it is."
Trina stood up, "Your not Lucifer, your not even an angel, your just my dorky little brother."
Corey flicked his wrist and it was like Trina was forced to sit down, "Don't make me angry."
Laney crossed her arms, "But can you prove you're Lucifer?"
Corey just rolled his eyes again before a pair of wings burst from his back, they were mostly black but the tips of his feathers were red. Corey took a few steps back before he burst into flames and his eyes turned red, everyone stared in shock. Corey glanced at Nick, who had stayed silent this whole time, and got rid of the flames.
He did feel a bit bad when he saw the slightly scared looks on their faces but tried his best to ignore them. He moved his wings a little, mostly due to a sudden nervous twitch before speaking, "Proof enough?"
They all nodded and after taking a few seconds to calm down a little Trina spoke, "So your, like, actually Lucifer or whatever?"
Mina spoke, "And your an angel?"
Laney spoke, "And those people from before were actually your siblings?"
"Oh for fucks sake, yes, now can you stop repeating everything I just said in the last five minutes?"
Kin spoke, "But why were they trying to kill you?"
Corey didn't look happy, "Maybe I wasn't clear, I'm Lucifer, the king of hell, they were trying to force me back in my cage."
Kon looked confused, "What cage?"
"The one my father locked me inside after he sent me to hell."
Laney spoke, "Wait, your father?"
"Yup, the big G, the boss man himself, the creator of the universe and my father, God."
Mina spoke, "But why would he lock you away?"
"The lord-."
Laney cut him off, "Don't say works in mysterious ways."
"I was going to say he's a complete dick but I guess that works too."
They all paused and Trina spoke, "Wait, what?"
Corey sighed and his wings moved a little again in his form of a nervous twitch as he tried to figure out how to explain. "I was the first angel my father created, I was supposed to be the best of us, the first son, the most powerful, and his most loyal. He called me Morningstar, the Lightbringer, that's what Lucifer means in ancient Hebrew."
"I watched as he created Michael, then Gabriel, and together the three of us watched as my father created the stars. Then he created the other angels and we watched as the universe evolved, we saw as the Earth was born and life began here. Through natural selection humans came into being, my father told me what you would be capable of."
"Despite what the bible says, that damned book you all take as gospel, I didn't hate the humans. I was angry but I was angry at my father, and yes the humans but not for the reason you might think. I wanted you to be better then us, to be better then the angels, to be better then Him, and you were better."
"But my father wouldn't let you do the one thing that made you better, he made you to have free will but he wouldn't let you use it. Angels were made to be God's warriors, to follow orders without asking questions and fight in his name without wondering why. But humans could think for themselves and do what they wanted without needing someone to tell them to do it."
"But of course that bastard has a god complex, he needs to control everything at all times or he gets nervous. He wanted humans to be like us, to do what he said without question and he promised them paradise if they did. But the price was the one thing that makes humans, well, human, it would cost their free will."
"I told my father to let them do what they wanted, almost begged him to let them do what he made them to do, but he refused. So I came up with a plan, if my father was going to try to control them I was going to try to stop him. I took the form of a snake and snuck into the garden of Eden, I knew the risks but I didn't care."
"I took an apple from the tree of knowledge and gave Eve a choice, she could learn about the world for herself and stop blindly following my father. I told her the consequences, I told her it would cost them paradise and eternal life, she took it anyway. She convinced Adam to do the same and when my father found out he was furious with me."
"A war started in Heaven but it wasn't Michael that fought me, it was my father, he took down my army and then injured me. He broke my wings and threw me into hell not to guard it but to stay trapped there in a cage. He locked me up because I gave Eve a choice, the first choice she'd ever had to make, and he blamed me."
Everyone was quiet for a minute or two before Laney spoke, "But that's not what happened in the Bible."
"Because my father lied, he sent down his prophets and my own brothers to spread lies about what I did. He was angry with me and, well, every hero needs a villain right, what better villain then the angel that cost humanity paradise. So he gave me the name Satan which in Latin means adversary or opposer because I questioned his word."
"He called me the father of lies to further drive home the point that he didn't want humans to trust me."
Kin spoke, "But how did you get out of the cage if you were locked inside?"
Cory laughed a little, "Well it wasn't easy I'll tell you that, eventually I had to scratch and claw my way out of hell. By that time humanity wasn't the brightest they've ever been but they were learning, they were like infants trying to find their way in the world."
The very small smile Corey had when he said that confused them, they were all silent for a minute until Nick finally broke his silent streak, "So what did you do?"
Corey's wings moved again but it was less of a nervous twitch and more of a way to express excitement. "I learned what it was to be human."
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