Between The Raindrops
Two days passed incredibly slowly for Corey, he and Nick were still doing well but Trina was starting to annoy him. If her summoning one of his demons hadn't made him want to strangle her the threats and attempts at messing with him did. He did his best to ignore her and worked on getting ready for the band festival by setting everything up.
He called the mayor to sign up and then talked to his demons, Abaddon, Lilith, and Azazel agreed but Azazel refused to deal with people. Corey told him he could do inventory, Lilith and Abaddon would just let him know if they needed more of something. Aside from that he practiced with the band as much as they could to get ready and he felt like they were ready.
There was equipment they could use at the festival and Corey had already dropped off their instruments with his demons. He'd helped set up the merchandise table and organize everything so he left his demons to keep an eye on everything. He'd be walking with the rest of the band to the park the festival was being held at along with his parents, Trina, Mina, and Nick.
He was ready to go so he just needed to wait for literally everyone else, the rest of the band was on their way. Nick texted saying he got delayed and his family was getting ready, he was the devil and yet he was getting tortured with waiting. Corey groaned before someone knocked on the door, Nick was standing there with a box and Corey smirked, "What's with the box?"
Nick smiled, "You'll find out after the festival."
Nick kissed him on the cheek and Corey smiled before letting Nick in, now they just had to wait for the others. His parents came down a few minutes later, then Laney showed up, then Kin and Kon, and Trina and Mina were last. Corey practically forced everyone out the door and they were on their way to the festival.
Corey talked with Nick and his bandmates as they walked and the fallen angel could hear Trina complaining to Mina. She hated that Nick was talking to him and that she couldn't despite attempting to a few times. It took less then twenty minutes to reach the park, his parents, Trina, and Mina went to find seats.
Corey stopped at the merchandise booth and the demons smiled, Azazel was in the back but he sensed the angel and came out. He'd put up a sheet so Azazel wouldn't even have to look at very many people and the demon appreciated it. Lilith spoke, "My lord, is everything alright?"
Corey smiled, "Everything is fine, I came to make sure you hadn't started a fire."
Azazel spoke, "Give us some credit my lord, we would have hidden the evidence by now."
"True, but while I'm here I might as well introduce you, these are my friends."
Laney, Kin, Kon, and Nick all waved but a few of them looked nervous, Azazel just scoffed and went into the back again which made Corey smile. Lilith smiled, "Oh so you're the humans our lord has associated himself with."
Laney spoke, "Um, I guess."
Lilith laughed just a little and went to check on Azazel, Abaddon looked at Corey, "You might want to head to the stage my lord. This festival should be getting started soon and you won't want to miss the opening."
"True, I'll leave the three of you to it then."
The group started walking away and Abaddon called after them, "Give 'em hell Luci."
Corey laughed and that seemed to be the only response that was needed, Kon spoke, "Why did she call you Luci?"
"It's a nickname for my other name, you know, Lucifer, Luci, a lot of the older demons call me that."
Laney looked confused, "I thought they were afraid of you."
"Not necessarily, they know not to test me but if they haven't done anything wrong they don't have to worry."
Nick smiled a little, "I think it's nice, and it's kind of ironic that the devil is a nicer ruler then some humans."
Corey laughed a little, "I guess, but Abaddon was right the festival is going to start soon so we've got to go."
Corey and the band started heading to the stage but Nick stopped Corey, "I'll see you after the festival is over."
Corey smirked, "You can bet on it."
Corey followed his bandmates and Nick went to find his seat in the crowd, minutes later the mayor started the festival. Band after band went up and Corey wasn't worried but he was agitated, he felt like someone was watching him. He'd felt like that for days and no matter what he did it wouldn't go away, it was getting old really quickly.
He was taken out of his thoughts when the Newmans walk on stage, their song was clearly dissing someone and he knew who. He didn't even pay much attention to their song, this wasn't a competition and even if it were he wasn't worried. When the Newmans finished they walked back behind the stage Carrie smirked, "Beat that."
Corey didn't even roll his eyes, he just walked past them and when they were introduced he walked onto the stage. The band walked on stage and got ready to play, Corey started the song by playing some notes on his guitar and they all smiled before Corey sang.
"Look around
There's no one but you and me
Right here and now
The way it was meant to be
There's a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that's in our way
We're better than alright
Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there's nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I'll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you
There's a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that's in our way
We're better than alright
Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there's nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I'll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you"
When the song was over everyone cheered and they waved as they walked off stage, that went better then he expected. When they walked backstage the Newmans looked shocked and Corey smiled, "What was it you said, 'beat that', I think we just did."
Corey walked past them and none of them said a word, they'd actually been the last band to play so the festival was officially over. There was a crowd of people at their stand so Corey snuck in the back and Azazel looked at him, "You performed well my lord."
"Thank you, and I owe you for helping me, I know you don't like people."
Azazel gave him one of his rare smiles and Lilith walked into the back, "Well done my lord, you were absolutely incredible."
She hugged him and he smiled, "I'm glad you thought so, when this crowd is gone you can pack up, and if I don't see Abaddon before leaving tell her thank you too."
Lilith nodded and Corey left, he found his family and friends fairly quickly so he walked up to them. His mother hugged him, "I'm so proud of you!"
Corey was a bit surprised but he laughed a little, "I take it you didn't hate the song at least."
His dad smiled, "It was great son, I'm glad we got to hear it."
Corey smiled before Laney spoke, "Oh, we have to pack up our instruments."
Corey suddenly remembered that they did indeed need to do that, "Right, yes, it shouldn't take more then ten minutes so we'll be back soon."
Corey quickly left with his bandmates but Nick followed and stopped Corey before he got too far away. Corey looked a bit confused before Nick held out the box, "Here."
Corey took off the lid and looked inside, there were four or five flowers inside wrapped in plastic. It was a small bouquet but Corey wasn't complaining, "Cute, so you were late because you wanted to get me flowers?"
Nick smiled a little, "Maybe."
Corey laughed a little, "Well you'll have to hold onto them a little longer so they don't get crushed but I will be back for them."
Nick nodded and Corey went to catch up with the rest of the band, it took less then ten minutes to pack up their instruments in Kin and Kon's mom's car. They waved goodbye as she drove off and they went to find Corey's family, they were waiting at one of the entrances to the park. All of Corey's demons had left already so all he had to worry about was walking home now, thank Hell.
Nick handed Corey the small bouquet and the group talked until Laney had to split off to head home. Kin and Kon were next, then Mina left, Nick's house was past Corey's so he was going to walk with them the rest of the way. They walked in a comfortable silence until they saw that the road was blocked off because a large tree fell into the road.
Corey's dad spoke, "There's another way back to the house, we shouldn't get in the way."
None of them saw any reason to object so they took the other way which was through an alley. It wasn't a scary alley by any means, it was clean and since there wasn't much crime in their town they weren't worried. They were about halfway through the alley when three figures blocked their exit and Corey already didn't like this.
Corey and Nick were ahead of the others so Corey handed the flowers to Nick and whispered, "Stay behind me."
Nick looked worried but had to remind himself that Corey was literally the devil so he'd probably be fine. Nick took a few steps back and the figures walked closer, they were all holding guns at their sides. Corey put his hands up, "Look, guys, we don't want any trouble."
One of the guys spoke, "Good, just give us all the money you have and you can go."
Corey was mildly annoyed now and he put his hands down, "Yeah, not happening."
They pointed their guns at him and the same guy spoke, "I don't think you heard me."
"Oh I heard you, and it's not happening."
Corey's mom spoke from behind him, "Corey-."
Corey looked back at her and gestured for her to stay were she was, she would have moved anyway if it weren't for Trina grabbing her arm. The guy spoke again, "You've got three seconds."
"I don't need three seconds, it's not happening, so if you're going to shoot-."
He was cut off when three gunshots rang out and each shot hit him, Corey's mom screamed and his dad looked horrified. Corey, however, stood there for a second before seeing the holes in his shirt and jacket, there was no blood. Corey quietly sighed, "This was my favorite jacket, now I'm mad."
The three looked shocked, and a little scared, they tried shooting at him again and he actually reacted this time. He turned his head away a little when one of the bullets hit, he looked at the gunmen before spitting something onto the ground, it was a bullet. Corey smirked, "My turn."
In the blink of an eye he was in front of them, he twisted the first guy's wrist until he dropped his gun before kicking him and knocking him out. Corey looked at the other two and his eyes were red, "Are you done?"
They started shooting at him and Corey just rolled his eyes, he stood there until they emptied their clips. Both of the guys were shaking now and one of them managed to speak, "H-how?"
Corey shrugged, "I'm bulletproof, which really sucks for you."
Corey punched the closest guy in the face and that was enough to knock him out and he hit the ground. The third guy was shaking so much that it looked like he was having trouble standing and Corey crossed his arms, "Do you give up now?"
The guy stared at him with wide eyes for a second before he fainted and Corey looked a bit surprised, "I'll take that as a yes."
Someone then spoke, "Corey?"
It was his mother, he looked and she and his dad looked shocked, he then remembered that his eyes were red and he changed them back. He sighed, "Okay, I know you're probably freaked out but I can explain, but, uh, not here."
They were both too shocked to move and Corey rubbed his eyes, here we go again.
The song is Between The Raindrops by Lifehouse, I took out the female vocals so you don't have to point out that part of it's missing. I'll include a link in case you guys want it.
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