I was sitting upside down in the chair on my phone Levi was gone and erwin walked in "hey eren" "what is it Erwin" I said and I saw him staring at my exposed skinny stomach "just wandering if you would like to hand out" "Are you asking me out?" "no no no like just friends I'm going to my friends house if you wanna come" I got up and I noticed he was staring at me I just giggled softly my hair was back normal "your cute fine I'll go only as friends" he smiled and we walked and we walked in the house "yo Erwin how's ya omega" I crossed my arms and tilted a bit "I'm married" "to who beautiful?" He grabbed my arm forcefully and pulled me "TO LEVI!" I said blushing and he smiled "your lying" I heard my phone go off and saw it was Levi I put it on speaker "hey eren I miss you whatcha doin'?" "I'm with erwin hanging out with his friends" " just don't let them harass you i know Erwin's friends" "holy shit it is Levi!" "MICHEAL DONT YOU DARE HURT EREN" "Y-YES SIR!" "CAUSE I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF I FIND A GOD DAMN MARK THAT ISNT FROM ME YOU WILL FUCKING PAY" "L-Levi I'm fine!" "Good if he hurts you tell me smith you watch and make sure eren doesn't get hurt " he hung up and micheal let go "shit" he blushed and scratched his neck nervously "sorry" I just giggled "your fine Levi can get a little protective " erwin disappeared by then and I sat down "ya know Levi hasn't really liked guys in his life" "well no one can resist me " I chuckled he smiled and sat next to me and I saw erwin walking back "what did you do erwin?" He shrugged "saw his puppy" he quickly covered his mouth "where!" I smiled "I'll show you" but erwin grabbed him whispering something and my tail wagged "oh come on it can't be that bad" I walked and saw a smakl dog I screamed and they both covered the ears as the dog quickly jumped in my arms "ITS SO CUTE!" It went and rubbed its nose on mine "I warned you" it jumped in the bed and jumped and I played with it until Levi called me again "hey Levi" "hey eren I was just wandering why the fuck is Alex away from home?" "EXCUSE ME" my eyes started growing black with white irises "yeah he took his phone that is how I know" "HES GROUNDED WGERE THE FUCK IS HE" "um he's at jeans house" I said goodbye and grabbed Erwin's keys "HURRY YALL DUMBASSES UP!" Erwin got in the back and when Micheal touched my arms trying to cool me off it burned him and I yanked opened the door to see Alex talking with jean and he turned "Car now" he slowly walked and when we were home I put him in his room and I looked at him "1 thing I asked you one thing!" "YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR GEOMETRY WHICA YOUR BARLEY PASSING AND YOUR FATHER ALREADY HAS PAPERS TO SIGN YOU TO MILITARY SCHOOL!" The and more I screamed the more he blushed and I slammed the door and i laid on the couch next to erwin and I was upside down and I heard a door open and I saw Levi I jumped up and hugged him "YOURE BACK!" He looked and me and I smiled believe it or not he was taller than me only by a little and I kissed him he picked me up and I blushed and he sat down with me in his lap I fell asleep and woke up in bed with Levi and I looked at my phone it was 12:00 I felt him holding to me for dear life and i sighed as I felt him tug on me and something he said tug on my heart "al-Alice I'll never tell him"
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