My Demons
Laney, Kin, and Kon were still looking through the music while Corey talked to Kate and Allie. The two girls were sitting on the edge of the stage while Corey stood in front of them as he explained. "So long story short I don't actually need Trina's diary to come up with songs, at all."
Kate spoke, "So you changed your look and started acting different because you were hiding who you really were?"
Allie spoke, "And you pretended to need Trina's diary because if you could write songs yourself it wouldn't fit with who you were pretending to be?"
Corey shrugged, "Pretty much."
Kate and Allie looked at each other before they jumped off the stage and hugged Corey, Kate smiled. "Fake Corey or real we still love you and your band."
Allie spoke, "Yeah, you're music is amazing, and your newest song was the best one yet."
Corey couldn't help but laugh a little, "Thanks."
Laney looked at Corey, "Hey Core, we're going with this one."
Kate and Allie let go of Corey so he could walk over to Laney, he took the sheet music she held out to him and he looked at it. "Alright, then I guess we should start practicing."
Kate spoke, "Then we'll go."
Allie spoke, "Yeah, we have to be somewhere anyway."
Corey nodded, "Alright, we'll see you later then."
The two waved goodbye before they left and the four started practicing, they were going to wait to add the vocals until they could play their parts better. In between run throughs of the song Mina showed up and she waved to Corey, "Hey Corey."
Corey looked at her, "Hey Mina." He walked a few steps closer, "So are you okay on the whole Lucifer thing?"
Mina looked slightly nervous, "Well it is kind of hard to get used to but I think I'm doing okay, I mean I'm not scared of you or anything."
Corey nodded, "Great, and, you know, take your time with it."
Mina smiled a little before she seemed to get curious, "So, um, do you want us to call you Lucifer now?"
Corey's band mates stopped when they heard that, they were curious to hear the answer too. Corey shrugged, "I mean you can if you want but I you don't have to, I mean they're both my name to me."
Mina nodded before Trina yelled from upstairs, "Mina, get up here!"
Mina looked a bit intimidated now, "I have to go, bye Corey."
"See you Mina, and good luck."
Mina smiled a little before quickly heading up the stairs and Trina slammed the door shut when she walked in. Corey and the band started running through the song again, meanwhile Trina held out a piece of paper to Mina, "I need everything on this list."
Mina took it and read through the list, "What do you need all of this for?"
Trina glared at her, "I don't have time to explain my plan right now Mina, just get what's on the list and hurry up."
Mina took a step back from Trina and quickly nodded, she left Trina's room and ran out of the garage. Since Corey, Laney, Kin, and Kon were busy practicing they hadn't noticed her leaving and she was out the garage door in seconds. Hours passed before Laney checked the time, "Woah, we went way over our normal practice time."
Corey shrugged, "That's fine, I mean we got a lot done."
Kin looked outside, "Woah, it's actually dark outside."
Corey whistled, "Okay yeah we went way over time, that's my bad."
They were all cut off from saying anything else because Trina's door was thrown open and it hit the wall with a loud bang. Before that, Trina and Mina had been in the pink haired girl's room and Mina was shaking just a little. "Um, Trina, what are we doing?"
Trina rolled her eyes, "Honestly Mina do I have to explain everything to you, I overheard my stupid brother talking about demons, now we're going to summon one."
Mina looked shocked and she had to focus on not stuttering, "But wouldn't Corey rule over demons since he's Lucifer?"
"I'm sure he was lying about ruling hell, now shut up so I can summon this stupid thing."
Trina looked at a spell she'd printed off a website she found and said the words as best she could. When she was done saying them she dropped a match in a bowl full of different herbs and materials. The flame flared up as they caught fire before calming down and Mina looked around, "Did it work?"
Trina looked around and glared at Mina, "This is your fault Mina, you messed something up."
Mina stammered to try to respond before someone cleared their throat, the two girls turned to look at who else was with them. A woman with long red hair and bluish green eyes wearing all black was standing there giving them a very uninterested look. Trina glared at her, "How did you get in here?"
The woman looked mildly irritated, "You summoned me, now what do you want?"
Mina looked confused, "You're a demon?"
She rolled her eyes, "We don't actually have horns and tails, we possess people, now tell me why you summoned me."
Trina answered, "I want to make a deal."
"Fine, what's your name and what do you want?"
"I want you to make hunky Nick Mallory love me so we can go on dates and get married and junk."
The demon didn't look impressed, "And you're seriously willing to trade your soul for this?"
Mina whispered to her, "Believe me she is."
The demon crossed her arms, "Do you have a picture of this guy?"
Mina pointed to the pictures on the wall and the demon looked even less impressed then when they first saw her. "Fine, what's your name?"
"And your last name?"
The demon paused, "Trina Riffin, is your full name Catrina Riffin?"
Trina looked disgusted, "I hate that name, I prefer Trina."
The demon glared at her, "The deal's off."
Trina immediately looked pissed, "What?!"
"The deal is off."
The demon's eyes suddenly turned black, Mina was sure she was going to kill them, "I can think of a few reasons." The demon then started walking toward the door to Trina's room and Mina panicked while Trina just stared in shock. The demon threw open the door before raising her voice, "My lord Lucifer."
Laney, Kin, and Kon stared at the woman that had just walked out of Trina's room and didn't process what she said. Corey, however, didn't look affected, "Abaddon, why are you here?"
"I'm sorry, my lord, I was summoned to make a deal as is my job."
Corey crossed his arms, "Summoned by who?" Abaddon pointed to Trina and Corey looked a bit angry now, "And why did she summon you?"
"To make a boy fall in love with her."
He was starting to get angrier now, "What boy?"
The garage door suddenly opened and Abaddon pointed to who opened it, "That boy."
Corey turned and saw Nick standing there, Nick walked in and closed the garage door looking very confused. Corey gave Abaddon a serious look, "And did you take this deal?"
"Of course not my lord, I wouldn't disobey your orders and certainly not for that human female."
Trina looked offended but one look from Corey stopped her from saying anything, "Then I commend you for your loyalty Abaddon."
Abaddon actually smiled a little and Nick spoke, "Can someone explain what's going on?"
Corey answered him, "Nick, meet Abaddon, she's a demon, my right hand to be exact, and apparently Trina summoned her to make a deal."
Trina glared at him, "Shut up Corey."
Abaddon looked at her with black eyes, "Say one word against him again and I will tear your eyes out."
Corey looked at Trina, "Believe me she will do it." Corey looked at Abaddon, "If you don't mind."
Abbadon nodded before she suddenly disappeared and she soon reappeared in front of Corey. She got on one knee and bowed, Corey smiled a little, "I have told you that you don't need to bow."
She looked up at him, "I choose to bow my lord, as do we all."
Corey laughed just a little, "Well I won't stop you, but you can leave if you want."
"With all due respect my lord I'd like to stay, I don't like the idea of leaving you surrounded by humans. One of which clearly has no regard for anyone but herself and has already infuriated me as well as disrespected you."
"Fine then." Corey looked at Trina, "Let's talk."
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