Chapter 2:hEaDsHoT
It is time for the murderer to play :)
The lights are off, but I found a flashlight. I see Aadiv's ex fall onto Aadiv. Then I hear Aadiv scream "Cheating Bastard"
Then I hear over the speaker
"Sorry for the Houseguests with flashlights and/or lanterns, the murderer is going for their target currently, we must turn your Lanterns or Flashlights off.
And then I look back down at my flashlight.. its gone dark!
But what I hear is a loud BANG! then 2-4 screams.. then I hear a noise like someone falling to the ground and hitting their head then i hear that again. Then I fall asleep again, on top of my sleeping bag.
I wake up the next day... I write in my journal 📔 I have survived 1̸2 deaths and 1 execution 📔 and I hear Aadiv scream. I was gonna grab something from the kitchen and then I heard Lukey scream... and then Vinny. I decide screw my Ginger Ale and I'm checking this out. I really think I should've fucking got a ginger ale. I see Elaina dead with a knife in her head.
Houseguests you have arised from your slumber... Wait.. something seems different. Oh my! It appears one has died!!
The murderer has killed Elaina. She was headshotted with a gun & a knife.
Yeah duh, her dead body is literally sitting in front of me.
"hEaDsHoT" says Vinny
"Why-" says vinny with a sad face on
"Cuz someone fucking died vin" says Lukey
"Oh- yeah" says Vinny
The person the investigator accused has died, so there is no lead on the murderer. You have 1 hour until you will vote.
"I'll look for code on the murder weapon" says Aadiv
"Can I come?" Says Vinny
"No you might tweak something cuz I suspect you" says Aadiv
"So what happened to killing Odette?" Says Nikolai
"I dunno should we kill her?" Says Annie
"Wh- what do you mean Annie?" Says Lara
"hEaDsHoT her" says Vinny
"Maybe it IS vinny" says Lukey
"Yeah- I think so too" i say.
"I wish I had Alex here to help me.. He's my only friend" says Jojo
"I'm here for you Shades Bro" says Kees
"Mason what are you?" Says Odette
"I'm not talking to a murderer" I say
"Oh yeah sure"
"Jeez" says Odette
It was just then I found another note
I assume for some reason it was connected to the other one
Death only is painful
It doesn't make anyone feel better
Does it?
It is just painful
Time to vote the murderer
"I found another note" I say.
"Ok, what's it say?" Says Aadiv. I show it to him
"I noticed a pattern I can't explain, I see it spells Odette in a way" says Aadiv
"Ok, vote on Odette I guess" I say.
"No." I hear a voice speak up
"What do you mean no?"
"No as in No, Odette is not the murderer Aadiv" says Kees.
"Wait- Kees has a point" says Lukey
"How, explain it?" Says Aadiv.
"Well, me and Odette are good friends" says Lukey
"Oh like 😍👉🏻👈🏻 friends right" says Aadiv
"No shut up. So anyways, we showed each other what our papers said at the beginning" says Lukey
"Oh you did? Then what's her role? And you could always be teaming with her and she could be the murderer"
"No no, Aadiv has a good point now" says Jojo
"Okay, I have an idea. Whoever agrees with Lukey stand up." Says Vinny
I stand up. I see Kees, Rosalie, Nikolai, and a few others stand up.
"Alright, now whoever agrees with Aadiv stand up" says Vinny, who himself sits down
I see Jojo, Annie, Lara, and Ally stand.
"Alright, just wanted to take note of who agrees with what" says Vinny.
You may now have free time for 15 minutes. You must vote in half an hour.
You see, what I noticed is Odette & Lukey walk away together holding hands... Pfft! Like that's a surprise! Obviously one of them LIKE likes the other. Or maybe both of them... I kinda want to play matchmaker for both of them but that's invading their personal space.. NAH IM JUST KIDDING. I go to my room to think about who I'm going to vote on. I decide to make a list of the people who are here & write down all of my suspicions, all of the people I know are innocent, etc. it takes about 2-5 minutes and here is what I have:
Lara [Quiet]
Odette [Suspicious] [Wrongly Accused Colleen]
Kees [Smart]
Jojo [Quiet]
Aadiv [Talkitive] [Social]
Ally [Quiet]
Vinny [Made a joke about Elaina dying]
Lukey [Smart]
Rosalie [Quiet]
Mason [Me] [Smart & Biggest Brain AF]
I realize that the only people who I haven't put traits next to are Annie & Nikolai. I believe the reason I put no traits next to them might be because they have the traits of a murderer? No. Nikolai is my friend, he wouldn't go this far. It's probably either one of the people I labeled quiet, Lukey & Kees because they're smart enough to not leave evidence, or maybe Aadiv because it's not like a murderer would come into this with no social or brain skills. Unless the murderer is super fucking dumb. I hear a knock on my door. I look up from my paper and set my pen down. "Come in" i say. Turns out it was Annie & Lara. "Hey Mason, we wanted to tell you something" says Lara. "Alright, what is it?" I say. "Well, we are willing to trust you with our roles" says Annie. "Yeah, we think your Smart enough to figure out who the murderer is, and you also don't act like you are a killer" says Lara. "Alright, what are your roles?" I say "Well I am-" the static coming from the speaker cut Annie off. "Yknow what, talk after voting time and we can spend the night together if your both innocent" I say.
Free time is over houseguests!! 15 minutes to discuss the murderer & get to voting. The investigator's accusation died last night, so remember there is no lead on the murderer.
"I, Kees, have another accusation on who I think the murderer could be" says Kees (duh)
"Alright Kees, who do you think it could be?" Says Lara.
"I believe that Ally is the murderer." Says Kees.
"Bitch no I'm not" says Ally.
"Wait wait, now Kees is actually spitting facts" says Aadiv.
"Yeah, Ally has been relatively quiet during all of.. yknow.. this" says Jojo.
"Fuck off Jojo, I will literally kill you.. even though I'm not the murderer" says Ally
"Is that a threat?" Says Rosalie
"Rosalie, I bet your the murderer." Says Ally
You have 5 minutes to choose your vote. As you already know, the person with the most votes will be removed from the house.
I take my tablet.. I go into the voting app, and I write in Ally. The obvious vote. And after that instead of turning it off I grab my note I made and copy it into notes on the tablet. In case I lose the thing.
I have received the votes. The person being voted with 9 votes is....
Ally! The conclusion is...
Ally is now being removed from the house
"Who the fuck accused her?" Says Jojo
"He did it" I say, pointing at Kees
"But I'm not the murderer!?" Says Kees
"Do you have any proof?" Says Annie
"Neither me, or Odette are the murderer" Kees responds
"You 100% sure?" Says Aadiv
"Kees.. how would u know 100% if you weren't the murderer?" Says Vinny
"I- I'd rather not mention it" he says
"Alright, I guess" says Lukey
I decide because Annie & Lara wanted my role to welcome them into my room. So Mason.. we were willing to tell you our roles." Says Lara. "Alright. Tell me. I'm ready." I say.
End of chapter two.
Words written: 1,340.
Yea so Ive been on vacation, and I'm going on it again. I won't be able to post shit for 2-4 days. Sorry!! I'm glad your enjoying this book though!
Cya next chapter!!
Colleen - Dead
Trey - Dead
Ally - Dead
Elaina - Dead
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