Chapter 3: Is it done?
I was running around the facility wondering where everyone went. I haven't seen anyone since we split up at the beginning. I looked at the paintings in a hallway that had a metal cylinder with a sign that said 'They were made here' but I didn't bother to stop. I had a few blocks in my hands and I was rushing to the center since Blue was running behind me. "Come on Rose! Keep up!" I yelled. "I'm right behind you! Pay attention!" She yelled back. I stumbled, almost dropping the blocks on the ground but I didn't. We made it to the center and I realized that we had finished the pyramid of blocks. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "All of the blocks have been placed in the middle. Head back to the safety room and wait there." The voice said. Me and Rose ran until we ran into a wall. "Ow. That hurt." I muttered. I seen only twelve people return. Sushi closed the door behind her to make sure that Blue didn't kill us in here. "Where is the final person?" I asked. Everyone looked around. "Where is Escapism?" Boomba questioned. "I think I watched him die." Sophia said. "How did he die" Azira asked. "By Blue." Sophia answered. Zero sat down on his bed. "Escapism's bed is missing." Zero realized. "Looks like only one of you died on the first night. Surprising." The voice said. "This is your fault! You made this happen!" Pickle yelled. "Have a good night. Sleep well." The voice ended. I sighed and sat on my bed.
I looked at the walls around us and assumed that they were reinforced steel. I decided that it would be best if I tried to sleep but since someone didn't make it back to the safe room I had trouble trying to fall asleep. "Guys." Zero said then noticed a TV. "I- is that a TV that I am seeing?" He then asked, walking towards it. "I think it is." I answered. Void changed the channels but nothing popped up. "That's strange." Will said. Void nodded, agreeing to what Will said. I looked at the TV wondering why it is there. It confused me but I didn't think about it much. I waited for a few hours until I heard Rose say something. "What did you say, Rose?" I questioned. "Oh. I thought everyone was asleep. I was saying I hope that this will be over when we wake up." She repeated. "Same. I want to go home." I whispered. Void shot out of his bed, gasping for air. "Y- you okay?" I asked. Void shook his head. "Why aren't yo okay?" "Nightmare." He whispered. He blinked rapidly and sighed. He sat there until he looked at the time. I looked and seen that it was almost morning. "How long were we doing that task?" Rose asked. I shrugged. I didn't know but one thing I knew was that everyone is going to be tired later.
I Fell asleep and when I awoke I heard someone panicking. "What did I miss?" I asked curiously. "The person on the speaker said that we have to do another task." Fatal explained. "This is absolute bulls-" "No swearing please." Pickle said. "Fine." We heard the speaker make some static and then it turned on. "Green has unfortunately woke up so be careful of him. You have to look for food while avoiding both Blue and Green. Green is blind but has incredibly long arms and hiding in a box will not help you. Good luck." The voice said.
We watched as the door opened and we all ran out immediately. I ran by Blue and grabbed a couple bags of food right off the bat. It was easy until I seen what Green looked like. I snickered but I knew that I shouldn't mess with it. I did my best to not touch its arms since I didn't want to test its reflexes. I really didn't want to do that. I seen that Void and Will were ahead of me, magically. I stayed quiet until Green walked farther away. "How did you guys get ahead of me?" I asked. They shrugged. "You must be slow then." Void said, snickering. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Will looked back and looked at us. "We should get moving. Not safe to stay in one spot." Will stated. Me and void nodded and followed Will. "How much food does everyone have?" Void asked. "I have two" I answered. Will held up one bag. Pretty simple message. "Ah, okay then." Void finished. We seen a few people running around until we dropped off the food. "We are not close to finishing this." Will said. I looked behind us and I seen Blue charging towards us. How did I not hear him? "Split up!" They listened while I jumped to the side so I didn't get crushed my Blue. I ran until I found a dead end. "This is unfortunate." I muttered. I sighed and sat down, waiting for blue to finish running up the hallway. I heard another set of footsteps but I figured that it was green. I kept thinking that this was the end until Blue made a confused sound.
I looked up and seen Azira saving me. "What?" "Get out of here! I'll be fine, just go!" I slipped past blue and looked back. I seen that Blue had grabbed her arm, like it did to Light but I kicked blue in the shin hard enough to make it roar and let go. "I'm not leaving anyone behind." I stated. I ran to my friends but Pickle stopped me. "Let me help." He insisted. I gave her to him and he made sure that everything was okay. "She appears to be fine but her arm looks fractured." He explained.He grabbed some medical supplies and snapped her arm back in place. He wrapped a ast around her arm and gave her back to me. "That's all I can do. Go see if your friends ca do more." He ordered. I nodded and ran to my friends.
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