She hopped off the cab, held to the strap of her bag, after adjusting her scarf to ward a little of the December chill, and walked on with a skip to her steps.
Grace was simply elated. if 'simply' would explain total, complete, entire happiness-then yes, she simply was. She smiled back at the man at the entrance, "bonjour" she replied his greetings.
Radisson Biu Hotel welcomed her through its wide reception where many Christmas lights shone from many angles competing with the bright smiles of the ever courteous receptionists and staff.
Inside the elevator, a man was holding a baby girl, the pretty girl slurred in languages only she understood, but the man smiled and cooed at her. Grace smiled at the baby who cocked her head comically then burst into peals of laughter. Her mortified father made a placatory gesture with his hand. They got to seventh floor, the man left, so should she.
But she looked for a moment at the bag she held and concluded, the costume was best delivered to Dave tonight. It could wait, since the dance was not until till the next evening and her off-the-book samba routine rehearsal had left her a bit sore. She needed time to rest her head-possibly after long hours in the bathtub- and sleep till she would wake then hit practice with Dave the next morning, perfecting a samba routine to the temptations' 'I can't get next to you.'
She punched the button nevertheless. When the elevator dinged, she was unsure whether she should leave and follow through, or just get herself back to room 710. A part of her reprimanded her for collecting the package for him, Dave could just walk into the dressing room tomorrow and find them. He would be late for practice, as usual, but the little time they've spent wrestling in this snake pit had taught her that Dave wasn't just exceptional in looks and body, but in mind. That's the only way he's been able to pull all his stunts. He was never left behind, which sometimes made her feel intimidated and frustrated when he lets it get to his head. But both had come a long way from a school in Lagos, to the international grounds in Cote d'Ivoire, and who knows if worldwidd prominence was somewhere within reach?
For a brief mischievous moment, her mind wondered to a certain night. She reprimanded herself, it was one time that shouldn't mean anything. But doesn't it?
She stepped out, breath in and walked down the hall. Room 924. She knew where to go. He'd brought her there before, the moment he got the song sent to his e-mail, he was eager for her to hear it first and say what she thinks.
Dave could be sweet when he wants to be, and considerate too. No one would deny that he has his charms and talents, but romance wasn't anything Grace was thinking about when she decided to sign the contract with him as partner through the entire competition. Who would deny Dave and her, a professional dance couple. All those who lost along the line must be quiet envious of them.
Dave's parent had been the financial backbone of their many endeavours, and despite their persistent that their only son turns out a doctor, they are not willing to deny him a chance at teen stardom.
There was the door, with the slot for the key card. Grace trailed a hand on the ornate designs, she knew little of doors, but she was of the opinion that this must be expensive, just like the cuisines they were constantly served, the water bed that was her heaven at night. Grace had never known how expensive hamburger could be get until she got to Radisson Biu Abidjan Airport Hotel.
She wasn't here to ruminate on how lucky she was to be hooked with a partner whose parent wouldn't mind sponsoring both to this level of this competition. No. She was here to deliver a package. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.
None came. Dave was probably not around. Somehow that filled her with some sense of relief. She would just get in, drop the package and get the hell out.
Grace entered and closed the door behind her.
For a moment she took in the plushness of the lounge, it was first class, beyond what the board was willing to afford. But Dave added as much as was needed to give himself this grand treatment. Grace had been given more than one reason to suggest that Dave wanted them both to share the apartment. But that wasn't happening. Her Aunt back in Nigeria would have her hide if she hears of such.
Lisa was as supporting as an Aunt (whose idea of dancing doesn't hold much beyond kinky, loose lifestyle; and at best, a bit short of strip teasing at bars and tours) could be. The only reason Grace made it this far was because she insisted on it.
Aunt Lisa was still a work in progress. Not an hour passed though, without her calling, despite the stupendous tariff for international calls. She had flared just last week when Dave picked Grace's phone and she was on the line, Grace found herself squirming on the hotseat answering Aunt Lisa's numerous questions about Dave. It took a great deal of effort and a bit of ignoring conscience to convince Aunt Lisa that Grace was keeping to the 'straight and narrow.'
She could have dropped the parcel, and give him a call when she's gone. But she found herself drawn to the picture on the wall, a wall paper of Dave in all his macho glory. Somehow she thought it was funny that the secret to Dave's perfect jaw was that he worked it half an hour daily. He had these adorable lips above a dented clean shaven chin, she couldn't tell which she preferred, with stubbles on, or shaven. Grace couldn't be blamed for finding it hard to look away or resist his charms and the photographer of this picture sure knew how to present the best of his likeness. A fan had presented the wallpaper to him upon arrival.
You wouldn't see his gregarious, sloppy attitude and gluttony here. Grace thought. You only see what every girl would desire.
Again she was thinking of a certain time, days ago after their first introductory performance in which Dave and she took the leading role in a contemporary ballet piece. The routine was a jumble of ballet moves, breakdance, some grind, a bit of bounce, foot works, and what not. It was challenging and would be the first impression the international judges have of the contestant. The scores might go a long way.
It was a dance to Celine Dion's 'it's coming back to me now' and she could barely recall all that happened, Dave led, and she automatically followed lost in all the swirls and feelings and sensation of the moment. Grace had never felt herself so solid, or heard an applause so loud.
That evening they were dancing at the bar alongside other contestant, just for fun. And right in that moment, locked against him, looking into his deep brown eyes, watching a smile form on his plush lips as he leaned towards her, she did what felt natural, he led, she followed, just like in a dance, they kissed.
It might have been the fact that she was a bit tipsy, but she knew what she did and she remembered wanting to do it above all else... she recalled the hangover too and the way Dave apologised and in his own way patched things up.
She turned away quickly, and dropped the parcel on a sofa. This was certainly not the place to entertain those skunk-of-the-week thought.
She was almost at the door. "hey!" a voice muttered, in a low growl. She turned sharply.
The curtain to Dave's room was swiped by a hand, then there was the face she wasn't expecting. Rita saw her before Dave did, still nuzzling at her neck.
Rita who was one of the contender for the title 'Queen AFDACO' smiled, knowingly.
"Hey!" Rita called.
Grace surprisingly steeled her nerve.
Dave noticed her and his hand slacked off the girl. "Grace." he called, eyes wide.
"sorry... I came to leave this." Grace said, pointing at the parcel, and trying her best not to make meaning of the sight of them, "and I'll be on my way... right now..." she turned towards the door.
"Grace!" Dave called. But she wasn't looking back. She walked on, till a hand held hers and Dave was suddenly before her, bare chested.
"I can explain."
She was disgusted by the sight of him in nothing but his briefs, she felt cheated and she hated feeling that way too, she felt used and she hated him. She pulled away with electric speed.
What excuse could he have?
There was something she had wanted to say but forgot in an attempt to keep the nonchalant attitude. She didn't care. "it's okay." She said, her voice was breaking, she wished it wouldn't. "for the record, you gave me this." She threw the key card at him.
She hurried off. The elevator was busy, she decided to use the stairs. That would give her time to put her acts together before she meets another human being. "wait!" came the voice from behind. Dave had worn a shirt and sweatpants.
She reprimanded herself for looking back and ran down the flight of stairs and soon she could see the hall below.
But his footstep was fast behind. "Please." He breathed.
Grace didn't stop.
There was a sound of shuffling feet, a bit of tumbling then an, "ouch!" that stopped Grace dead on her tracks. Again, she looked back. Dave was on the floor, clutching his leg and howling.
At first she thought he was faking it, the way he fakes sprains just to get left alone. But something about the angle of his leg was unnatural. She couldn't remember how long she stood there but she finally moved close. Each step closer confirmed it, somehow Dave's leg was twisted. She picked her phone and dialled emergency, while Dave soaked in sweat and in-between groans was still pleading, "please, just listen..."
It was a fracture. The medial team confirmed.
Dave's face was contorted in pain; His mojo was all gone. Something about the boy in pain evoked pity, something about the guy nuzzling Lisa's neck evoked raw hate; and Grace felt both.
A tear ran down Grace's face, but it wasn't for him. No, it wasn't precisely for the competition she'd had to drop out of, except if there is a new way to heal fractures overnight, and build back trust between partners. Her tears were for the journey she thought she was on, the sacrifice she's made for what she thought was passion and how it all crashed, piles upon piles in a single moment.
While Dave, who was diagnosed of Osteosarcoma (a cancer of the bone, that contributed to the fracture) was on a flight to Italy, Grace was on her way back to Lagos with her dreams of winning the 2010 Queen AFDACO Title, of sunshine, resorts and beaches all razed to ashes.
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