Ruta Graveolens
^Ruta graveolens symbolize regret/sorrow/repentance^
-Midoriyas POV-
"I know I can't keep act like this, but it's all I can do now" I look up at him and see a tear rolling down his cheek. I grab him by his wrist and stop walking "What is it Deku?" he still looks down "Stop crying, it's not worth it" I wipe the tear away and cup his face "It's not worth it you say" we stand still for what seems like years "Deku, I had a really good time, really. I really loved you and I was scared that something could happen to you on the missions. Then we fucking broke up and" he makes a short pause "And I just can't get over you" we stand still again, not daring to say something "Just forget it Deku. Where is this Bakugou guy" he pushes my hands away and keeps walking.
We soon arrive at the ball and spot Bakugou. "We need to hide, they know me" Dabi nods and we hide behind some boxes that are near Bakugou. "This is the dude?" "Yeah that was the one who screamed 'die' the whole time on the mission" he nods and we look back at Bakugou.
"HEY round face, where do I put these flowers?" "On the tables" he puts flowers on tables, nothing much, just boring shit. "And how long do we need to stay here?" I shrug "Maybe til they're gone?".
"Bakugou can you get me the fairy-lights, they are in the boxes". "Shit, Dabi move" I push him to the side right on time and we both fall. "Deku-" I cover his mouth with my hand and look back at Bakugou who looks around the boxes and eventually brings them Uraraka. I look a couple of more seconds in that direction. I take my hand back of Dabis mouth and look him in the eyes "Is he gone?" I nod, soon realizing that my leg is between his legs and my hands and the sides of his head, so in all I was lying in top of him.
Instead of going off of him I keep staring down at him. He lifts his hand and puts it on my cheek. I lean slowly down and he up. Not even five seconds later our lips meet. It's a short kiss but still feels so wrong, yet it feels as if I've been missing something, something welcoming that was long gone and now I got it again. Wrong yes, like the thing I've been missing does not belong to me or as if I'm completely over it. Wrong as if I found something that is more right for me. I would be lying, if I said that I didn't miss him a little bit.
I pull back and get off of him. "I'm sorry Dabi, I shouldn't, it's wrong-" "But you still did" I look down, not saying anything and then back in Bakugous direction "Forget it" he grabs e by my arm and turns me around "No, I won't. I told you how I struggle with forgetting you, how I still love you, yet you let this happen. How should I forget it now?" I pull my arm back out of his grip "I don't know. It was a mistake okay" he frowns and I look back.
We sit there in silence for some time. "Round face, when do we meet up again" "'Nori said the day after the ball" "Why after the ball?" she sighs "He said that the mafia could attack when we have the meeting and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt" Bakugou nods "And where. I mean the old office is now destroyed" she groans "HHHGG why didn't you listen back then" Bakugou flushes red "Ahh I know, you were staring at Kaminari again" "N-no" she laughs and grins at him "However, we just meet in his office in college" Bakugou, who is still red, nods and continues to work.
Through the day nothing else happened and we didn't hear more useful information, so we went back in the evening. By the time we arrived there, everyone else already was there. "You come late" "Sorry mom, Dabi thought they would say more. But we only saw two blonds make out behind some boxes" apparently Bakugou an Kaminari are dating or something like that. "However, do you have information?" I nod and sit down "They will meet in All mights office in college, the day after the ball" Dabi sits down next to me "Anything else" I shrug "Bakugou is very loud at kissing" someone breaks out in laughter. I look to my left and see Toga is the one who laughs like a psychopath. Kurogiri facepalms himself and shakes his head.
The meeting wasn't all too long. We planned the attack and such, you know that what we always plan, and then everyone went home.
How I thought Eijiro was standing by my door. "You are here again?" he turns around and smiles "Is it a bad thing?" I give him a short sweet kiss "No, not at all. Wanna come in?" he nods "That's why I'm here" I open the door and we walk upstairs in my apartment. "So how went the mission today?" I close the door after I come in "How do you know, I didn't tell you about it" he nods "Yeah, I saw this girl who tried to kill me once. The one with a lot of knives" I take off my shoes and sit down on the couch "Oh you mean Toga? And sorry I didn't tell you that, I kind of wasn't thinking about it" he nods and puts an arms around me "It's okay, I wasn't in danger and you weren't too" I hug him back "Yeah" he puts both of his arms around me "So what did you find out?" "That you have this meeting after the ball and that Bakugou and Kaminari are a thing" his eyes widen !What really?" I nod "Oh and Bakugou is a really loud kisser" "You saw them kissing?" I think back at the scene "More like making out" I make a disgusted look and he burst out in laughter.
"Stop laughing, I don't want to see that again, that was disgusting" he stops laughing and looks me in the eyes "Do you think it's disgusting to make out?" I shake my head "No, but they did it kind of...well not appealing for my eyes" he puts his hand on my chin and goes over y lips with his thumb "Is it something good if we make it?" I feel my face heat up "You are pretty red you know" I roll my eyes "Oh shut up and kiss me already" he does as I say and our lips meet.
Yeah what happened after that is a secret.
One thing I hate about writing is that I need to remember who I killed xp
1152 words
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