I Owe You
At the end of band practice Laney, Kin, and Kon went home, after they left Corey checked the clock. He still had an hour or two so he went upstairs and thought for a bit, he remembered feeling this excited a long time ago. When it was finally time to go he left, he decided that walking would take too long and got there another way.
He checked the message he got again just to make sure he had read it right and then headed to the back door. After a brief explanation to the guard in front of the door he was allowed in and led to where he needed to go. The guard had taken him inside and knocked on the door, Corey almost hated that he was slightly nervous.
The door opened and someone was on the other side, Corey recognized them as Riley, the singer of a fairly popular band. Riley looked at him, "Hey, you're here, come on in."
Corey walked into the room while trying to hide his nerves as best he could, thankfully he was good at that. Riley closed the door before speaking again, "So you probably know everyone but we'll introduce ourselves just in case. Eric's the guy with the drum sticks, Marvin's currently tuning his base, and Melanie's chilling on the couch with her guitar next to her."
Corey waved a little, "Hey."
Riley looked at his band mates, "Guys, this is the guy that responded to our post."
Melanie's eyes widened a little, "Oh yeah, you said your band's name is Grojband right?"
Corey nodded, "Yup, and thanks for letting me come talk to you guys."
Eric spoke, "No problem man, so you know we're looking for an opening act right?"
"Yeah, you said you like to have local bands open for your shows."
Marvin looked up from his base, "That just about sums it up, so if we did have you open for us what would you play?"
"Well without the rest of my band I can't play it for you but I do have the sheet music if you want to take a look."
Corey took out the sheet music and Riley took it, the band looked all of it over for about ten minutes. Melanie was the first to speak after their huddle, "Dude, this song is awesome, who wrote it?"
Corey looked away, "I did actually, I've had that one for a while and figured it might be a good choice for this."
Marvin spoke, "Definitely, it fits with our playlist for this show really well."
Riley smiled, "So, all those for letting Grojband open for us?" They all raised their hands, "It's settled then."
Eric looked at Corey, "Looks like your our opening act kid."
Corey used every bit of his will power to stop himself from jumping for joy or something, he even ignored the kid comment. Corey soon left and he couldn't help but smile, he quickly went home feeling happier then he'd been in a while. Meanwhile, Corey's band mates were a bit suspicious of the fact that Corey somehow had new music for them.
He couldn't come up with his own lyrics let alone write sheet music for each of their instruments. They hadn't heard the lyrics yet because they suspected he didn't have any yet but they wanted to figure out what was up. So when Corey left the house they went inside and made their way into his room without being seen.
They closed the door once they were inside and Laney looked at Kin and Kon, "Search for anything that looks important."
They both nodded and they started searching the room, they looked in the closet, under the bed, and so on. Kin then looked in Corey's desk and found a locked drawer, "Hey guys, this drawer is locked."
Kon spoke, "There has to be something in there right?"
Kin nodded, "I'll try to get it open."
Laney walked over to the book shelf and eventually noticed something odd, "Something's up with this book case." She pulled out one of the books and noticed another book behind it, in fact there were several because the hidden books were much thinner then the book she took out. She took out more books on each of the shelves and found hidden books on each of them.
She took out one of the hidden books and opened it, it was a book full of sheet music, lyrics and all. Laney's eyes widened, "Woah."
Kin spoke, "I got the drawer open."
He opened the drawer to reveal loose sheet music like Corey had given them earlier but some of it looked unfinished. Kon spoke, "Dude, what is all of this?"
Laney spoke, "It's all music, look."
She showed them the music she found in the bookshelf and the two boys looked at the pages. Kin spoke, "But why would Corey have all of this?"
Kon pointed to something on the music Laney was holding, "Look."
They both looked and saw that the music was signed, Laney looked confused, "Daystar?"
Kon looked at Kin, "What's a daystar?"
Kin shrugged, "It could be referring to the sun but it's more likely a who, whoever wrote this music signed it with that name."
Laney walked over to the bookshelf and took out a few more of the books, "But who could have written this?" Laney gasped, "Could Corey actually be stealing songs from someone?"
Kin and Kon looked shocked, "What?!"
"Think about it, he already steals lyrics from Trina's diary, he might be stealing them from someone and he's waiting to use them."
Kon spoke, "Corey wouldn't do that, right?"
The three stood there in silence for a minute before they decided to put everything back and leave before Corey came back. Laney couldn't see any rhyme or reason to how Corey put the books in his shelf and put them in randomly. Kin managed to lock the drawer again, and Kon closed the closet doors, when the room was back to normal they left.
Corey got home a little while after the three left and he was still smiling, that is, until he saw his bookshelf. He walked closer and noticed that some of the dust had been wiped off of it, then he saw that the books were out of order. He organized them by the dates they were published, yes it was unusual but people wouldn't think that's how he organized them.
He did it for this exact reason, if someone messed with them they might put them in the wrong order and assume he wouldn't notice. That prompted him to check the rest of the room to see if anything else was out of place. The clothes in his closet had been moved, his bed was a bit messed up, and his desk had been gone through.
He unlocked the bottom drawer of his desk and saw that his sheet music was messed up as well, now he was angry. Someone had gone through his room and if he found out who had done it he was going to kill them. In the darkened room he saw a red glow and forced himself to calm down, he had more important things to worry about right now.
Corey then got a call and he answered it, "Yeah?"
"Wow, you sound mad."
Corey was a bit surprised by the voice that answered him, "Nick?"
"Hey Corey, so what happened?"
Corey rubbed his eyes, "Nothing, it's fine, so why did you call, actually, how did you get my number?"
"Trina gave it to me, I wanted to know if you could hang out."
"Um, sure, when?"
"Now, I'm at your front door."
Corey was very confused now, he walked downstairs and opened the door only to find Nick standing there. He still hadn't ended the call and he finally pressed the button to end it, "Okay, what the hell?"
He didn't sound mad, he sounded amused which made Nick smile, "Want to take a walk?"
Corey shrugged and walked outside before closing the door to his house, he and Nick walked for a while in a comfortable silence. They eventually ended up at the park and they sat on a bench, Nick broke the silence, "So how are you doing?"
Corey hummed, "Honestly I'm doing better then I have in a while, I don't have to pretend anymore. I mean the rest of the band is being a little weird but I'm sure they'll be okay, Trina isn't too happy about this though."
Nick smiled, "I'm glad things are going well, but why did you pretend in the first place?"
Corey leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, he stayed silent for a few seconds, "It's easier to play the role you've been given. People immediately assume things about others, I just gave them what they wanted. Being someone your not can actually be fun for a while but after so long it gets boring, I'm done being what people want me to be."
Nick hummed, "I guess I can understand that, so what are you going to do now?"
Corey laughed a little, "Who knows, I mean I didn't think too far ahead when I did this, we'll just have to wait and see what happens."
Nick smiled again, "That sounds like a good plan."
Corey smiled a little, "But I do have to thank you, if you hadn't talked to me yesterday I wouldn't have done this, I owe you one."
Nicks smile widened, "Good to know."
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