Fred Weasley #1
Fred Weasley is the love of your life. You're both still young, but you're sure of it. You've known him and his twin George since you made it to Hogwarts at the beginning of your first year. It took you time to be able to tell which was which, but it became easier to tell them apart when you fell for Fred.
You've never had many friends at Hogwarts. You're in Gryffindor with the Weasleys, and the Gryffindors are mostly nice enough, but other than the Weasley siblings, you have very few other friends. Making friends is just something you've never been too good at. That makes you cherish your relationship with Fred and your closeness with the rest of his family even more. You're his sweetheart, and he doesn't mind at all when you call him Freddie. In short, there's no doubt in your mind that Fred is the best thing that could have happened to you at Hogwarts.
But that doesn't mean all is well with you. There have been plenty of times when other kids have picked on you, even students from your own house. You've always done your best to ignore them because it feels like the best thing to do. But that doesn't mean it never gets to you.
One day, while walking out of a classroom after class is dismissed, a fellow Gryffindor roughly pushes past you in the doorway. You don't even have to think about whether or not he did it purposefully; you know he most likely did.
"You ought to watch where you're going, Y/L/N," he says with a sneer. "Always getting in the way, ain't you?"
This isn't the first time he's done something like this, and you simply turn away from him as he and his friends walk away. As you do, you notice Ron, Fred's younger brother, standing nearby with his friends Harry and Hermione. They must have been walking by and probably saw that exchange.
"Was he picking on you, Y/N?" Ron asks you.
You shrug. "No. It's fine."
"Well, has he ever done anything like that before? You seem like you're used to it."
"Ron, please." You sigh. "Don't tell anybody, especially Fred. I don't need any problems erupting over something that stupid."
Even though you asked Ron not to say anything, you now know that Fred will find out now that one of his brothers knows about it. After dinner, you go straight up to the girls' dormitory, worried that Fred would know something's wrong just by looking into your eyes.
After a short time, you hear shouting coming from down in the common room, and one of the voices sounds like it could be Fred. You hurry out of the dormitory and down the stairs. It is Fred. He's gotten himself into a fight with the boy who was picking on your earlier. The rest of the Gryffindors are mainly standing around them in a circle, looking unsure as to what any of them should do.
"Fred!" You push your way through the crowd of students and grab hold of your boyfriend. "Stop it! He's not worth it! Can you imagine what Professor McGonagall would say if she found out about this?"
A few other kids come forward and help the other boy to his feet, and he says, "Maybe you should listen, Weasley. Don't want to get yourself in trouble."
"Could say the same for you," says George, grabbing hold of his twin's arm. "I bet it would come out then that you've been picking on Y/N. Trust me, we'll have our eye on you."
A little later, after all the drama has died down and some students start going up to bed, you sit alone in front of the fireplace. Maybe you should have said something sooner. If you had, maybe Fred wouldn't have gotten himself into the fight.
As you're thinking it over, Fred sits down next to you.
"I'm sorry I upset you earlier," he says. "I want to be able to protect you from people like that. I should be able to. I guess I just didn't go about it in the best way."
"No, you didn't. You've got a cut on your face. It hasn't been bleeding, has it?"
"Only a little earlier," he answers, reaching up to touch it. "It's not that bad. It'll be gone soon. You can forgive this if I don't get myself in any fights, right?"
"Of course I can." You rest your head on his shoulder. "You're my Freddie, after all, aren't you?"
"Yeah." He wraps his arm around you. "As long as you want me to be."
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