Let You Down
It was Monday, Corey had school and the whole day he kept glancing at the clock, he wanted to get home so the band could practice. That's why when the final bell rang he was the first kid out of class, he met up with the band just outside of the school building and they all walked to his house. They started practicing almost as soon as they got inside and Corey was more then a little happy.
Not only was the show today but last night after Nick kissed him they agreed to start dating which he was ecstatic about. The only thing that brought down his mood slightly wasn't his sister, nor his parents, but his band mates. He could still feel them staring at him, he felt like a criminal about to be sentenced to death.
He didn't think asking about it now would be good because they had a show in a few hours but he'd ask afterward. One thing that made up for the uncomfortable feeling was that they were playing the song perfectly. They hadn't heard the lyrics yet and Corey wanted to surprise them with the fact that he didn't need Trina to get them.
Corey and his band had to leave early for the show so they could set up and have a chance to talk to the band first. Kin and Kon's mom agreed to take them to the show along with their instruments which was good. Corey's parents were taking Trina and Mina to the show since they were going anyway so they couldn't take them.
Laney's parents were working at the moment but would get off in time to be at the show so Kin and Kon's mom was their saving grace. They packed up their instruments and got into the car, Corey sat in the front while Kin, Kon, and Laney sat in the back. Corey talked with Kin and Kon's mother while the band continued to watch him but he managed to have a nice conversation with her.
When they got to the place the concert was being held Ms. Kujira stopped the car near the back door. They got out of the car and Corey quickly talked to the security guard at the back door while the others unpacked the instruments. They were let inside and a few people working as security helped them bring their instruments inside and to the main stage.
As they were getting set up the Midnight Musicians walked onto the main stage and Riley waved at Corey. Corey smiled before looking at his band mates, "Guys, these are the people we're opening for."
Laney smiled, "Oh hey, we haven't met you guys yet."
Eric spoke, "It's good to meet you guys."
Unfortunately that was the moment their manager called them backstage and they had to see what was up. They promised they'd talk later and it gave Corey and the band a chance to finish setting up. But true to their word the Midnight Musicians did talk to them more after talking to their manager.
About ten minutes before the show was supposed to start Laney, Kin, and Kon pulled Corey aside to talk in private. Laney spoke, "Corey, what are you going to do about lyrics?"
"I already told you, don't worry about it."
Kin spoke, "But you always have to make Trina go diary at the last second when you say that."
"Look, it's all under control, everything is fine so let's just get ready to go on stage and please stop worrying."
At that moment a woman wearing a headset looked at them from around the curtains, "Grojband, places, the show's going to start soon."
Corey nodded to show that they heard her and when she left he looked at his band mates, "Seriously, I've got this."
Corey then left to wait for the band's cue and they reluctantly followed him, their suspicions were growing even more with how Corey was acting. They waited for their cue and when they got it they got ready and started playing when the lights came up. For a second Laney, Kin, and Kon were worried Corey wasn't going to sing and were surprised when he did.
"So, here we are again
And you're thinking that you've won
And I, I still can't recognize the person that you've become
Will you look and see what you've done to me?
I've been crying on the floor
Can you hear me now as I'm walking out?
I won't take this, take this anymore
I didn't mean to let you down
I didn't mean to call you out
I didn't mean to spread your little secrets all around
I didn't mean to walk away
When you were lying to my face
I didn't mean to turn right back and put you in your place
Or maybe I did
Oh, so you're an actor now?
I guess our story was just pretend
Well I, I bet your arrogance
It gets you in the end
Did you think that I wouldn't realize
You played me for a fool
How do you feel now, everyone found out
And we all know the truth about you
I didn't mean to let you down
I didn't mean to call you out
I didn't mean to spread your little secrets all around
I didn't mean to walk away
When you were lying to my face
I didn't mean to turn right back and put you in your place
Or maybe I did
You should've seen your face when I walked out
I let the words fall out of my mouth
Ooh and it felt so good to pull the curtain down
No one believes you now
I didn't mean to let you down, no
I didn't mean to let you down
I didn't mean to call you out
I didn't mean to spread your little secrets all around
I didn't mean to walk away when you were lying to my face
I didn't mean to turn right back and put you in your place
Or, maybe I did.
Maybe I did, yeah
Or maybe I did."
When the song ended people cheered, the Midnight Musicians clapped from backstage and Corey could see a few familiar faces in the crowd. Trina and his parents looked shocked, Nick was smiling and clapping but there was some confusion in his eyes. Almost the entire crowd had risen to their feet and when Corey glanced at his band mates they were staring at him.
He wasn't entirely sure why they were doing that but he kept telling himself to wait until the end of the show. They walked off the main stage and switched places with the Midnight Musicians while wishing them luck. They watched the rest of the show from backstage and Corey thought it was awesome since he really liked the band.
His friends didn't seem as enthusiastic and it took all of Corey's willpower to not ask them about it now. Time went by both far to quickly and excruciatingly slowly for Corey and the show ended after a final farewell from the Musicians. Corey found his family after the show along with Nick who took all of Trina's attention when she saw him.
Corey's mom hugged him, "Oh I wish we could drive you home but your father and I just got called in. We don't have time to drive you home but we can take your instruments and you can get them in the morning."
Corey smiled a little, "Thanks mom, that'd be great."
Corey and his band mates quickly put their instruments in his parents car and once they were all packed his parents said goodbye and left. Trina crossed her arms, "Ugh, now I have to walk home with my dorky brother."
Mina looked at Trina, "Cheer up Trina, Nick is walking in the same direction so you might get to talk to him on the way back."
Trina gasped and Corey looked mildly irritated but one small smile from Nick made the look disappear. The small group started walking down the street and it was eerily quiet which didn't sit well with Corey. He felt like something was up, what that might be he didn't know but he had his guard up now.
As they walked Trina tried getting Nick's attention but Nick just talked to Corey, mostly about the show. Corey could still feel the stares of his band mates and it was really getting on his nerves now. When everyone went quiet for a second or two Corey groaned, "Oh for fucks sake this is killing me."
Corey turned to Laney, Kin, and Kon, "What the hell is up with you guys, you've been acting weird for days."
Kon looked at anything but Corey, "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, you keep staring at me like I'm a criminal."
At this point everyone had stopped walking and Kin spoke, "We haven't been doing that."
Corey glared at them, "Don't lie to me."
Laney looked mad now and she suddenly shouted at Corey, "Who's Daystar?!"
Now Corey was confused, "What?" Then it dawned on Corey and he glared at them, "You were the ones that went into my room."
Kon spoke, "How'd you know about that?"
"How could I not, the stuff in my closet was moved, my books were in the wrong order, and the stuff in my drawer was messed up."
Laney glared at him, "That's not the point Corey, who's Daystar and why was all of that music signed by them?"
Corey was shaking now, he was angry, angry because they invaded his privacy and angry because they tried to hide it from him. Just when he was getting dangerously close to doing something he couldn't take back he felt it, this was bad. The lights flickered around them before they exploded, thankfully the moon was bright enough that they could still see.
Corey immediately turned and saw four figures standing about thirty feet ahead of them and Corey glared at them. Corey glanced at everyone, "Stay behind me."
Trina looked outraged, "What?"
Corey glared at her and practically growled, "Trina."
She paused for a second before taking a few steps back along with the others, Corey turned back to the figures, two were men and two were women. Corey took a second to control his anger, "Brothers, sisters, why are you here?"
A woman with long brown hair and dark blue eyes spoke, "We are not your brothers and sisters."
"You used to be, but no matter what happens I am still your brother, now tell me why you're here."
A man with black hair and light brown eyes spoke, "We are here for you."
Corey couldn't help but laugh just a little, "So you're here to take me back, did dear old dad send you?"
A woman with blonde hair and green eyes spoke, "He didn't have to."
Corey smirked, "And what's he going to do when he finds out you came here without his say so?"
A man with dark brown hair and pale blue eyes responded, "He'll be happy."
Corey laughed, "Right, and you really think he'd send you?" The four paused, "I'm not going back without a fight, but you had to have known that right? What makes you think you can beat me, me, when last time it took the boss man himself to take me down."
Mina whispered to Corey, "What are you talking about, and who are they?"
Corey looked at her from the corner of his eye, "I can't explain now."
The four ignored the small interaction and they took out blades with strange carvings on them. The first woman spoke, "We will stop you."
Corey smirked, "Well I encourage you to try, but you won't win."
The four just seemed to get angrier and they moved to attack, in the blink of an eye Corey was standing in front of them. The first man tried to stab him but Corey sidestepped and grabbed his wrist, he twisted it and the man dropped the blade. Corey kicked him in the stomach and the man landed on the ground before he coughed, "Really Romiel?"
The first woman attacked and Corey rolled out of the way before swiping her feet out from under her, "Aerith."
The second man and woman attacked at the same time, Corey flipped the girl over his shoulder and punched the man in the face, "Zachariah, Hester, you aren't going to beat me like that."
While Corey fought the four Nick, Trina, Mina, Laney, Kin, and Kon were shocked by how he was acting. He seemed not only very serious but also dangerously calm despite how much danger he was clearly in. How he was talking was strange too, he clearly new them but why had he called them his brothers and sisters?
The four got up and Corey looked bored, Romiel and Zachariah attacked him and Corey easily dodged their attacks. Aerith snuck up behind him and grabbed him while Hester tried to stab him, Corey kicked Hester in the stomach before grabbing onto Aerith and flipping her to make her let go.
Romiel managed to cut Corey's side but it seemed to piss him off more then anything and he glared at them. Zachariah and Aerith attacked at the same time and Corey kicked Aerith in the stomach but Zachariah managed to grab him. He forced Corey to the group and Corey kicked him off before doing a backflip to get up and put some distance between them.
Hester tried throwing her blade at Corey who caught it just before it hit him and he threw it on the ground. "Enough."
He stretched his arm out toward them and he closed his hand just a little, the four fell to the ground in pain. He closed his hand a little more and the pain seemed to get worse, Romiel spoke, "Mercy brother, please."
Corey let his arm fall to his side and the pain seemed to stop but Corey glared at them, "You'll only call me brother to save yourselves." Corey walked closer to them and knelt in front of them, he spoke quietly so only they could hear. "I'm an archangel, the first angel he created and the most powerful, you can never beat me."
Hester looked at Corey, "Brother, please."
Corey glared at her and stood up, "Leave." They looked like they were about to say something but Corey's eyes turned red and he yelled, "Now!"
They didn't have to be told twice, they disappeared in the blink of an eye and Laney was the brave soul that broke the silence, "Core?"
He looked at them with his still glowing red eyes and they all gasped, he knew he'd have to explain this. He couldn't hide it anymore no matter how much he wanted to, he'd have to tell them who he really was.
Song by The Material, here's a link, I prefer this one but the original is good too.
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