Papisuu had been walking for hours.
Snow gathered in small clumps on her face, her vision foggy, her hands numb, and her raincoat being easily blown by the breeze.
But she didn't care.
She just wanted to get to the stupid mansion.
The giant landscape of snow stretched above her. The fading teal light blurred over and the wind slowly started to die down.
Lime sea-foam sky streaked across the earth, settling into the mountains, the grey clouds filling the ground with fog.
Papisuu trudged through the thick mess of snow.
She grumbled as heavily iced snow clung to her boots.
"Ah, this friggin'..." She cut herself off when as sudden wind blew on her back. She shivered and pulled out a small book.
Papisuu scanned the pages, twirling her hand in a clockwise motion while mumbling the invitation.
"Greeting traveler. For this Halloween, you have been invited to an evening of food and festivities with your fellow adventurers. Please beware of zombies, yadda yadda yadda, follow the path until you get to the giant mansion. Sincerely, the host."
Papisuu's nose wrinkles.
"What giant..." The girl's head turned to see a looming mansion, giant fountain and bushes, balcony, stones steps and all. Papisuu's eyes grew. "Well then...nevermind."
A bit more optimistic, Papisuu sighed and headed for the looming building, glorious and shining, like a lighthouse in the ocean.
Papisuu shut the giant doors, gasping for air, frost stinging her face. She shut her eyes and turned her back on the door.
"Whew! That was the longest freaking walk I've ever-" She stopped and turned around to see the giant surroundings of the mansion.
Giant Redstone lamps lit up the giant room of couches, seats, a burning fireplace, and stone flooring lined with prismarine.
Papisuu gaped as she spun, looking at all the quartz blocks shining, polished, lined with prismarine, polished and un-polished granite, carpet and stone. A giant centered staircase led into other rooms, with a small painting of a red headed girl and a calico cat at the very top, both smiling, light streaming in through the fading windows.
Papisuu's eyes widened. "Whoa..."
In the background, slight Halloween music could be heard. Someone suddenly coughed. Papisuu whipped around. A tall girl with blurred brown hair and a dark navy sweater smiled at Papisuu.
"Right? This place is so fancy."
"Whoa!" Papisuu laughed. "You're here too?" Her friend held up a cream-colored envelope with a dark blue seal. "Duh...free food." Papisuu nodded. "Same."
"So, who else is here?"
apersonofboredom counted the guests on her fingers.
"Well, let's see, there's Investigator, Crystal, Fangirl, I think, and some others, but we don't know them that well. We've been chatting for a while, but we all split up to explore the mansion together."
Papisuu looked over apersonofboredom's shoulder. "Uh..."
"What?" apersonofboredom's head shifted to the side, then turned to see three girls burst out of the dining room doors, two of them screaming and wrestling.
apersonofboredom blinked. "Uh...Fangirl?" The girl standing glanced up from the other two fighting on the floor at her friends. Her face turned red, then she sighed deeply. "Don't ask."
The two seemed to be fighting for an enchanted item, and apersonofboredom and Papisuu could see it was a diamond sword, purely enchanted.
"That's my sword!" The older girl cried, her light blue hair waving wildly. The younger girl pulled on the handle as the two wrestled on the floor. "I told you crystal, that's my sword! It was in my inventory, and it dropped!"
apersonofboredom turned back towards Papisuu. "We were just checking out the mansion, then I heard you come in." She smiled.
"The bathroom here is so freaking fancy!" Fangirl broke in, beaming, and then suddenly getting tripped up by the two fighting girls.
apersonofboredom laughed. "The Halloween decorations are pretty cool too," She mumbled to Papisuu, gesturing to the cream, slate, coral, light orange, copper, auburn, and burgundy colored decorations in the room. Papisuu whistled.
"GUYS SERIOUSLY FREAKING CUT IT OUT!!" Fangirl yelled angrily. Papisuu turned. "Should we..." apersonofboredom nodded.
apersonofboredom cleared her thought awkwardly. The two girls stopped immediately, and stood up, faces pale and red. Crystalsong mumbled a swift, "sorry," then glared at IforInvestagator.
Papisuu rolled her eyes. "How long have you guys been here?" apersonofboredom thought back.
Crystalsong answered, "Not too long. We were just talking about shipping and tumblr and junk."
Suddenly, the door to the dining room swung open, a smaller girl with dirty blonde hair in a low ponytail and light freckles on the bridge of her nose poking her head out.
Papisuu smiled. "Hey Dawson." Dawson, along with the rest of them, all lived in this dimension with the two moons.
"You live next to the youtubers, right? Lizzie, Stacy, and Stampy?" Dawson nodded. "Yup. They're pretty nice to me considering I'm a total noob."
"Yeah...we all disabled the traps in this mansion, but this place is still pretty creepy..." Her eyes dropped to the floor. "It's a long story, I can tell you guys about it later," She mumbled, slightly shivering.
"Anyways, I want to show you guys something." The other five looked at each other, then followed.
The small girl opened up the doors to the dining room, dim and shining with Redstone lamps. On the walls above were pictures...no, not pictures...portraits.
"What the he..." Papisuu started. Crystal coughed and Papisuu stopped herself from swearing. A wave of unease washed over everyone.
"A-are th-those....us?" apersonofboredom gasped. All around the room were portraits, in a soft colour as the background, each person in a certain position.
The six guests turned around, viewing all the portraits. "It's so creepy how well they captured our likenesses..." Crystal mumbled, slightly spooked.
Dawson stared up at her own portrait.
"Right?" She turned towards crystal, smiling, glad someone else shared in her discomfort, as awkward as it was.
Dawson, Crystal, and a few unrecognizable others were sitting, leaning back in small birch chairs, smiling, while others stood bravely, holding enchanted weapons.
"This is so ridiculously creepy," Mumbled Papisuu. "...maybe it's fanart?" Investigator suggested, pulling back her long black hair back.
"...maybe, but...I dunno..." Dawson mumbled softly.
Suddenly, there was the sound of a door opening.
Liv stepped into the doorway, shivering the giant fur coat that covered her.
She let it drop onto the floor, kicked her navy mittens and boots to the sides, and threw her toque to the ground.
She sighed and wiped the cold from her head onto her arms, which dripped onto the floor. She inhaled.
She looked around eerily. "...hello?"
Suddenly, without any warning, a tall girl came tumbling down the stairs, one falling back to the floor, crunching against the carper.
Liv reeled, wondering whether to run or check if the girl was ok. The girl, who had landed pretty heavily on her legs, sprawled onto her back, facing up, sighed.
Liv breathed a sigh of relief then the girl started laughing, with her hearing a glimpse of, "my legs hurt so bad," through laughter.
Two more girls with wide eyes came rushing down the stairs in a panic, one with sleek caramel hair and a leather jacket, another with moon glasses and short burgundy hair.
They both rushed to the one lying on the ground. They helped her up, and Liv saw the girl wobble and struggle to balance.
"Rush, what was that!?" The brunette laughed. The girl- Rush -struggled to balance but couldn't stop laughing.
"That was great!" She managed to say. The red head rolled her eyes. "We should really stop daring you to do stuff like that."
Rush's legs fell out from under her, and she clutched her stomach, dying. "But it was worth it!" She said, her back now to Liv.
Suddenly, the brunette looked up and noticed Liv. Liv's face paled. "I'll just...go now..."
She turned to leave when a hand grabbed the scruff of her sweater. The cream envelope drifted to the ground out of her hands.
The grip relaxed. Liv turned to see the brunette pick up the invitation, then smile at her. "Aw, cool, you got invited too?"
Liv smiled. "Yeah." The other two came over, Rush's legs still buckling slightly. "Oh, hey, new meat," Rush commented.
The red head laughed slightly and smiled at Liv's morbid expression. "Sorry for the scare, Rush was just doing something stupid." She rolled her eyes.
"Anyways, I'm CommonEggEater, but you can call me Aranna. This is Phoenix-"she gestured towards the brunette- "and Rush," she said, pointing to the other girl.
"Hi," They both said.
"Hi, I'm Liv...do you know where I could hang my stuff?" She asked, feeling slightly more embarrassed at the massacre of her winter clothes thrown around the room.
Ice and snow started to melt into the wood and carpet. Rush nodded. "Oh yeah. I think there was a closet someone around here...."
The four of them went around the corner towards a small room. Sure enough, coats hung in neat little cubby holes and wooden hangers.
"Wow," Breathed Phoenix. "This is bigger than my entire wardrobe."
"Same," the other three replied.
Liv hung her stuff in a neat little cubby hole, and the three walked out towards the main room by the doors.
Sure enough, more people were already there. About six more. "Oh wow. More people...great, more social interaction," one commented.
Phoenix laughed.
"Hi, I'm Phoenix. This is Aranna, Rush, and Liv." The other six smiled. The one girl in front introduced herself awkwardly.
"I'm apersonofboredom."
"I'm Crystalsong...but Crystal is fine."
The small girl awkwardly mumbled, "Dawson," before hiding behind crystal. Rush laughed.
"So...whose mansion is this?" Asked Papisuu. The room suddenly got an eerie tone, and everyone was dead silent.
No one spoke up.
"Seriously? No one?...." Papisuu asked, her eyes flickering into unease.
"That's weird..." Crystal commented.
A stiff feeling in the room as cold wind escaped through the open doors made everyone turn their heads towards the door.
A girl with white- almost silver -hair came through the doors, closing them behind her, her face red and cheeks burnt.
"Whoo, that was such a long walk!" She looked down from having her back rested on the door to look at the others.
"Oh...uh..." The girl blushed awkwardly. "Hi...I'm Silver..." She mumbled, holding up a cream invitation.
"So you're the owner?" Phoenix asked.
The girl shook her head. "Nope...I wish."
Everyone looked at each other with growing unease...something was going on here.
"So...no one here owns this place...where's the frig is the host then!?" Papisuu asked to no one in particular.
"Maybe they want to wait until we're all here," Fangirl suggested. It went like that for a few more people.
A girl with pale brown-amber hair came in, introducing herself as Lysa, who then laughed at the idea of being the owner of the mansion.
A smaller girl slid down the stairs, who apologized, saying that she was just exploring the mansion, and that she came here with Rush.
"That's Comet," Rush explained, smiling at the smaller girl.
Finally, a girl with reddish-brown hair, amber sparkling eyes, and a small tawny hoodie tossed her cream and auburn toque to the ground.
The girl excitedly held up the telltale cream-colored envelope.
"I heard there was going to be food!" She announced in pure ecstasy. Rush tossed a bit of her slate blue hair aside.
"So, you're the owner of this mansion?" Rush asked, her feet shifting and her arms crossing.
The newest girl suddenly burst out laughing, kneeling onto the floor and dying of laughter. Everyone shared uneasy expressions.
The girl eventually stood, wiping tears from her eyes, her face glowing. Her face suddenly faded and her laughter melted and dispersed.
She noticed everyone's serious expressions. She cleared her throat. "Oh...you guys are serious?" She mumbled awkwardly.
She snorted. "Pfft. Hah! I wish!"
All girls looked at each other, no one saying a word. A wave of unease washed over the group.
Rush spoke up.
"So...who's the owner?...no one?" There were scattered soft, 'no's and mumbles of, 'not me.' Fangirl shook her head.
"Maybe they're waiting for us all to get here?" Wondered Comet out loud. "She's probably right," Rush replied.
"Ok, well, let's look around for a bit, see what we can find here," apersonofboredom suggested. Everyone nodded and agreed.
The invited scattered, going on into the different rooms, except for Rush and the newest girl.
"Oh, you're name?"
The girl stretched her hand out proudly.
"I'm Kendall. I break everything I touch, I like food, and..."
She suddenly flushed. "I...don't really have any other fact about me."
Rush laughed and shook the outstretched hand.
"I'm Rush."
The girls spent the rest of daylight exploring the mansion. Investigator, along with Dawson and Crystal, decided to go up towards the second-floor, hallway.
Dawson looked at all the paintings on the walls, some as clear as the red head and calico smiling, or as abstract as a hand reaching towards an axe.
The light started to fade as sunset streaked the sky, brilliant red painted and slashes in the clouds, followed by colours of fading pastels.
The green lime of the evening had not faded into murky olives against the blinding red streaked clouds.
"I wonder who invited us," Mumbled Dawson. Crystal and Investigator both looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.
"I don't know...I know the previous owner was Cassie Rose but...she couldn't have invited us, she died..." Dawson suddenly shivered and her eyes went pale.
"Creepy, creepy, creepy," Crystal mumbled. She suddenly tripped and landed face-first. Investigator and Dawson turned around.
Crystal's head had gone straight into a painting. Investigator gasped. "Crystal!?" She mumbled, shaking.
Both girls breathed in relief when crystal merely shook her head, propped herself up onto her elbows, stood back up, and simply brushed herself off.
"Well that was weird," Crystal commented. Dawson and Investigator shared a look before investigator went over to the painting.
She tightened her sleek black hair into a low ponytail; much like Dawson's, rolled up the short sleeves of her tan t-shirt, and stuck her head through.
Dawson and Crystal stood behind the small girl as she examined it on her hands and knees. She coughed.
"Man! It's dusty inside of this thing!" Inside of the painting were small stairs, a small spiral staircase, ladders, and cyan clay creating small platforms.
Investigator pulled her head back out. "Nevermind, we're good." The girls continued to carry on.
"That's probably just from when Cassie rose ran this place," Dawson reminded the others. Crystal nodded.
The five youtubers plus Dawson weren't too well known for what happened.
Just a couple of weeks ago, fog still covered the land.
The youtubers had gotten small invitations meant to represent books.
They had all been invited by a mysterious, "host," who then proceeded to kill them off one by one.
Eventually the Host had been killed, and the survivors got to go home.
Stampylongnose, LDShadowlady, Stacyplays, and Dawson, were some of the known survivors.
Though no one had ever known what happened, and Dawson was often too nervous to talk about it. She had either laughed it off or simply ignored it awkwardly.
Though Crystal and Investigator could see the excitement behind her eyes a lot of the time. The smaller girl did love murder mysteries.
Nonetheless, they kept walking.
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