Chapter One
I wanted them to live in England so they live in Brighton sry I know they're Australian but I like England and the sort of dreary weather goes with my theme? And I'm sorry if my British grammar is incorrect lol I'll try my best. Idk just deal with it thanks (:
Cute gif on the side/top aw
Ashton POV
I shivered from the cold and wrapped my arms tighter around myself as I continued the trek to my flat. My messenger bag repeatedly slammed against my leg with each step I took, the weight of my heavy textbooks probably leaving a bruise.
I grumbled as more wind nipped my nose and I tried to bury it deeper into the scarf wrapped around my neck that my mom had given me for Christmas the previous year. I had big white mittens on my hands, but that didn't stop the cold from numbing my fingers so I stuffed my hands in my pockets for good measure.
Panic! played in my headphones, the angelic sound of Brenden Urie making me forget the freezing cold whipping my face for just a moment.
I hate how far away my lectures are from my flat, and I would take the bus, but this saves me money and I also don't particularly fancy being seated between a woman with a snotty baby and a man that smells strongly of cigarettes and rotted dairy. But I guess I kind of like the walks, I mean it isn't always this cold, because it keeps me active and allows me to think. I also love my city. I live in Brighton, in England, and I do love walking past a quaint coffee shop or talented street performer. There's always something new to see, hear, or smell- pungent or not.
Everyday I also walk past this cute little park with a pond, it's frozen over now but usually is home to families of cute ducks, and lots of benches.
One thing that intrigues me about this park is that everyday I walk past it there's a boy sitting on the bench with blonde hair and dark clothes. No matter the weather, he's there. I mean, I've never walked home in the rain, so I suppose he may not be there on those occasions, but I have yet to see the day he isn't on that park bench.
He doesn't just sit there either, he always has an easel, and a canvas. He has brushes lined up next to him on the bench, and a palette of colors in hand.
He paints, sometimes its a new canvas, and sometimes its the same one as I had seen the day before. I keep an account in my mind of all the things he's painted. I mean, I try.
I started to see him about two months ago, but I've never spoken to him, and I don't know his name. We've made eye contact a few times, so I know that he sees me too. I just wish that we could actually talk.
He's cute. Not just ordinarily cute, but like, hot. I want to brush my thumb over his stark cheekbones, hold his lean hand, kiss his pink lips. I'd also be very interested to find out what the lip ring on his bottom lip feels like against my own.
I guess you could say I have a crush on a complete stranger, but he's dark and mysterious, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
Both metaphorically and literally.
I want to just sit next to him on the bench and try to talk to him, but I'm far too shy for that. Also, I don't want him to think I'm weird or too forward.
So I'm letting life take its course and hoping that our courses cross somewhere along the line.
I impatiently pressed the button to the stoplight as I waited for my turn to walk, and I felt an anxious warmth erupt in my stomach as I see the park just about a block away.
The signal for me to walk flashed at me across the street and I quickly walked to the other side, wanting to get to the park as soon as possible. Seeing the boy is quite honestly the highlight of my day. It's as bleak as it sounds.
I quickly pulled out my phone to change the song, shivering as I had to take off my mitten. I opened my music app and scrolled through my multitude of songs, eventually landing on Breezeblocks by Alt-J.
I put my phone back in my pocket and then returned my hand to the warmth of my mitten.
I glanced to my left as I approached the park, and I saw my mystery boy sitting on the same bench as he does everyday, canvas in front of him. He was focusing particularly hard at the moment, his eyes in a squint and tongue poking between his lips, leaning towards the canvas.
I watched intently as I continued to walk and suddenly he glanced up at me. He stopped what he was doing to watch me with a blank expression, his eyes travelling up and down my body. He lightly worried his lip ring with his teeth. We held eye contact until I blushed and looked away, not looking at him again until I had turned the corner.
I was so busy not looking that I didn't notice the small smile that replaced his usually grim expression.
I noticed his painting was new today, a mixture of dark colors, but I couldn't quite tell what it was going to be. His paintings are usually very dark; I don't think I've ever seen him use a yellow or a pink.
I have considered the possibility that he's homeless before, but I don't see how he could afford all those canvases if he was. Also, he dresses warm enough to survive the cold, so I've sort of dismissed the possibility.
I wasn't far from home by now, only a couple turns away from my building, and I couldn't even feel my nose anymore so I kind of forgot about the cold wind.
When I finally opened the doors to my apartment building and the warm air hit my cold body it was about 3 o'clock. I took the elevator to the sixth floor and unlocked the door to my apartment.
I shut the door and sighed loudly, dumping my coat and bag on the coatrack by the door. I adjusted the hem of my sweater and I heard a loud mew by my feet.
I looked down to see my calico cat, Meiji, circling my legs. "Hey, baby," I cooed, taking the small cat in my arms. She mewed again at me and nosed my neck. I giggled as her whiskers tickled under my chin. "You hungry?" I asked, taking her into the kitchen.
I set her down and grabbed a can of her cat food, emptying it out into her bowl. I refilled her water bowl and scratched behind her ears as she eagerly chowed her food. "I'm hungry too," I mumbled, searching through my cupboards.
I don't have much, but I'm just a 21-year-old man living alone with his cat, so I guess I don't really need much. I'm content with my life, enjoying my college experience- perhaps not my work load, but I do enjoy the campus and the learning experience.
I have a job at a small bakery a couple blocks away from my flat, and I absolutely adore it. I get to frost cupcakes and bake cakes for parties and make a variety of muffins and coffees for work-goers early in the morning. I have only a few coworkers, and usually only one or two of us are working at a time.
My favorite coworker is Georgia, a sweet old lady who's worked at the bakery for nearly 30 years. She's practically my grandmother, and I love to listen to her stories as we make cookies together. She's always smiling and she just brings life to the little bakery.
Speaking of work, I have a shift tonight at five; I work until eight. My shifts are longer on weekends because I have less classes on those days, but its plenty.
I ended up grabbing a box of mac and cheese, heating up the stove. As I waited for the noodles to finish cooking I pulled out my phone and checked my notifications. I had a text from my best friend Michael, and I rolled my eyes and scoffed when I read it. Michael and his texting acronyms and horrid spelling.
From: Mikey
Can we hang tonite im super bored :p
To: Mikey
I have work at 5
I waited only about a minute before he replied.
From: Mikey
Whatever ill go wit u 2 work i just dont wanna b alone
To: Mikey
Don't you have a boyfriend to bother or something?
From: Mikey
Dont b a tosser, hes got classes tonite
Michael is dating my other friend Calum. I've only known Calum for about a year; he was in my psych class last year and we immediately hit it off. Michael met Calum once when I had him over, and they also hit it off, but in a different way. Michael asked Calum out, and they've been dating for something like 8 months now.
Michael has been my best mate since primary school. He actually started off bullying me in second grade because my hair was too curly and he had a better crayon pack than I did. But then one day he found me crying in the bathroom and he felt bad and started crying too. We've been best friends ever since.
To: Mikey
Whatever, just bring something to do so I don't have to entertain you
I mixed in my cheese sauce and served up a bowl for myself. While I waited for it to cool I cleaned Meiji's empty food bowl and put it away. Meiji sat at my feet, pawing at my legs, so I picked her up along with my macaroni.
I went to sit on my couch and I cuddled in a downy blanket, and Meiji settled on my lap. I turned on the TV and surfed the channels until I landed on an episode of Law & Order: SVU. I chewed on my macaroni as I watched the show intently.
Michael continued to pester me as I ate, but I allowed him to rant about Calum's cute hair and how much he hates this girl he works with.
I watched Law and Order for an hour before I turned off the TV and quickly did my dishes. I didn't have to start walking to work for about 45 minutes so I decided I would get a start on my homework.
I worked on my paper for my psychology class until 4:30, and then I ran to the bathroom to take out my contacts. They were starting to irritate me so I put on my glasses instead, and quickly fixed my hair.
I don't have to wear a uniform at the bakery, and I love that, so I just left my outfit as it was- black jeans and an army green sweater.
I quickly filled up a waterbottle to bring with me and stuck it in my bag after I took out my heavy textbooks. I put on my coat and hat, and put in my headphones, turned on a little Mumford and Sons, and tied on my converse before putting on my mittens.
I scratched Meiji's ears one last time before heading out the door, locking it behind me.
I walked through the cold once more, this time not passing the park (much to my dismay), until I reached the small bakery stuffed between an art supply store and a small shop filled with scarves and colorful beads.
The bell attached to the door made a ding as I walked in. I smiled when I saw Georgia's greying bun behind the counter.
When the bell sounded she turned to look at me and her face lit up, "Well, hello, Ashton!"
"Hey, Georgia," I replied and she pulled me into a big hug. She kissed my forehead and I smiled.
"How has your day been?" she asked me as I followed her into the kitchen.
"Pretty good I suppose, not much different from any other day," I shrugged, and she nodded.
I took my apron down from the hook and tied it around my waist. We immediately got to work on a batch of cupcakes somebody was picking up tomorrow morning for some work party.
Every time the bell dinged I went to attend to the customers needs.
Today was slow, well, that is until Michael showed up at about 6:30.
"Ashtoooooon!" I heard after the bell rang. I rolled my eyes when I noticed Michael's hair was now blue. He made a big show of primping his hair with pursed lips before asking me, "You like?"
"I hope you go bald, Clifford," I said, and snorted when he flicked me off.
"No profane body gestures in my bakery, Michael!" Georgia shouted from the kitchen and Michael blushed.
"Sorry, Georgie!" he giggled. She rolled her eyes but nonetheless brought out a small, yellow cupcake on a napkin and pushed it towards his side of the counter. He squealed with delight and took a big bite out of the side, crumbs falling in showers back onto the counter.
I rolled my eyes when he brushed the crumbs on the floor and I made a mental note to make sure he helped me sweep up before I left.
Michael hung out until it was closing time, and he turned up Fall Out Boy to earbursting levels while we cleaned, and I'm surprised Georgia tolerated it.
Michael gave me a ride home after we both got a hug and a cookie from Georgia. He ruffled my hair before I left the car, and I sassily remarked that if I even touched his hair it would probably fall out. Then he flicked me off again and I blew him a kiss before skipping to the door of my building.
I yawned as I opened the door to my flat and immediately collapsed on the couch. I felt Meiji hop onto my back and nose my hair. I chuckled and sighed at the pile of work that still needed to be done. It wasn't really late, but I was exhausted and I also had classes the next day so I had to do it tonight.
I did my homework until something like midnight, then took a shower. As I searched through my shirt drawer for my favorite sleep t-shirt my hands happened upon an old t-shirt I hadn't seen in close to a year.
It was a white t-shirt with some logo for a crab shack somewhere in the states. My heart clenched painfully because this was his.
I don't like saying his name, or even thinking of his name for that matter, so I swiftly threw away the shirt before climbing into bed with a heavy heart and Meiji curled up beside me.
I hope this didn't bore you to death, I just needed you to get insight into Ashton's life you know? His life is rather bland and such and I just needed to show that haha. I hope you enjoy this, really (:
Also that part of the story that seemed sexual actually was sexual that's me hinting that this is dominant luke lol
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