chapter 19 "I'll Love you, untill somebody gets hurt."
Taurtis POV:
I Sighed, Sprawled out on the floor was not how I planned to find Clues, But it was doing just as good as searching for them was.
I Ignored the foot steps that approached me, I didn't want to talk to anybody, I just didn't want to Be With People.
Eventually I looked up, as Two Shadows loomed over me, they stayed there, waiting for me to Comply.
"What Do You Want?" I asked Them, much more bitterly then I intended on.
J flinched at the sudden Harshness in my tone, "We Wanna Help." Grian Told me, I Squinted my Eyes, unsure of what they ment, "With What?" I asked them in Return.
J Glanced at Grian, and then Behind Himself, he looked back down at me, "with Finding Sam.." He Whispered.
I am Not sure if I can Trust them, They Did Betray Sam, And that's just as Good as backstabbing Me.
I Leveled myself up off the floor, And positioned myself to face them, "What Do You Mean?" I asked them, playing Dumb.
"We Know you helped him Escape." Grian Told me, As he Sat down in front of me, pulling J Down to his Side.
"Fine..." I Admited, I Growled under my Breath, as I eyed both Him, and J.
"We May Have Found a Clue...." J Told me, As He Pulled a Head Band from his Pocket.
The headband Was Black, With Lace that ran down the sides, But he most noticable features, where the Tall Bunny Ears that Sat On Top
I felt my Heart beat stop for a minute, Was this evidence that Sam Is Not Guilty??
I Took a deep Breath, "Where did you find these?" I asked, trying to sound calm, even though I felt as if I was about to burst.
"It was in one of the upstairs rooms." J Told Me, "We should go Back there, and Check for anything else." I told them Quickly, getting excited, as they both nodded.
After a while, we made it up the stairwell, with out being noticed, we wanted to be inconspicuous.
J, and Grian Lead Me down the Hall, Towards a Room, bearing the end, "Room 256?" I asked, they both nodded quickly, before Grian Opened the door, Opening an entrance for us.
We walked inside, and looked around, it was a normal room, with the twin beds, And Kitchen, the dresser, as long with the sane bathroom design.
Grian, walked towards the dresser, and I decided to look in he NightStand, J Was looking under the bed.
"Whats This?" I heard J Ask Himself, as I heard something being dragged across the flooring.
I turned around To See J had a Large Wooden Box, "Grian Check this out" I Told Grian, who turned around, and walked towards us, What's in it?" He asked.
J Set the Box Down on the Bed, as We crowded around Him, On the Front of the box was a Slot, for what looked like a Key.
"It seems like we need a Key..." Grian Said, pointing out the Obvious, I turned, and Pulled The Bed side drawer back open, "What are you Doing?" J asked, as he, and Grian turned to look at me.
I rummaged threw the Drawer, It had some Razors, Hair Combs, and other unusual Objects, eventually I Found a Silver Key.
"I Think I Found it!" I exclaimed, before turning, and handing J The Key.
J inserted the Key in the slot, and it turned easily, a Small Click and the Lid Unlatched.
I could sense the tension in the room, As j Set down the Key Carefully on the White Comforters.
Slowly, and full of suspension, J Opened the Lid.
There was a Small Plastic Bag, In Which Held Some Curly Hair.
As well as a Small Vile, Containing a Red Substance.
And Finally, a PhotoGraph.
I Recognized The Hair.... Sort of.
But I definitely knew who was in the Picture.
The Picture was Taken from behind the figure, It only Displayed the Upper Half of there Body, As it seemed To be zoomed in.
"Who's Room Is this?!" Grian asked, after he got a chance to look at the Photo, I was Confused as well, why did somebody have all these things? And how did they get them without me Knowing!?!
"A Stalker..?" J Suggested, Still seeming Confused himself, as he studied The Vile.
"Its Got To Be, I Mean How else would they Have This Hair..." Grian Asked, as I set the picture beside the Box.
Just then I noticed the Black ink at the bottom of the Box, "Guys theres something Writen at the Bottom!" I exclaimed, taking the Remaining items from the Box, and setting them on the Bed.
Grian Studied the inside of the Box, "It looks like its in Japanese" he Mentioned, Eyeing it closely, "is there a Library here?" J Asked Looking over at Grian, "I Think there is A Couple Shelfs of Books In that Room, Ascending from the Downstairs Hall" Grian Told Us.
After we Had made it Down The Stair well, luckily with out being spotted, We Took a Right, and Went quickly Threw the long Hall, Statues still brimmed the walls.
We took a Right, and Entered the Small room, Book shelf's lined the walls, "I'll look at theses ones, Taurtis you look over there, and J you over There." Grian Instructed us, Pointing in the directions, Me, and J, Both nodded quickly, and Went to our respective Positions.
After a While of searching, Grian, and J had Found a Couple of Books, that might help with the situation, but of course I found nothing.
J Set the Box Down on the table in the Top left Corner of the Room, Grian Handed me a Book, I sighed, I hate reading, But its for Sam. I just gotta tell myself that.
The Box Read '彼はいつも私のふわふわしているだろう' I Am Not Very Good at Japanese..... Or any other Language....
" Kare wa itsumo...... watashi no fuwafuwa no ōjidesu." Grian Said, Me and J Looked at him with a Confused Expression.
"That's what the Box Reads, It says it means 'He will always be my Fluffy Prince'." Grian Told us, as he Read aloud from the book.
"Who ever this is has some Major issues..." I Mentioned, Closing The Box once again.
"Maybe.........I Might have an Idea on who it-"
Grian was cut off by a blood curling scream filling the Air.
They looked over at me with Expressions filled with Panic, as Quickly Got out of our chairs, and Ran out of the Room, Light Drips of the Crimson Blood Matted the Floor, each one pooling up larger then the last.
We followed the crimson Liquid, into the Lobby, and Past he Stairwell, I tried to push away the thoughts of what I was about see.
There it was, Her Body, laying on the Ground, a Faint, now lifeless corpse, The Once beautiful life she had, Torn from her, with no explanation, Such a Young, Helpless Creature Ripped from humanity.
My breath caught in My throat as i tried not to retch at the sight.
I wanted to look away, needed to tear my eyes away, but i could not.
The pure Horror that ran threw my veins wanted to give up, but yet I didn't move.
Lying in a pool of blood in the centre of the room was......
Silly Jilly.
The last person who could protect us, The last person with the knowledge on how to fight was Dead.
My Last Candle of security was Blown Out as I saw Who Stood before Her, The Very Person I Had Been Trying to Save, Is the Very one Who had just betrayed me.
I had placed my trust in his person, And they Had Lied to me, They Lied to me About EVERYTHING!
I couldn't Find my Feelings in the sudden Rage that was sent Threw Me, i couldn't tell if I was Scared, at the sudden Increase in my risk of Death, or if I was Angry that all my life I had loved somebody who Lied to Me.
I just wanted to drop to the Floor, curl up in a Small ball, and Die.
I stared back At him, I Saw the Worry in His eyes, Maybe he was Worried that i Found out his Secret.
Maybe he wanted me too know, Just Maybe this was All a Test, To see if I Actually Loved Him, maybe......No, of course not you Idiot!
I Felt my Fists clench, Fleeing from my thoughts, as I refocused in Him, I didn't care if he saw my Tears, And I Definitely Didn't Care about His.
The Same love, and Compassion that once Drew me to him, Consists on Pushing us Apart.
I Guess its about time I learned that love is all fun, and Games, Until Somebody Gets Hurt.
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