13. Blogs
*the following Saturday*
Yoshi was at Hurry Scurry Herbert's. He came there almost every weekend, usually alone. The cashier Toad's eyes lit up when Yoshi entered the parlor. "Yoshi!" he grinned. "Loaded chocolate chip sundae supreme as usual?"
"Actually, not today," Yoshi replied. He thought he needed a break from the usual seven-scoop sundae. "Any new flavors?"
"Oh yeah!" We just got a new flavor a few days ago," the Toad said. "Olive oil." Yoshi glanced at the tub of olive oil ice cream. It looked like vanilla ice cream with a strange green substance drizzled over it. Yoshi had never heard of this flavor before.
"Sure, I'll try it. Olive oil ice cream in a sugar cone, medium-sized," he replied. "No toppings for now." It only took two minutes for the order to come. "Thanks!" Yoshi said when he got his ice cream. He immediately dug into it. Yoshi was amazed with the salty, but sweet flavor. He knew he had to blog about this. Yoshi finished his ice cream in about 5 minutes. He then left the ice cream parlor, hopped onto his bike, and headed home. Once Yoshi got home, he locked himself in his room and turned on his laptop. He needed a break from studying for the semester exams. Even though the exams were in January, Yoshi had already started studying. On his laptop, Yoshi typed "yom.com" in the address bar. His kind-of-popular food blog showed up on the page. Already knowing what to say, Yoshi started a new entry.
Olive Oil Ice Cream?! (at HSH)
I've mentioned Hurry Scurry Herbert's so much that I've decided to shorten the parlor's name to HSH. Well, I went to HSH today and tried out the newest flavor, olive oil. I was astonished by the sweet and salty taste. You should definitely try it! I know my girlfriend, Birdo would love it! She loves rare ice cream flavors. The olive oil ice cream basically looks like vanilla ice cream with a green substance on top. If you'd like to make this flavor, then the recipe is in the file below. Happy eating!
After publishing the post, Yoshi edited the sidebar and navigation menu of his blog. When he was done, this is what was on the sidebar, written in an eye-catching (but still readable) font and color:
If you want to suggest any food for me to try and blog about or if you want to tell me about your experiences in trying the food I blog about, contact me at this email address: [email protected]
In the navigation menu, you can find the list of single recipes if you want to look at the recipes that I attach to my posts. You can either view one or download one as a PDF.
The official Yom.Com Annual Cookbook Collection can also be found in the recipes list. Each volume can be downloaded as a PDF.
And if you want to see pictures of the food I blog about, visit my public Shellstagram: @yom_posts1427
News updates and more pictures can be found on my Paratwitter: @YomFood
Business email: [email protected]
And this was what was on the navigation menu:
Yoshi turned off his laptop, satisfied with the additions and adjustments he had made to his blog. Time to study for history! he thought.
*at Peach's house*
Peach was on her laptop, checking her inbox. She suddenly saw new mail and Peach opened it. It announced that there was a new post on yom.com, Yoshi's food blog. Yes, Peach had followed YOSHI'S blog. She wasn't 100% evil, after all. Peach was also waiting for Toadette to come over, so they could record the latest video for JustPeachy.vlog, Peach's channel on StarTube. Where could Toadette be? Peach thought. It has almost been an hour since she said she'd come! And at that moment, the doorbell rang. Peach went downstairs to answer the door. Toadette was standing outside, slightly out of breath. "Finally!" Peach exclaimed. "Where were you?"
"Sorry, my parents were lecturing me." Toadette replied. She made it seem like it was not a big deal. But, Peach had been best friends with Toadette since the beginning of 7th grade. She could sometimes tell when Toadette is upset or has just been upset. And this moment seemed like one of those times. "I had to run all the way here."
"Why were you being lectured?" Peach asked. "You look upset about it."
"My parents told all of my teachers to inform them whenever I got a test score," Toadette answered. I'm glad my parents aren't like that, Peach thought. "And they questioned me about my math test score that I got yesterday... They didn't like it at all."
"Why? What was your score? I got 24/30," Peach said.
"I got 26/30. And for my parents, anything lower than an A- is bad. They said they'd confiscate my phone if I get another 'bad score' on a test this quarter!" Confiscate your phone?! What type of parents would do that??? Peach wanted to say, but this time, just this time, Peach kept it in. Toadette was on the verge of tears and Peach felt super sympathetic for Toadette. But, Peach never felt sympathetic for ANYONE, only herself. I guess you should never say never, Peach thought. And then, something slipped out of Peach's mouth that both she and Toadette never expected would.
"Vent," Peach looked right at Toadette's eyes. "I'm willing to listen." Toadette took a deep breath.
"It's not fair! My parents expect me to be this perfect, smart, good-at-everything girl! But, I'm not and I never will be! Can't they see that? They want me to become a businesswoman that founds a company and makes millions or something like that. But, that's not what I want! I want to be an actress, singer, or dancer! But, no! It's MY life, not theirs! Just because my parents got awards for their grades doesn't mean I will! I can't do anything without them getting mad at me for SOMETHING! They don't even know that I have a boyfriend! My parents don't think art or music matters. I have to hide everything and I feel guilty for doing so! But, I don't have a choice!" Toadette dropped to the floor in tears. She had told Peach everything she would never tell anyone. She had told Peach everything she has had to live with for the past years. She had told Peach the cause of her miserable life. And Toadette had done the (near) impossible- make Peach speechless. After standing and watching Toadette cry, Peach finally spoke.
"I'm sorry you have to go through so much," she said sincerely. "I can't relate to you, but I'll always be there to listen to you." Then, Peach remembered something Daisy often said to console someone when they were best friends. "Wipe those tears off your face and put a smile in its place," she told Toadette. Then, Peach reached into her purse and gave Toadette a tissue. Toadette dabbed her eyes.
"You're such a good friend," she smiled. The two friends engulfed each other in a hug.
"Well, hurry up and get ready," Peach stood up after about a minute of silence. "We're going on camera in 5 minutes!" Peach and Toadette both went upstairs. They went to Peach's room because that was where most of Peach's vlogs were recorded. "Ready?" Peach asked Toadette.
"Ready," Toadette gave Peach a thumbs up.
"3... 2... 1!" Peach started recording herself and Toadette. "Hey!" she said cheerily to the camera. "Peachy here! Today, I have my friend, Toadette aka Dettie with me!"
"Hey!" Toadette waved to the camera.
"Todat, we are gonna talk about..." Peach glanced at Toadette. "Love!" This had came as a surprise to Toadette because Peach had never told her what they were going to talk about. But then again, Peach's videos were hardly ever planned out. "Toadette, have you ever been dumped?" Peach asked.
"No," Toadette answered. "Have you?"
"Nope," Peach replied. "But, I've dumped people. I guess they just weren't right for me."
"Oh," Toadette smiled at the camera, then turned to face Peach. "How is your relationship with Bowser?" Toadette asked.
"We're good," Peach started twirling a lock of hair around her finger, it was a habit. "Last night, we went bowling. I hate bowling, but I love being with him."
"Aww, that's sweet," Toadette grinned. "About a month ago, Toad took me to a theme park and made me ride the scariest roller coaster with him. It was a nightmare!" Toadette shivered at the memory.
"Toadette is afraid of roller coasters," Peach informed the viewers. "I also am, but Toadette is, like, SUPER scared of them! I don't think she can even ride the kiddy ones!" Toadette shook her head.
"I can't," she confirmed. Then, Toadette changed the subject to something she always had on her mind. "Yoshi and Birdo are so cute together!"
"Not really," Peach frowned. "By the way, Yoshi and Birdo are our classmates," she told the viewers. "Toadette, how do you feel about love songs?"
"I love them! They're so relatable and I especially like the cheesy ones for some reason," Toadette blushed.
"I agree, but I prefer the ones with deeper meanings," Peach replied. "How many crushes have you ever had?"
"Only Toad," Toadette admitted. "I grew up thinking romance was gross... And I hated Toad. He hated me. We often bullied each other, now that I think of it. I never had any crushes until 8th grade. I started liking the guy who harassed me in elementary school, but I didn't tell anyone because of peer pressure. And near the end of 8th grade, he asked me out."
"I've never had any crushes. But, I've had loads of admirers. Sorry, but I'm taken!" Peach laughed.
"If you were single, what would you look for in a guy?" Toadette questioned.
"He must be smart... But, not too smart! I don't wanna date a nerd!" Peach wrinkled her nose. "He must be tall-ish and muscular! And he must have a deep voice. And he has to be VERY romantic. He must take me to fancy dinners all the time! He must be very wealthy and pay for everything I buy when I'm with him. He must have white teeth, beautiful eyes, and a decent hairstyle. He has to be super affectionate and hug and kiss me all the time! There's a lot more things I want in a guy. Want me to continue?"
"You said enough," Toadette laughed. "What do I want in a guy? I want him to be patient, honest, and understanding. He must be kind to both his and my friends. He must be smart and also funny. He should be able to make me smile when I'm sad. He must hardly get mad at me. He must know all of my flaws, but he should accept them. I could go on, but I don't wanna make you guys listen to my rambling."
"That was kinda deep," Peach turned to face the camera again."Comment what you want in a guy and who knows? I might mention it in the next vlog! If you want to suggest anything or tell me about your revelant experiences, send me fan mail at [email protected]. So, until the next vlog, bye! Stay perf!" Peach and Toadette blew kisses to the camera and Peach stopped recording. "Want ice cream?" Peach asked Toadette. "I have Rocky Road."
"Sure!" Toadette grinned and the two girls headed downstairs.
*at Rosalina's house*
Rosalina was extremely bored. She had already taken a nap and had a snack, but she was STILL bored. Rosalina decided to organize her bookshelf. She took out all of the books there and seperated them into three piles- one for keeping, one for throwing, and one for giving away. After 30 minutes into the organizing session, Rosalina came across a big, blue book that she hadn't seen in years. "My BFF Scrapbook" was written on the cover in various colors of Sharpies. Rosalina self-debated on whether she should keep or throw away the book. Maybe I should look through it first, then decide, she thought. Rosalina spent an hour reminiscing about her memories with Peach and Daisy. Finally, she reached the very last page. On it was a picture of Rosalina, Peach, and Daisy at a beach during the summer before 7th grade. Peach had written on the sand, "BFFs" and she was lying down next to the writing. There was a caption at the bottom of the page. "BFFs means Best Friends Forever. And that's what Peach, Daisy, and I plan to be," Rosalina read aloud. She tossed the book into the "Keep" pile. Rosalina wished things had turned out differently. She felt the need to write her thoughts and feelings down somewhere. And Rosalina knew the right place to do so. She grabbed her laptop and turned it on. Rosalina went to her secret blog, blueroses.shroomspot.com. Rosalina's blog was basically a SECRET online journal and she made an entry whenever she felt like expressing how she felt about something. Rosalina began a new entry and began typing away. After about 45 minutes, she published the entry and reread it.
BR Blog Entry #62
Your parents are getting divorced? Your favorite teacher is leaving school? A super yummy meal in a restaurant is only limited-time? Stop worrying about the future and make the best out of the present. Cherish every moment with something or someone you love because before you know it, that something or someone may be gone. Some big changes even come unexpectedly.
For instance, a huge change in my life came unexpectedly. I never saw it coming and neither did my friend, Daisy. But, you know those times when what is happening in front of you is so shocking that all you can do is go along with it? That's what I went through that day. I wish I could go back in time and somehow change that. But, each mistake is a lesson learned and it's impossible to change it.
In the beginning of 7th grade, Peach and I tried out for cheer. It was the first year that we had the opportunity, so we took it. Daisy didn't want to join cheer because she was simply not fit to be a cheerleader. About a week after the try-outs, the results had been revealed and Peach and I both made it onto the team! Peach was the cheer captain and she attracted the attention of Dixie, Toadette, and Birdo. Those three girls back then were really nice and lovable, but everyone was scared of being hated by them and I suppose they were the "popular girls" back then because people practically worshipped them. Dixie, Toadette, and Birdo were also in cheer and invited Peach and I to hang out with them. I was so happy, but didn't know what to do. I had a huge dilemma because Daisy couldn't join us if we started hanging out with them. I begged them to let Daisy join their group, but they kindly refused. The question was nagging me until the end of the school day. I asked Peach if she was joining Dixie, Toadette, and Birdo and she said I'll find out. At the place Peach, Daisy, and I usually met up after school to walk home together, Peach told Daisy about cheer and the invitation she and I got from Dixie, Toadette, and Birdo. Peach said she and Daisy had to stop hanging out and I was surprised that she was leaving her best friend since 1st grade for some cheerleaders. Daisy looked even more suprised than I did. She even looked sad. I would be too, if I was her. Peach started saying mean things to Daisy. "I hate you. It's a new school year. I've changed," I remember Peach saying to Daisy. I also remember that look Daisy gave me when Peach left to join her new friends. She didn't have to say anything. I knew what Daisy was thinking because I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to know if I would still be her friend or join Peach. Daisy wasn't glaring at me. She just looked sad and a bit hopeful. I remember her face when I said, "Sorry, Dai," and ran off. I will never forget her facial expression when that happened. I could almost see her heart drop to the floor and shatter into billions of pieces (not literally). I felt so bad, but as I said earlier, I was too shocked to think properly. Daisy's heartbroken look at me kept appearing in my mind for about 2 years. I hated it. I hated witnessing Daisy and her new friends get bullied by her former best friend and not being able to do anything about it.
It's interesting how people change. There's almost always a story behind the change. I'd pick Peach's old self over her new self any day.
The Peach I knew 3 years ago and before was different. She was considerate. It was actually obvious that she was smart. She was modest. She wasn't judgmental. She was not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside too. She hardly lied. She was innocent. You would rarely hear anything mean or negative come from her mouth. But, when Peach became the most popular girl in school, she changed because of all the power that she had. However, even though Peach's personality became much worse, people still love her. That's the thing about some people. They like Peach because of peer pressure. The pressure is especially hard on us populars. One wrong move and Peach ditches us. I used to be one of those who went along with what Peach was doing, so we wouldn't see her bad side. It happened to me one day, though. I left those stupid populars. At Peach's birthday party around 3 months ago, I finally exploded at her. I left the party early and our friendship ended. The following day, I patched things up with Daisy. So now, I'm supposedly a "nerd". I just wish the old Peach would come back.
So, appreciate every moment spent with the ones you love while they're still here. Hope for the best and know that things will eventually get better... Somehow.
Rosalina closed her laptop and flopped onto her bed. She was in the mood to relive memories from the past. So, Rosalina fell asleep and had a nap full of flashbacks.
Guess how much words this chapter was? 3109! This is definitely the longest chapter that I've ever written on Wattpad. I made it long to make up for the fact that this book hasn't been updated in 2 months. Sorry! And happy early New Year btw! I will publish something else after this chapter but it's not a chapter. I will explain what it is and why I wrote it in the chapter itself. If you could get my book some more reads/readers that would be fantastic! And now you know the story of how Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina's friendship ended in 7th grade, but from Rosalina's POV this time. Anyways pls add, comment, vote, etc. Thanks!
- pinkandpeachy
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