Chapter 1; New Device
What could he possibly want so damn early in the morning man...he's lucky I'm his buddy otherwise I would've left his ass on red man...well...I'm here...
I look down at the trapdoor that leads to Jhonnathan's Lab with boredom, I've done this so many times before, it's normal now. Welp...I guess I better start going down.
Damn...I forgot how far it is going down. How far did he say it was again? Like a couple hundred feet down? Shit man. At least I'll get my steps in today.
I start climbing down the long ass ladder to Jhonnathan's lab. Man...why is he so paranoid about people coming into his base? It's just a lab...not like anyone would even notice the trapdoor anyway.
Well...I think I'm about halfway down...might as well just drop down, not like I'll get hurt anyway.
I let go and fall for what seems like an hour before I see the ground and quickly grab onto the ladder to slow my fall. I smell burning skin as I grip onto the ladder and plant my feet to the sides of the ladder. It takes a moment but I finally get to a halt at the bottom. Thank fucking god! That took way too long man...but he did say stop just jumping all the way down so I guess it makes sense to just go down normally.
Good, now I'm at the bottom. I turn around and I'm met with a familiar long hall of darkness. Fucking shit man...why is he so fucking paranoid??
Paranoid ass cat...making me go crazy with all these security least I'm close to the double doors of his lab...finally...his damn lab...
"JHONNATHAN! I'm here!" I say as I reach the door and knock on them 4 times. No answer. Man. Why do I gotta do this shit? Fine...
Finally I hear a slate on the door move to the side as a familiar face appears from behind it. "Password?"
"Jhonnathan...I swear sometimes man..."
"No entry without the password."
He waits impatiently for me to give the password.
"No queen for England and no Towers for the US."
"Entry granted..." he says with a snicker ads the door clicks unlocked and he goes back inside.
Fucking Jhonnathan man...what kind of password even is that?
I open the door with a huff and go inside his lab.
Fucking Jhonnathan with that cute smile of his...goddamnit...fucking cat...what am I going to be his guinea pig for today?
"Glad you could make it Stik! Follow me!" He says as he makes his way to the back room of the lab. I've never seen this room before...must be new...
Woah...that is one dope ass machine...
"What the hell is that?" I ask him as he starts setting up the machine.
"It's a Multiversal System Teleportation Device, or MSTD for short, and you're going to help me test it out!"
Wait, what? I wasn't told that! "Since when? I didn't sign up for this shit!"
"Hey! Rule number 737?"
Oh yeah... I sigh..."Rule 737, no profanity inside the laboratory..."
"Good, you remembered!" He says with a cheeky little smile as he pulls out a duffel bag, "and you actually did sign up for this."
"I did?"
"Yeah? You don't remember? June 17, 3082?"
Oh...shit... "Yeah...I remember that now..."
"Good! Now here's a bag with some food and drinks, no alcohol or anything over there you hear me? Good, now as I was saying...there's a medical kit inside of the bag aswell with a flashlight and extra batteries..." he continued but I honestly didn't even listen to the rest of what he said...I was more focused on how he moved around. Walking here and there, swaying his hips naturally without noticing. Why is he so fucking cute? Shit, FOCUS DAMNIT! YOU HAVE A MISSION! Goddamnit...
"Alright already bud, I get it, you're a helicopter parent. Let's just get this over with okay?" I said before he could start explaining how he built the damn thing.
"Oh! Of course! Silly me...I'll set it up but before you go there I found something that kind of made its way here from that universe. It's some type of phone..."
What? What kind of goofy ass thing is this?!
"Is this a joke? A toy?" I said with a scoff as I grabbed it and examined it.
"I wish it was but this doesn't belong here so I'll send you to that universe to return it...only problem is..." he trailed off like as if he was scared to say it.
"Is what?" I asked him, snapping him out of his trance.
"'s going to take you a couple of days to come back here...the machine isn't perfected so it need to be fixed once you've been there for a day.
Great... now I'm going to be stuck in an alternate universe... "Welp, I better get going then?" I brought up as he look back at me and nodded.
"Just promise you won't let yourself get hurt? It's dangerous over there..."
"Okay, fine J, I'll try not to get hurt..." I reassured him, but no promises, after all...I am Stik Proktor.
I step onto the device with the duffel bag and weird phone thing with a little bit of annoyance.
He starts up the machine and it makes a low whirr before suddenly I start seeing blue electricity flying around me. It takes a couple seconds before I feel a tingling sensation in my throat and spine...then everything turns black.
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