Round 5, Part 4
"Sagestar, of course you're innocent! None of us would ever exile you!" Daffodilsong exclaimed. Lavendercloud pressed up against him, relieved.
Sagestar dipped his head at Daffodilsong and the others, then motioned to the forest. "Well, if you don't mind, I need to go place flowers on my daughter's grave. I'd like to do it alone. The rest of you can continue with your activities, flower-related or otherwise". Then the grey tom padded into the forest, entirely alone. Not even Lavendercloud went with him.
Sagestar quickly picked some petunias for Petuniapaw's grave. It was always customary for the leader to put the flowers that the dead cat was named after onto their grave. After he placed the petunias for Petuniapaw, he would have to do the same thing for the other dead cats.
However, Sagestar would not get the chance to do that. He was so absorbed in his mourning that he didn't even notice the murderer following him. They stayed in the shadows, practically invisible. Then, right as he set down the flowers, they struck. The murderer tackled him, then slashed his throat so he couldn't alert the other cats. When that was done, they washed their paws, and returned to camp.
Lavendercloud soon realized that Sagestar hadn't returned from Petuniapaw's grave. Like what she had done when Petuniapaw went missing, she alerted everyone. However, this time they were going to be prepared to find a body.
Violetfrost and Tulipfur were sent out to go find Sagestar's body. They soon returned, carrying the dead leader's body on their shoulders. They set him down in the center of camp, and Lavendercloud and Daisyshine began to sob. Asterheart sat down with a thump, in shock.
"The deputy will have to go get their nine lives soon," Violetfrost pointed out. Iristuft shook her head.
"No, they can't. Not until the murderer is caught. But they should tell the med cat who their next pick for deputy is. That way, if they are killed, we'll know who the next leader should be," Iristuft suggested. All of the cats agreed, except for Lavendercloud, Daisyshine, and Asterheart, who were too busy mourning.
"Well, who do you think did this?" Marigoldleap demanded. With his mother dead, he felt more involved in this than ever before. They couldn't let the murderer get away.
"Pansypaw. She's an outsider, so she could find it easier to kill us," Fennelnose suggested. Lupinepaw's hackles raised with anger.
"Are you insane? She would never kill her brother!" the black tom growled. He padded over to Pansypaw, and leaned against her supportively.
"Well, we'll have to vote anyway," Tulipfur told him gently. Lupinepaw seemed frustrated, but he didn't question his sister. The vote began.
Murdered: Sagestar
Healed: No one
Accused: Pansypaw
Revealed: No one
Revived: No one
Murderers Left: 1
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