Chapter 3:Im Zach, and im Drake.
"We're the Twins." Lara says to me. Ok, now thats not exactly what I expected. "Alright, thanks for the information. You can stay in my room for the night if you want to be safe" I reply. "So I heard Lara & Annie.. more like Zach & Drake" says Lukey walking into the room. "Oh shut up" Annie says playfully "iM AnNiE aNd iM lArA AnD wErE tHe TwInS" Lukey mocks "Oh cmon, stop I-"
It's 2.A.M. The lights flicker out and you all scurry in panic. It's time for the murderer to take revenge.
I'm not really scared of the murderer anymore, but I should be. I go to sleep and after I go to sleep, I wake up to a sharp pain in my chest. The murderer stabbed me! "Youch!" I scream. I try to use my boxing skills on the murderer, but they dodge all my attacks. I try to swiftly pull the knife out of their hand without them noticing, and then they stab my hand. God dammit Killer! They pin me down on the bed. "Shh... go back to sleep.... FOREVER" I feel pain. And then all I see is white for a minute.. and then, I see Elaina, Trey, Colleen, and Ally waiting for me. I smile. "I still don't know who the killer is-" I say. They facepalm. "Isn't it obvious?" Trey says.
P.O.V: Lara
"You hear the power generator turning back on..."
The lights flicker back on. Annie and I were sitting on the couch in the living room.
"The power generator turns back on. Houseguests arise from their slumber. Wait! We're missing one!"
"The murderer has killed Mason. The dead houseguest was killed in their sleep."
"Who'd the investigator accuse this time." Nikolai asks the mysterious voice
"I have news from our investigator as to who they believe the murderer is."
"What kind of crazy accusation will they go with this time." Odette mocks.
"The investigator believes that Kees is the murderer. Houseguests must use this information amongst eachother to find and vote out the culprit."
"Kees, you have been suspicious. Also, didn't you and your brother try and push Alex off the school roof in high school?" Aadiv reminds Kees of the potential murder he could've committed. A shadow crosses Kees' face.
"O- only in self defense." He mutters quietly.
"Wait what!? There was no way that was self defense. I saw the whole thing, he did nothing to you!" I interrupt.
"Well it's not like you would know anyways." Kees walks away from the group.
"He really seems like the murderer, but voting him out. My mind is picturing the future of it saying Incorrect once again. I don't have a good feeling about this." Jojo alerts everybody.
"I agree with Jojo. I actually think it's Aadiv." Odette shifts the blame away from Kees.
"What!? Why the fuck would I be the murderer!? Give me a good reason." Aadiv is taken aback from being accused by the girl.
"You've been accusing everybody. It's suspicious, in my opinion." Odette uses her evidence.
"Okay, give me a reason why if I was the murderer, I would accuse people. You wouldn't accuse people if you were the murderer, you'd try to stay under the radar. Which is actually why I think it's Rosalie. She hasn't been talking much and trying to stay unnoticed." Aadiv accuses Rosalie.
"Wh- wha- me!?" Rosalie stutters at the fact.
"Yes. You." Aadiv repeats
"I'm but a lowly survivor, and if I was the murderer I wouldn't have killed Elaina second." Rosalie says.
"Fair enough. But what about Vinny? He literally said "Headshot" when Elaina died. Is that not suspicious?" Nikolai remembers and points out.
"I had a couple drinks the night before. I was hung over." Vinny says.
"Where the fuck did you get drinks I want one." Lukey asks
"Exactly, we're in a murder house. He wouldn't get drinks. He's lying." I accuse Vinny. It's pretty obvious now.
"It's the murderer's revenge, Lara. What kind of revenge am I getting by killing Trey, Elaina, and Mason." Vinny rolls his eyes.
"That's fair, but who would be getting revenge by killing Trey, Elaina, and Mason. Exactly. Nobody. It's cause Trey called the murderer a bitch, Elaina found Ally's hair on the body, which was the same as the investigators accusation, so the murderer killed her thinking she was investigator. And they killed Mason because he was smart. There, explained." Nikolai says casually.
"That's a good explanation, but how would you know all of that?" Odette asks Nikolai, obviously suspecting him.
"Well, the evidence is... obvious. Oh yeah by the way Trey, Colleen, Elaina, Ally, or Mason could've been the medic, because the medics either been laying in bed 23/6 or dead. These kills were so obvious. Get on it." Nikolai facepalms. Static comes out of the speaker.
"Oh no. It's time to vote and we forgot to find evidence, yet again." Kees grasps his hair.
"It is time to vote. Please go to the table and write down your votes."
I walk to the table and on my paper, I take a pen out of my pocket, and write down K e e s. Honestly, he just seems to smart. Like I just have a feeling. He's smart, so he very well could be the murderer. Then again, I'm not 100% sure.
"The votes are in. The houseguest being executed, with 5 votes is... Vinny."
"Man I was hung over like what the fuck." Vinny sighs.
"The conclusion is Incorrect, and the murderer remains on the loose."
"Why would you drink in a murder situation!?" Aadiv yells at him.
"Ahh. Its Lukey. He would've defended me. He didn't.-"
"Vinny has been removed from the house"
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