"Well that was eventful." Percy blurted out into the light tension. The sun had set, and the halls lights had been lit.
"Idiot!" Willow hissed in response, slapping the back of his head. "You are the most OBLIVIOUS person I have ever met! Even before you started dating Luke, your pea-sized brain couldn't even register that ONE FACT that Nico stated, you little shi-"
Harry stood by awkwardly beside Jason, watching the scene unfold as Willow and Percy argued, waiting for someone.
"Hey... did Willow say that Percy was dating Luke?" Harry asked awkwardly.
"Yeah..." Jason sighed. "He used to be in love with a girl named Annabeth, but she turned out to be... not so nice." He couldn't help but watch his language around the 15-year-old. "Ever since, they've been falling for each other. According to Willow, it went for...4 years? Five? but anyway, they finally started dating."
Finally, the Hall doors opened, and Sage appeared with Nico in tow. His outfit had changed from his purple t-shirt and shorts to a silk nightshirt and a pair of boxers, and underneath his eyes were eyebags.
That wasn't what caught his attention. It was the fact that his eyes had changed. His sclera was now pitch black, his iris was purple, and his pupil was now a slit, like Voldemorts. Harry felt himself flinch and jump back, and Sage sighed.
"Always their reaction..." he muttered, oblivious to the death glare that Nico aimed at Harry. "Anyway, Willow mentioned you had some memories taken?" He looked from Harry to the now furious Willow towering over a bleeding Percy.
As if this was a normal occurrence, Sage waved his arms, and a dagger the size of his fist went hurtling towards them. Harry would've screamed for Willow, warning her of the oncoming danger.
Much to his surprise, Willow leaned away just in time for the dagger to sink into the wall. It caught both Percy and Willow's attention, as their heads snapped to Sage.
"There. Now, can someone explain why you two are brawling on the ground?"
"Percy's an oblivious piece of shit! Did nobody see how so many girls were throwing his lovesick glances! Heck, even that pink toad gave him a genuine smile! Jesus, Luke was trying to get reassurance, fuckhead! Use your brain you little shi-"
Before anything else could happen, Sage dragged her away from Percy.
Harry felt bile crawl up his throat at the thought of Umbridge trying to date the admittedly pretty boy in front of him. His hand clenched his jaw as he tried not to hurl at the thought. He must've looked pretty bad, because even Nico looked at him with concern.
"Are you alright?" Jason asked, now his favorite person out of the arrivals. He shook his head and choked on his own words.
"Need...throw...up-" He shut his lips once he felt bile touch his tongue, the bitterness invading his sense of taste. Luckily for him, Willow summoned a bucket as he turned to the side to finally throw up in.
"There there, get it all out."
"Ewwww..." Percy muttered, but quickly shut up with a glare from Willow.
"Listen here you little shit-"
"Harry, I'm going to use some magic to see what happened during your childhood. Now-"
"Wait a minute." His voice rang out fearfully. "You-you're looking through my childhood?"
"Yes Harry." Sage's face held worry. "If you'd like, I could just not do it."
"No no, i-it's fine."
"Okay.. Harry, this magic is made for the mortal body. It might hurt, but I'm going to clear the Mist in your memories. Are you okay with this?"
The emerald-eyed boy nodded nervously, trying to calm down the nerves. As a glow emitted from the albino's hand, his eyes snapped shut, memories flowing past.
It started with him in the cupboard, talking to himself. Harry's brow furrowed, wasn't Willow with him? The more he concentrated, the more a misty figure became apparent. Then, a white blast and a ringing in his ear brought him back to Earth.
As his eyes cracked open, he was shocked to find the ground near his level. In front of him, Sage had been blown back about a foot, Nico grasping onto his arms to stabilize him. Willow and Jason tried dragging Harry back up, his limbs feeling heavy as lead. Pery stood over him, glowing water erupting from his palms.
Harry tried to protest, tried to say he was fine, but his mouth refused to work. A cooling sensation pressed on his back and scalp, before lifting. His vision still remained blurry, before a dark hand slipped his glasses back on.
Finally, he was able to stand, and he stumbled towards Sage.
"This... has never happened. Unless..." Sage muttered, obviously thinking. "Harry, extend your arm."
Nervously, he complied. Sage's finger traced from him elbow to his wrist, silently pricking where his vein lay. A golden burst surged upwards, taking the shape of a butterfly and a mural crown.
As the gold evaporated, everyone went silent.
Hey fellows, fellas, and fellus! Sorry for putting this off, but now it's done!
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