I was walking with Levi farlan and Isabel even though I was under age we were going to a bar in ducking 19 I look 16 "here it is!" Farlan said and we walked in except me "yo you to young" "I'm married I'm not TO young I also have a kid so get the fuck out if my way" "SORRY sir" I grabbed his hand threw him in the air making him spin and when he ft up I swung my leg hitting his making him fall and walked in "sorry kept you waiting" I said sitting next to farlan Levi and Isabel next thing o know I see a long black haired girl walk in I was stunned "EREN(MIKASA)?!?!" We screamed at the same time "WHAT ARE YOU DOUNG HERE EREN?!" "GETTIN DRUNKEN AND THEN GETTIN FUCKIN" she looked at me "whos that?" "My sister" farlan smirked and walked up "HEY girl what you doing here in this bar you look to young" "in 27" "I'm 27 two" "your brother and sister in law" Levi said as I sipped my drink "so?" I face palmed "use a condom" Isabel said "that's LOVE bitch" I said and high fives her and me Levi farlan and Isabel had a drinking competition all I remember was me and Isabel drinking all of what we got and THE I passed out
"UGH my head" I said and I looked me and Levi were in our bed both naked"WAKE UP!" I looked to see Jean "fuck man" "oh my god!" He said walking out of our room "how did he get in our house" I said "you invited him over after you got drunk" he said and he went to the door and released he was wearing on his boxers that had an arrow pointing to his dick and said 'saved you a spot' and he through on a pair of pants and walked and gave me a glass of water "you and Isabel hit a hard hangover" Levi said as I drank the water when I was done he grabbed it "where's iz?" "In hanjis room" when I walked down after putting my pjs on I walked in Hankins room and woke up Isabel "we won the drinking contest" I said and I helped her up and gave her some water farlon walked in from Erwin's room and Alex walked out of his room I see mikasa walk out of the room with farlan and I hit him against the wall "BOTCH YOU FUCKED MY DAMN SISTER NIGGA YOU WERE DRUNK!" I said hitting him down and walked in to see the condoned I got Levi I sighed grabbing them and walked upstairs with them and put them back in our room and when I started cooking that did not agree I ran to the bathroom and puked I didn't know if it was the beer or I screamed after taking it "EREN YOU OK!" I ran out hugged them all tears going down my face "IM PREGNANT!" Isabel was stunned Levi had a big smile across his face garland he was confused mikasa was not happy "YOU GUYS GAD UN PROTECTED SEX!" "HELL YEAH BITCH!" I said as Levi through his arm over me "my bitch is gonna have a kid" "When have I ever been your bitch?" He looked at me "sat that when I fuck you again" "make sure you don't choke me like you did three weeks ago with yo damn sick" I said rolled my eyes and I hugged mikasa "bitch be happy for me" "NO YOU COULDVE GOT AN STD!" "I've already had one" I said putting my hand on my hips "he did but hanji cured it" I shrugged as I walked to the kitchen and made breakfast I couldn't wait to have a daughter and I sat next to Levi as Isabel stared at him "YOU know Levi and farlan used to be together" I shrugged "I'm not jealous Levi has people wanting him to bang them and he once did I didn't care" "besides wren has lost all jealousy from his fiancé" "even though Levi took my virginity" "WHY did wren become suicidal" I dropped my fork and walked upstairs I started crying
Levi's prospective
"Bitch he has had a hard life I abused him at one time I don't mean to he is such an innocent kid who's been tormented his whole life he once bought rope just to commit suicide it's hard to handle him I have to watch him and when I come home from work he cuts himself or is fixing to it years me apart to see him like this it is painful as he tells me what his ex fiancé did to him he's been bullied his life and he uses me as a cover to shield him ITS TERRIBLE to see him like this"
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