When Corey got to school he saw his band mates almost immediately but rather then going over to them they went to him. Corey could tell they wanted to say something and he crossed his arms, "Okay, what's going on?"
The three glanced at each other and Laney looked nervous, "Corey, we, uh, we wanted to apologize."
Corey raised an eyebrow, "For...?"
Kin spoke, "For thinking you stole those songs."
Corey couldn't help but laugh a little, "Yeah, I knew that's what you would probably think if you saw them, I was planning on telling you after the show. Not that I'm literally the devil but about the fact that I can write songs on my own, obviously that didn't go as planned."
Kon spoke, "So are we not supposed to talk about that around people?"
Corey shrugged, "As long as you try to keep it under wraps it's fine, just be careful."
The three nodded and as if by magic Trina suddenly appeared and got very close to Corey as she glared at him. "Look loser, I don't care if you're Lucifer or whatever but if you keep talking to Nick I will end you."
Corey smirked, "And you think you'll be able to?" He laughed a little, "It took my father to take me down last time and I've been around for billions of years so good luck with that."
Trina didn't seem phased, "I don't care, stop talking to Nick."
Corey rolled his eyes, "Did you ever stop to think that maybe he chose to talk to me?"
Trina looked shocked before she became angry again, "No one but your loser friends would want to talk to you."
"Then ask him, if he says he doesn't want to talk to me I'll leave him alone, devil's honor."
Trina looked like she was about to hit him but instead she just walked away looking very angry and Corey smirked. He didn't care what Trina threatened, she couldn't actually do anything to him no matter what she thought. Laney spoke from behind him, "Your sister is getting out of control."
Corey just shrugged, "It's nothing I can't handle, so, the elephant in the room."
Kon spoke, "I don't see an elephant."
Kin spoke, "It was a metaphor."
Corey ignored the brief interruption, "Are we still up for band practice or is the whole king of hell thing a deal breaker?"
Laney smiled a little, "Core, this might have been a bit of a surprise but we're still a band."
Corey smiled, "Great, then we'll have band practice as usual and if we need to we can talk." The three nodded and when the bell rang Corey sighed, "And that's the real hell calling, honestly even I wouldn't make something as horrible as this."
With that the four went to their respective classes, since it was a small school they had some of the same classes but not all of them. Corey wanted to shoot himself by the time school was out but he settled for quickly exiting the school and going home. Laney, Kin, and Kon went with him and they went straight to the garage rather then going through the house.
They all sat down and Corey looked at them, "So, any questions, pressing concerns?"
Laney spoke, "Yeah, so do demons actually exist too?"
"Yup, made them myself in the fires of hell."
Kin spoke, "So are demons bad?"
"Yes and no, they were made in hell so it's in their nature to want to do something bad, and their tempers aren't good either. Mostly they just do their jobs, I've got rules that they have to follow so they don't do whatever they want. I mean it's true that you can make deals with demons, or certain ones at least."
Little did they know someone was listening in on their conversation, Trina smirked as an idea formed in her head. She stopped listening as Kon spoke, "So can demons give you anything?"
"Well not anything but they can give you most things, at the cost of your soul."
Laney spoke, "But they couldn't just, I don't know, possess someone whenever they want."
"Well technically they could but I'd know and they'd wish they hadn't done that by the time I'm through with them."
Kin spoke, "Okay, but I want to know about the whole music thing, you actually made music in Heaven?"
"Yup, not one of the most well known facts about me but I did write music before going to hell."
Kon spoke, "Like the gods of Rocklimpus?"
"I mean I guess, I did sing with the other angels but when we all sang I conducted, I didn't really play instruments though. The cherubim played the instruments, I wrote their parts too, and you should have heard us. Countless angels singing the same song in completely harmony, singing in a language all our own."
"Our father would listen with a content look on his face and I could never quite believe that I had written the songs they sang." The three stared at him with amazement and sadness in their eyes, Corey cleared his throat. "But of course that'll probably never happen again and I've made my peace with that fact."
The three still didn't say anything and Corey stood up, "Anyway I think I'll get some of my music and we can decide which ones we want to start practicing."
Laney finally spoke, "But Core we don't even know where we're going to play next, what are we going to do with a new song?"
"Post it on YouTube, I don't know but we'll figure it out."
Kin spoke, "Hey, why don't we post it on YouTube?"
Corey stopped and looked at Kin, "Remember the last time we made a music video?"
Kon spoke, "Oh yeah, it destroyed the world."
"Only in Trina's mind but either way it didn't end well."
Laney spoke, "Isn't there some way to make sure that doesn't happen again?"
Corey hummed, "Well we could make it more simplistic, not crazy backgrounds or special effects. But since we'll already have the song we can think of ideas that fit the song if we really want to make a special video for it."
Kin spoke, "Now we just need to decide on a song."
"Yeah I got it, just give me a minute to get the music and we can decide which one to use."
Corey left the garage and walked into the house, when he did he saw his parents and his mother smiled at him. "Corey, we haven't gotten a chance to tell you how amazing your performance was at the show, we're so proud of you."
She hugged him but Corey didn't hug her back, "Even though you don't think I'll go anywhere with my band. That I should do something else with my life, something more useful or worthwhile instead."
Corey's mother let him go and her eyes were starting to tear up, "You heard that?"
Corey nodded, "I did."
"Oh Corey, I'm so sorry, I was wrong, I was never supportive of your band but I should have been." Corey stared at her for a minute and she looked worried, "Corey, are you mad?"
Corey shook his head, "No, I'm fine, uh, thanks, for saying that I mean." She smiled a little and Corey looked away for a second before hugging her, "Thank you for being my mom."
Corey's mom looked a bit confused but she hugged him back and she motioned for her husband to join them. Corey hugged him too and he smiled a little, "You are the best parents I could have asked for."
The two looked confused but they hugged their son back and Corey's father spoke, "Corey, we love you, we'd never want any other son."
Corey's smile widened and he soon cleared his throat before letting the two go, "Anyway I have to grab some music from my room."
They both smiled and nodded, Corey went to his room and grabbed the music he needed before going back to the garage. Corey walked into the garage and put the music down in front of his band mates, "Choose from these ones."
There were five different songs in front of them, they each picked one up and when they were done looking at it would pick up a different one. Corey patiently waited for them to look at all of them and while they were looking at them someone started banging on the garage door. Corey walked over to the door and lifted it up to open it, when he did he heard screaming.
Kate and Allie were on the other side and they looked incredibly excited, they walked into the garage and looked at Corey. Kate spoke, "You guys were awesome yesterday!"
Allie spoke, "Yeah, what happened to Trina to make her write like that?"
Corey looked away, "Actually that wasn't from her diary, I wrote that."
Kate and Allie stared at him for a second until Kate finally snapped out of it, "Wait, you wrote that on your own?"
Allie spoke, "And you really didn't use Trina's diary?"
Corey shook his head, "I think I have some explaining to do."
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