Yoongi's Snapchat
tae's car broke down
do u think u can pick us up too?
i might as well pick everyone up
thanksssss love you 💗
You have a boyfriend
and you, sir, have bad humor smh
Yoongi shut off his phone, lightly tossing it on the dashboard. He sat quietly, still waiting in front of the vanilla colored house. Yoongi impatiently tapped on his steering wheel. He expected Namjoon to be out and ready to go. He didn't see why there would be a hold up. Namjoon was never late.
Yoongi slammed his hand on the horn, causing the car to erupt in a loud honk. Namjoon quickly stumbled out of his door, putting on sunglasses. Yoongi rushed the boy into the car. After Namjoon closed the door, he let out a loud sigh.
"Sorry for the wait I have to make sure I look good" Like it was a natural instinct, Namjoon pulled the mirror on the car open and quickly fixed his hair. Yoongi backed out of the small driveway, scoffing.
"You could wear a potato sack and Jin will still love you the same"
Namjoon rolled his eyes, grabbing the aux cord and played one of the songs they both recorded together.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jimin ran around his room in a panic. He didn't know what to wear. What would look great on him? What would match his black hair the most? His room was strewn with clothes everywhere. Skinny jeans on the floor, shirts hanging for dear life on the TV, and let's not forget the baby blue boxers on top of the lamp.
Hoseok sat in the corner of the room, uninterested in Jimin's actions. He sat there balled up and scrolling through Instagram. Jimin threw his black boxers out of his drawer, smacking Hoseok in the face. The boxer slowly slid down Hoseok's face as Hoseok let out a groan. Tossing the boxer aside, Hoseok stood up.
"Jimin, just pick wear something! I don't want to keep staring at you trying to find clothes. If you want to please Yoongi, just wear the black button up on your window and those tight leather pants you have"
Jimin stood in the middle of the room, shirtless trying to find his leather pants. Then he paused. "Wait how did you know-" "Know you like Yoongi?" Hoseok let out a over exaggerated laugh. "You're just that obvious... Now hurry up! We're going to miss the train!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yoongi backed up for the tenth time. Namjoon kept arguing with Yoongi to back up more. Taehyung and Jungkook sang loudly in the back.
"WELL I'M SORRY THIS STUPID TOYOTA CROSSED THE LINE. THIS IS NOT MY FAULT" Yoongi yelled out of frustration. Taehyung stuck his head out to the front. "Maybe we can find a different spot?" Namjoon sighed.
"This spot is the closest to the cafe. We're not giving it up." Namjoon got out of the car and walked in front of the parking space, telling Yoongi which way to back up.
After a good 5 minutes, the car fit into the space given. All of them dashed out of the car, straight into the rather large cafe.
All the boys stared at the decor in shock. It was all white with fancy white lamps hanging and bubble lights hanging down from the ceiling. It wasn't even a cafe anymore. It was a full on 5-star restaurant.
A red haired girl quickly scurried over and greeted them. "Hello! Welcome to RJ's Cafe! How many at a table?"
Namjoon gave a kind smile and held up seven fingers. "Table for seven please" The waitress nodded and looked behind her at the cafe. "Right this way please!" Like little ducklings, they all followed the waitress to a elevated booth.
They all sat in their seats, and Yoongi and Namjoon scanned through the menu. Taehyung and Jungkook on the other hand, were trying to find the other three boys. They both stared at the door where the waiters and waitresses went in and out of.
Through those doors, stood Jimin and Hoseok. Hoseok urged Jimin to go talk to Yoongi. Once the four boys entered the cafe, Jimin dashed into the kitchen with Hoseok behind him.
"Just go outside! Everything will be fine!" Jimin slapped Hoseok's shoulder. "Easy for you to say! You go first!" Hoseok gave a blank face. "No you" Before Jimin could react, Hoseok pushed Jimin through the doors, out into the cafe. Jungkook was the first one to make eye contact with Jimin.
Waddling over, Jimin stood in front of the table and smiled awkwardly.
"Hi..." Namjoon and Yoongi's faces lit up and had to control themselves from squealing. Hoseok jumped up from behind Jimin, nearly toppling over the poor boy.
Jin walked out of the kitchen, scanning the cafe. Namjoon leaped out of his seat and ran toward Jin, giving him a tight squeeze.
(Okay time skip cause this is getting a little boring 🤧🤧🤧)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jimin was staring. Jimin was very obviously staring. Jimin couldn't stop staring either. Everyone already noticed except for Yoongi. Jungkook laid on Taehyung's lap, making small talk with Yoongi, Hoseok talked to Taehyung while Taehyung combed through Jungkook's hair, and Namjoon and Jin were just being awkward and overly polite to each other.
Jimin just sat there, staring, holding in his breath and sighing it all out when he needed to breathe.
Yoongi just looked so captivating in Jimin's eyes. With Yoongi's black bangs draped to the right side of his face, his black T-shirt that showed his veins decorating his arms, and his simple black pants just drive Jimin absolutely insane. He is just perfection. Everything sounded blurry but all of a sudden, everyone stared at Jimin.
Jimin blinked confusingly. "S-sorry... What did you say?"
Hoseok let out a disappointed sigh. "We asked if you were okay, genius."
Jimin choked out a laugh "yeah, yeah I'm fine I'm fine, I'm perfect!"
Yoongi flashed a smile at Jimin "You are you're okay?" Jimin gave a quick nod and smiled.
"Well, at least talk to me Jimin, you've been wanting to meet me for weeks but now you're just not talking..." Jimin felt his anxiety stir in his stomach.
"No, no, no! Let's get to know each other than! We should all go somewhere later today!"
Taehyung tapped his chin lightly. "We should go to the night market!"
Jin shook his head, rolling his eyes. "You guys don't even have enough money! You're in your first year of college!"
"What if we just go to the club?" Everyone turned to Jungkook.
"What? I mean, I know someone who can get us through WITH free drinks included"
Jimin smiled and chirped "Sounds fun!"
My toe swelled up and I'm suffering at tennis practice
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