All seven boys yelled down the dimly lit alleyway, heading towards a nearby club. Instead of waiting in line (like a normal person) they headed straight to the front. Hoseok gulped, seeing the bouncer in the front, with his buff body guarding the door, checking people off from a checklist.
"Guys we don't have enough money to get through what are we going to d-"
Taehyung pushed himself into the front of the group, with a big box smile. "LEE HOSEOOOOK!!!!" The bodyguard turned to Taehyung, almost immediately, smiling and opening his buff arms for a hug.
"Taehyung!!! I haven't seen you in forever" The guard pouted and went back to a small smile.
"Yeah I missed you Hose-" The guard dropped the smile and put a finger over Taehyung's lips.
"It's Wonho here" Taehyung looked down at his chest, a silver badge with Wonho imprinted onto it.
"Ooohhhhh I'm sorry I didn't know" Taehyung shook his head in disappointment.
Wonho shrugged and chuckled. "It's fine. Anyway, what are you here for?"
Taehyung kept his box smile "well, I wanted a small favor and I was wondering if you can let us in the club for free...?"
Jin's face dropped and stared at Taehyung like he was crazy.
Wonho stared off, thinking about the favor. "Of course! Anything for a friend" Taehyung smiled and opened the big door, using his other hand to hold Jungkook's.
"Thank you so much!!!!" Every. One. Of the boys bowed at Wonho uncomfortable thanking him while walking into the club.
Music blasted through gigantic speakers on the stage in the other side of the club. The music made everyone's heart jump to the beat. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok immediately ran down to the dance floor crowded with people grinding against each other and others who were shamelessly dancing due to the alcohol.
Jungkook eagerly took Jimin's hand, leading him to the bar. Jungkook shouted over the music "You can drink right????" Jimin thought about the many times he's gotten drunk and the many many shots he's taken and still managed to stay sober. He gave a small smile from the memories and nodded while Jungkook yanked his arm, leading him to the cornered bar.
Jungkook stuck his hand out, slapping- basically slamming the table. "Jennie are you there?" A girl with a round face and big eyes appeared from behind the bar. Her hair was up to her waist and she smiled at Jungkook. It was cute. She leaned up against the table.
She shouted over the music which wasn't as loud at the bar. "What drinks can I get for you?" Jungkook thought about it and nudged Jimin. Jimin shrugged. "I'll just get whatever you're getting"
Jennie yawned and propped her chin on top of her palm.
Jungkook spoke up, leaning towards Jennie. "Give us something that you personally like!" Jennie's big, soft eyes lit up, sparkling in a certain way that Jimin wasn't familiar with.
Jennie nodded and headed off, grabbing bottles after bottles of alcohol, pouring them into different containers.
Jungkook cleared his throat turning to Jimin while Taehyung made new friends with the people next to him. "Just so you know, we know a lot of people from parties. Just saying so you don't think we sell cocaine or something."
Jimin nodded and pointed to Jennie. "How do you know her?"
Jungkook flashed a smile "She was my middle school friend and my first and last girlfriend. She was the one that pointed out to me that I was gay."
Jimin let out a soft chuckle and nodded.
Jennie came back with three glass cups. "I created this myself by the way! Took me a whole month just to perfect it. I just need someone else to try it because Lisa gives me the same reply every damn time."
Jimin observed the pink and purple drink, fascinated by the color and the lime hanging off the side.
Jennie pushed the drinks more towards the three boys. "Drink up, it's sweet."
Jimin took the straw in his hand and took a small sip. His face scrunched up from the stinging river of alcohol touching his throat and taste buds. "It tastes... Really sweet" Jimin scrunched up his face and licked his lips. Jennie nodded at Jimin. "It does! I made it so it can be sweet and slightly dangerous. If you drink two cups of that, then you'll definitely get a big hang over tomorrow... If your alcohol limit is at average at least."
Jungkook tapped Jimin and pointed off somewhere. "I'm going to go ask the others if they want a drink" Jimin nodded as Taehyung and Jungkook scurried away. Jennie made a drink for herself and looked down at the cup.
Jimin tapped the table, attracting Jennie's attention. "So how did you become such good friends with Jungkook?"
Jennie smirked and rearranged her position. "He was always there for me and I ended up liking him. We dated but he started losing interest. But then we decided to stay friends and we just talked a lot after freshman year of high school."
Jimin nodded and asked another question. "Jungkook said you made him realize he was gay and I was just wondering..."
Jennie giggled. "He was losing interest while dating me. I always knew it and never said anything. But when I did, he always denied it but I knew he didn't like me anymore. He always stared at some guys and whenever Yoongi went up to him he would blush and giggle uncontrollably. At first I was pretty upset. But I learned to be mature about it after."
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows "Jungkook liked Yoongi?" Jennie took a sip of her drink and nodded. "Did they ever date?"
Jennie shrugged "I don't know. I got kicked out of the district for giving out alcohol before I could find out. But I don't think they dated. I'm pretty sure Jungkook just skipped to Taehyung."
Jimin sighed in relief. He didn't know why but he was relieved. Jimin pointed towards the big dance floor. "I'm going to go dance! Want to join?"
Jennie shook her head and smiled "No thank you! I'm still on my shift but you can always come back for another free drink!" Jimin nodded and got out of his seat, walking over to the dance floor. Bodies grinded together and guys in the club were scaring girls by grinding up against them out of nowhere. Jimin found this funny. It was funny how someone could have that much courage and stupidity to do that.
Jimin squeezed through the groups of people and maneuvered through sweaty bodies, trying to find at least one of his friends.
There was a sudden tight grip on Jimin's hips, with someone pressing against him. Whoever that was behind him, pulled Jimin's hips closer to himself. Jimin managed to spin around, delivering a glare at the male in front of him. The male smirked, looking down at Jimin, pulling him up to his chest.
Jimin observed the male. He was attractive, but not Jimin's type. The taller male's dark brown eyes pierced through Jimin's soft warm eyes. While Jimin's hair was simply swooped to the side, the other male's hair was split at the side.
Jimin pushed the male away, shaking his head, trying to tell the other male he wasn't interested. Not getting the hint, the taller male shoved his face into Jimin's neck, automatically forcing the smaller to let out a tiny moan. Jimin tried to pry away from the clutches of the stranger but failed as he panicked. Starting to hyperventilate, Jimin felt the other's hands roam up and down his body.
He felt angry, and hot tears streaming down his face, dropping onto the shirt of the stranger in front of him.
There was suddenly another tight grip on his wrist. Two grips on both sides of his hips and one on his wrist. That didn't add up at all.
He felt his own arm crack lightly as the grip on his wrist pulled backwards. The world spun as Jimin's face hit another chest. Somehow, he felt safer now that he was away from the stranger. Jimin looked around himself, seeing Yoongi tightly holding onto Jimin while yelling and pointing fingers at the other male.
The stranger attempted to throw a punch using all his force but missed as Yoongi stepped back. Wonho, the bouncer in the front, stepped in and Jimin guessed that he was trying to calm the stranger down. Jimin only caught several words he was saying but he could make out the conversation from "Jaebum... Need... Calm.... Don't make me kick you out"
Jimin didn't even notice he was still crying until he started to hiccup and finally noticed the warm puddle of water drenching Yoongi's black shirt.
what are your questions or opinions about this story so far? ;)
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