Ryan Kelly #2
You have had an incredibly lousy day. You woke up late because you accidentally set your alarm for the wrong time without realizing it; because of that, you didn't get chance to eat breakfast because you had to hurry to work. You were starving the whole rest of the morning since you didn't get the chance to eat anything until lunchtime. Because of the hunger, you were barely able to concentrate on anything in the morning, and the afternoon wasn't much better.
Thankfully, you're now on your way home. You decide that once you're home, you're going to make yourself a delicious dinner. You can't remember now what you have at home that you could use for a good meal, but you decide that if you go home and there's nothing then you'll just get something from a restaurant because you know that by then you won't feel like going grocery shopping, although that might be a good distraction from the day you've had.
While you're thinking about this, you don't pay attention to anything around you as you're crossing the street. You freeze for a moment, and you turn to see a car coming towards you, and it looks like the driver is trying to stop before they hit you. You hurry to the corner just before the car hits you, and you let out a huge sigh of relief. Who knew what would have happened to you if you hadn't gotten out of the way?
You watch as the car that almost hit you pulls up on the corner, probably because the driver wants to apologize. You almost say "watch where you're driving", but then you remember that you weren't exactly watching where you were walking, so that wouldn't really be fair.
The man who steps out of the car asks you, "Are you all right? I'm really sorry about that. I tried to stop before I could hit you."
"Well, I wasn't doing too good with watching where I was going, either," you say. "I'm all right, thanks."
You take a second to take him in. He's not particularly tall, but his dark hair and blue eyes (and that the fact that he's handsome) could definitely get him labeled as the 'tall, dark and handsome' type. You hear a bit of an accent, too; it sounds Irish.
"Um, I'm glad to hear that," he says. "I feel pretty lousy now for almost hitting you. Is there anything I can do besides apologize? Maybe help you get home or get you something to eat, or something like that?"
"Well, there is a diner down the street," you suggest. "I was going to eat as soon as I got home, anyway. Um, I'm Y/N, by the way."
He smiles. "I'm Ryan. Ryan Kelly."
He holds out his arm, and you loops your arm through his. You're glad he doesn't suggest driving you, because you don't know him well enough yet to be comfortable driving with him yet. And with that thought, you think that maybe you would like to get to know him better.
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