Colby Brock x reader PT 2
Colby x reader
⚠️Warnings ⚠️
-Cursing (will probably always be a warning)
"What the fuck?" Colby's hand shot into his hair and Sam yelled, "No way!"
I on the other hand brought my finger to my lips and couldn't help but chew on my nail. What the fuck did that mean? Did it want Kat? If so it had to go through me, Sam, and Colby.
Sam took this time to ask it some more questions while me and Colby sat there in shock. "Who do you want?"
"Who? Kat?" This time I asked.
There were a few moments of silence. Kat flinched and pulled the headphones off a bit before sliding them back on properly. "I heard a loud scream." She said.
"Who do you want?" I asked again. This ghost was beating around the bush, and personally I don't think we were talking to Ann anymore. She was very straight foward and had big gaps between answering, while whatever this was, had a reaction almost immediately. Very strong ones at that.
"You. Standing behind you."
I spun around at the speed of light when I felt a tap on my shoulder, yelping at the contact. "Fuck. Shit!" My hands harshly brushed my shoulder repeatedly and I took multiple steps backwards, toward Kat and Sam. "What? What just happened?" Colby borderline shouted. "Did it mean Kat or you?"
"I swear I just felt something touch my shoulder." Colby and Sam took steps toward me. While Sam kept the camera rolling and on me, Colby set his down and put his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just super weird," I patted his hands on my shoulders and stepped back and out of reach. As much as it killed me to do so, the camera was right on us and I didn't want to be seen drooling over his touch. "Do you think it meant me?"
"Yes." Kat said almost immediately after I asked that. Shouts could be heard from all three of us, mine slightly more quite than the boys as mine was out of fear and theirs more of excitement. "No fucking way!"
I moved closer to Colby and faced Kat. "Who are you?" I questioned. "Because you're definitely not Ann." I saw Colby shoot me a look out of the corner of my eyes.
"Correct." It said.
I sucked in a breathe. "Guys, this- this thing. Whatever it is. Is answering our questions immediately and intelligently. Its so freaking clear too."
By this point Sam had the camera facing me again after it had been on Kat for a while. "How are you feeling about this." He asked. Colby went back to grab the other camera.
"Freaked the fuck out not gonna lie." There was just this weird presence, unlike what we felt before with Ann. This one felt more like, I don't want to say evil, but like it's hateful. I felt angry almost, but they didn't feel like my own emotions.
We tried asking who they were more, and other questions, but whatever was talking to us decided it didn't want to talk anymore, and no other spirits tried to reach out. Colby tapped Kats shoulder and filled her in on what happened.
"No way? (Y/n) are you okay?" She came over and clasped her hand with mine. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just scared me." I let out a small nervous laugh.
"Are you still okay doing the Estes method next?" Asked Sam. At this point all cameras were off, and no one mentioned me going next on camera. So realistically I could say no, chicken out, and no one would know. But a part of me really wanted to do this. Not only to prove that I am not a wimp. But to prove to myself that I can do anything. And a little bit because I wanted to act tough in front of Colby.
"Don't feel pressured to. It's completely up to you. " Kat squeezed my hand. "Yeah, because we can just move on to another room and do something else." Colby added.
I swallowed and shook my head. I was doing this. It was tonight, or I'd regret this moment forever. "No, I'm good to do it. In fact I actually really want to do it."
The boys shared a look with Sam nodding while Kat just gave my hand another comforting squeeze, a soft smile, and set the blind fold in my hand.
"Do you want me to sit in the same chair, or?"
Sam picked the camera back up and Colby handed me the headphones, the loud static could already be heard coming from it. "Lets actually have you sit on the bed."
I shrugged and sat on Ann's bed. "Okay guys. Now (Y/n) is gonna try the Estes method and see if we can contact anything else that lives here." Sam nodded for me to put the blindfold and headphones on.
I jolted a bit at how loud the static really was and waited to hear something.
It genuinely was weird. I'd never done this before and was pretty skeptical on how people explained their experiences, but now that I'm doing this myself, they've explained it in perfect words. Out of body. A floating sensation. Complete unawareness.
Finally I heard something. It was hard to make out but it sounded like, "Hi," a short pause, "Hello." Whatever this was already seemed to have a more quiet, almost gentle presence.
"No, good."
"I like."
"Stop, no more."
"Where did you come from?" This one confused me because what were they asking to get an answer like this.
"Scared." And then it repeated that one again, and again, and again. In a total of what I think was five times. And after the fifth time I felt myself become and little nauseous. "Heyyy, gimme gimme gimme!!" The first part sounded strange to me, but the second sounded like the song.
"I like her."
"I can."
"If I want,"
"I do."
I heard multiple different words at once and the nausea hit me once again, this time with dizziness. "Hey guys, I don't feel to good." And right before anyone could pull me out I heard, "I WILL TAKE HER." And multiple different shrill screams come through the head phones so loud I threw them off and stood up. I ripped the blindfold off and unfortunately because of how sick I was feeling and how long I was sitting I immediately fell foward with black vision. "Shit, shit!"
I felt arms catch me before I hit the hard wood floor but I was so dizzy and my eyes were so blurry I couldn't make out who it was. My ears felt clogged and my breathing was ragged.
"I think I'm gonna vomit."
The cold breeze felt nice against the warm skin of my face. The night air crisp and welcoming after what had just happened. Colby had brought me outside to cool off, atleast thats what he told me, because if I'm being completely honest I don't remember anything after the screaming in my ears.
I also threw up a couple times. Totally lame. And embarrassing. Luckily it wasn't on anyone, otherwise I would have simply ended it.
"Feeling any better?" Colby asked. His hand had been rubbing my back for the past fifteen minutes. The comforting gesture did wonders for the pounding headache, but didn't help so much in the nausea area. "A little bit." I let out a big sigh and finally brought my eyes to his for the first time after the freaky incident.
His eyes were soft and his lips sported a reassuring smile, but there was a glint in them that I couldn't quite pin. "So what did you guys ask it?"
He blinked and drew his hand from my back, clasping it with his other one on his lap. "Well," he breathed, "at first it seemed like we were talking to Ann and John's daughter. We asked if she was evil, then about us and then about her death, which she wouldn't talk about. After the other questions she start repeating 'scared' a bunch and it was like a switch. We think another entity took over the session, and it said some pretty scary things."
When I looked over to him I expected to see the Colby I always see, the one who jokes in serious situations, the one who gets so overly ecstatic when they find proof about the paranormal, the one who always smiles. But instead I saw a scared man. His eyes were glossy staring back at me. His right hand rubbed his chin in a nervous manner, and his knee had been bouncing for the past few minutes. He was scared. For me.
I reached over and touched his hand, lacing his fingers with my own. "It wants to keep you here and I don't think its joking about it." He pointed to my left shoulder, higher up towards my collar bone.
I gave him a confused look, brushing my fingers against the skin I felt a stinging sensation.
No way.
It scratched me. It actually scratched me. And bad too considering there was now a bandaid covering most of it, the scratch being too long, the ends of it peeking out.
As if seeing the panic in my eyes Colby squeezed my hand and positioned himself so he could face me more. Placing his free hand on my knee, drawing small circles with his thumb he continued speaking, "Look-" he sighed and closed his eyes for a second, "me, Sam, and Kat talked and we think we should leave and stay at a hotel. I knew you would want to stay, but I checked the footage and I think we have enough. If not we can always get some clips at the hotel."
"I know it sucks," He interrupted, "but your safety matters more to me then some stupid ghost video. When I saw your face when you took the headphones off, I was scared, but when you fell I was downright terrified." His voice seemed to be on the verge of cracking, yet I could help how his words brought a small smile to my lips.
"I was going to say. I agree. If I'm putting myself in danger, I'm putting you guys in danger too. This video isn't worth a damn thing if one of you guys get hurt in the process."
He finally let's out a relieved breathe, excepting to have had to put up a bigger fight. Then suddenly his expression turned semi serious once again, "(Y/n) I-"
"Guys we got everything packed up. Ready to go?" Kat everything but bursted through the door and onto the porch, with a Sam close behind her. Her eyes were mainly on me with a questioning look, hoping for the answer I was about to give her. "Yeah, let's go."
And with our hands still laced together, Colby and I joined our two friends to the car, saying goodbye to this place, hopefully for good.
"Were still videoing at the hotel right?"
Wowza guys. That's part 2! Don't worry there will be a part 3, it may just be a little bit from now. If your reading this, points for you bc your a real one. Thanks.
Love you guys <3
Wors count: 1908
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