the wake up
(We see evolto sleeping as lappland is on top of him...we also see....bite marks on him?...nevermind that...but both are seen sleeping...until)
Demo:get the fuck of bed bitch go!
(Rave music insues while demo is seen dancing on thier bed...though the two of them look at him in disappointment)
(Mean while with zero and will)
Zero:(sip on coffee)...
Will:...this is some good waffles
Zero:meh I prefer either pancakes or waffle...both are good
Will:can't argue with long till demo get kicked out?
Zero:he get thrown out of the window
Will:you wanna bet 10 bucks on that?
Zero:eh why not...though if evo ever place a bet....take it
Zero:eh he always loses...I think he has to deal with that...and his poisonous coffee
(Both shudder at Remer what happend when they drank coffee that was made by him)
Will:never let him near a coffee maker
Zero:he stays away from them generally...unless his wife is there to make em
Will:isn't she like Italian or something?
Zero:she a Siracusan....which is basically Italian in thier universe
Zero:...looks like I win
(Will hands him the 10 bucks)
Zero:thank you
(They continue to eat their meals in silence...untill will brings up something)
Will:hey where are the others?
Zero:on this camping trip tournament or some shit
(With the others)
(Rando is seen getting drag by the giant big foot)
(back to them) they are probly fine...
Will:so why didn't we go?
Will:right...if we leave both of them here then they be probably be at eachother throats...
(With evolto and lappland)
Evolto/ much longer are you going to do that lappy?
(Gurgle gurgle)
Lappland:oh just a bit while longer while THIS SHITHEAD GET IT THROUGH HIS HEAD NOT TO DO THAT ANYMORE!
(Lappland is seen pushing demo head into the toilet)
Evolto/me:why don't I just shrink his head like last time? It lasted an entire week...(chuckles) it reminded me of that beetlejuice movie where he got his head shrunk at the end
Lappland:yeah but then he starts to sing...and you know how my ears get if he starts whistling
Evolto/me:right...forgot...ok I think that enough now
(Lappland pulls demo head out)
Demo:(gasp) I think I saw my pet goldfish there! was my wake up alarms?
Lappland:....I'm putting his back in the toilet
Evolto/me:lappy no
(Short time skip)
Evolto/me:why are we in the cell game arena?
Demo:cuz we are having an adventure! Right Kermit?
Cell:why does this guy have a blackhole for a head?
Evolto/me:don't question why aren't you trying to kill us?
Cell:eh Kermit here said he owes him a favor
Evolto/ the fuck does Kermit owe demo here a favor?
Cell:don't look at me
Evolto/me:well at least zarbon isn't take the gayness way to far
Cell:oh thank god I'm not only one who thinks that too?
Evolto/me:yeah I my neighborhood has seen him walk down the street naked like....(counting his fingers)...56 times?
Cell:what the fuck? I thought he said he stopped that shit!
Evolto/me:he has ive seen him get arrested half of the times
(They both look at demo and Kermit discussing)
Evolto/me:....wanna play some chess or shit?
Cell:sure why not
(With demo)
Demo:so that how the great cuci war was ended!
Kermit:yeah turn out roshi and Jesus just got high and murked everyone
Demo:well that interesting...SO! You ready?!
Kermit: oh yeah you betcha
Demo:where shallot?
Kermit:I don't know probably fighting his brother again or something
Cell:danmit...this is bullshit you got to be cheating!
Evolto/me:bro I haven't played chess in like 2 years and this is your first time like playing it, we basically have equal skill here
Demo:oi you two it time to go!
Evolto/me:(sigh)...ready to see what bullshit they have for us now?
Cell:ready if you are
Kermit:um just to clarify...if anything goes wrong...don't blame me
Evolto/me:I will on blame you and demo...thank god my wife at home...she'd probably try to tear him a new one
Cell:hold up...your married?
Evolto/me:you bet your ass i am! And to a fine women I might say
Cell:you got a picture man?
(Evolto pulls out a picture of them at a restaurant in suit and dress)
Cell:hmm though her chest is small...she got a fine rack
Cell:ow man what the fuck!?
Evolto/me:don't talk about my wife body proportion man...if she heard you say that you'd be with the fishes....mob style
Cell:wait she with the mafia?
Evolto/me:her excuse of a father was the boss of the group
Evolto/me:eh probably dead or something...she no longer apart of now...also I think her friend burned that shit to ground?
Cell:what the fuck?
Demo:get in the car you two!
Evolto/me:why don't we just fly to the location or something dude?
Kermit:it wouldn't make the trip a trip really
Cell:let just play along with them and get this over with...I got a battle hungry sayain, the prince of the few left and green man to fight
Evolto/me:(sigh) I can already feel the headache coming....
(With lappland)
Lappland:and that why the window is broken
Exusiai:hahahaha! He actually used an blown-horn to wake you guys up...and that what you did? Ahahahahahaha! Ooh~(wipes away tear) guess you shouldn't have been too busy fucking your man huh?
Lappland:oh please I can see that hicky your trying to hide! You and Texas aren't the most Suttle either
(Both Texas and exusiai blush at this)
(Texas pulls out a pocky then place it in her mouth)
Lappland:still using thoses pockys to substitute your smoking habbit huh?
Texas:it get the job done
Lappland:at least you don't have to deal with orpaithy anymore, heh that shit will mess your brain up..... are you handling it?
Lappland:what? No longer being infected? It bee- are you handling it mentally?...does he know?
Lappland:...(sigh) yeah he knows...I've been going to therapy like he does....
Texas:any nightmares?
Lappland:...not when he's around....
Texas:and when he is not?
Texas:(sigh) you two are really good at hiding that pain...him with hidding his from his friends...but from what I see...with you? He feels free from should be te same....maybe you are in a sense...have you told him?
Texas:you need to tell him
Lappland:He already has enough on his hands...
Texas:and you have way too much to handel....we both know what happend back then...I don't blame you all that much for what you did in the weren't in the right mind back then due to orpaithy...and i was too Stubborn....for four years you two had have the best communication with do that with him...otherwise you'll just cuase some unnecessary drama...and you and him don't handel well with two can both get caught up in it....
Exusiai:....hey...let change the subject a bit ok? is inviting me and Texas to this party...she said we can bring two more...why don't you and yo man come
Lappland:...(snort) yo man? Really?
Exusiai:what he calls you lappy doesn't he?...(smirks) should I call you that?
Lappland:uh uh that name is strictly for him to call me
Exusiai:what his?
Lappland:....little gecko
Exusiai:Aaaww! How adorable!
Lappland:shut up!(blushes) Texas calls you her little angle! How that?!
Exusiai:oh up yours!
(They soon laugh before continuing talking)
Cell:wow a fighting original...
Demo:oh but this ain't no ordinary fighting ring! the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny!
Evolto/me:....oh fuck
(After video)
Evolto/me:(groans) my back....fuck
Cell:why do they go the the back?!
Kermit:eh who cares we won!
Parappa the rapper:oh no it the fuz!
Monty Black kight:SCATTER!
(the group successfully escape)
Evolto/me:oh for fuck all on the news!
Demo:oh shit!...I hope they got my good side!
(Evolto slaps demo head)
Evolto/me:you fucking idiot, if they caught us on camera we are screwed and have to pay up!
Demo:no we don't
Demo:even if we did get caught the people running the tournament would get us out and our records would remain untouched...they made it legal for us to do that
Evolto/me:...oh thank god(slumps) what happend to cell and his frog friend?
Demo:eh they escaped like us, heck Kermit is texting me
Evolto/me:huh....though despite the shit that happend to wasn't boring to say at the least
Demo:oh thanks buddy!
Evolto/me:just hope will and zero find it funny or placed a bet on us...if not they probably be mad at us
(With will and zero)
Zero:so how much money did we earn from the bets?
Will:...about 5 grand
Zero:not bad, not bad...could have earned abit more
Lappland:that my husband right there!
Texas:(sighs before smiling) you really love him don't you?
Lappland:hah! we wouldn't have handel eachother shit for nearly about 5 years then if we didn't now would we?
Texas:...your gonna talk to him?
(Texas smile again, she Pats lappland shoulder before getting up)
Texas:exusiai it time to go
Exusiai:already? Dang time went by fast! You guys stay safe you hear?
Will:oh please it them you should be telling that to (chuckles)
Zero:at least they didn't bring the danm space marines in like tempest did last time...where is he and the others anyways?
Will:...just got a text from him...they will be back tomorrow or so... was that tournament even legalized?
Will:don't fucking know and don't fucking care shit was entertaining that and I got to see Demo get crushed by roadroller
Zero:by that gay vampire who shouted wry or something?
Will:yup shit was good
(After awhile)
Evolto/me:and that how it happend...
Lappland:...huh well that sounded painful and also kinda fun
Evolto/me:try seeing an Australian man punch a yeti so hard it exploaded...yeesh
Lappland:...hey babe?
Evolto/me:yeah what up?...hey why the sad face? something wrong?
Lappland:you know when I said thoses dreams stopped coming?
Lappland:...they been coming back...and worse this time...I could actually feel in them...and that danmed laughter I did...I could even smell that danmed smoke...
Evolto/me:I know saying it gonna be alright ain't gonna do tell you the truth...been saying that to myself for awhile and still that feeling is there...but...we got eachother...and thoses thing are the but of the just live in the now...okay?
Lappland:(chuckles)yeah...yeah let just live in the now...and I gotta return that kiss you just gave me~
Evolto/me:really? Where? On my cheek? On my head? about the lips? How that sound my gecko?
Evolto/me:sounds fine to me lappy...just sound lovely to me
(The screen fades to black)
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